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January 16, 2007

Present for the meeting were: Co- Chairs Jack Harris and Charlie Reardon, Assist. A.D.A Coordinator Jean Levesque, Michael Taylor, Andy Lepointe, David Tract

Meeting opened with the announcement of a member appointed by the Council to the Commission for the coming year representing the Salem City Council, Ward 2 Representative Mike Sosnowski.

First item on the agenda:  Salem High School, Mass. Architectural Board Hearing on January 11, 2007, DECISION FOR VARIENCES HEARD WERE MIXED. Some were denied, some were approved and some were continued. Lead Architect for the project was going to send in some additional information by January 5th. Al Ross, one of the Architectural firm members had a discussion with Jack Harris stating that the thought of the Architects at this point in time are to withdraw the variances and do everything with the help of the City Building Inspector. A discussion with Paul Lareau the Salem School Maintenance Head, the School Building Committee was meeting January 17th at Salem High School at 3:00pm to discuss this matter. A discussion was had around the issues for variances, that the COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES be a part of the sign off process for BUILDIG PERMITS, PLANNING BOARD and LICENSING BOARD. were made official.

M.B.T.A   Council Sosnowski suggested a camera at the T-Station for violators of handicapped parking and for security.  An order was submitted to the Salem City Council around this issue.  

Duncan Donuts- Highland Ave.  The Building Inspector will be looking at it for compliance for handicapped parking. A generalized letter was talked about to be mailed out for any and all businesses who are not in compliance of the A.D.A law.

Mass. Office On Disabilities  There is a loop hole in the law that allows persons to park in the slash marked spaces.  The legislators  tried to close this loop hole last year but it currently still exist.

Commission On Disabilities still looking for office space. The concern in office space is being in the public view, parking and being a part of City Hall.