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Commission on Disabilities Agenda 6/19/2012
The Salem Commission on Disabilities will hold their monthly meeting on June 19th, 2012 at 4:00p.m. at the Salem Access TV 285 Derby St. here in Salem.

All of the Commission’s meeting are open to the public.  Person’s and their families with a disability and advocates are strongly encouraged and welcome to attend and voice their opinion. .

All of the Commission’s meetings are taped and broadcasted throughout the month on Salem Access TV channel 22 for the public’s convenience.

This month’s guest is, Mayor Kim Driscoll, Mayor Driscoll will discuss and answer the Commission’s questions on various topics.  For more information, e-mail, Co-Chair, Debra Lobstitz at,, David Tracht at, or, Commissioner, Andrew J. LaPointe at or by calling 978-745-4289.


SPECIAL GUEST: Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, City of Salem

SUCCESS STORY: MacArthur Crawford, Social Security Administration

Fidelco Guide Dog walk summary (Andy)
audible bulletin board (David Moisan)
closed captioning (David Moisan)


NEXT MEETING: July 17, 2012

SPECIAL GUEST: Police Chief Paul Tucker, City of Salem