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October 16, 2007
Salem Commission on Disabilities declares their monthly meeting:

The Commission will hold their monthly meeting on October 16, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. at the conference room at Salem Access TV, 185 Derby St.  All disabled citizens and their advocates are welcome.  The Commission encourages guests to voice their concerns on topics such as living in Salem with disabilities.  The Commission also encourages those who cannot attend to view the meeting on Salem Access  channel 16 throughout the month.  For more information, please contact Andrew J. LaPointe at 978-745-4289.
Agenda for October 16, 2007:

Old Business..
(A).      North Street re-development:  Concerns of crosswalks and placements of lines and curbcuts.  Questions from local citizens on the re-location of crosswalks.  Also, making sure that audible traffic signals are in plans.

(B).  The A.A.B. updates:  The Rock Church and the Antique Shop on Hawthorne BLBD.  Results, replies?  The out come.

*C).  Dave Moisan’s update on archiving past meetings:  David is working hard on this project.  He will discuss this matter.    We are very fortunate for having him.

New Business.
(A).     Carnival on derby St. :   Leveling of grounds and other topics of interests as far as the Commission and  A.D.A. is concerned.

(B).  New construction:  The new IHOP on Highland Ave.  David Martell hears from citizen on the newly built wall at the IHOP site.  It is too close to power pole and leaves little room for chair users to utilize the walkway….Reagan said, “Tear Down That Wall” and they did!!

(A).  Voting machines:  November will be Salem’s first for a City-Wide election using the new accessible voting machines.  Yes!! We are ready, are the disabled voters??  The City Clerk’s office has conducted a state training session back in August.  Poll workers are able and willing t assist.

(B).  Andy will demonstrate a talking scale and the Note-Teller 2:  These two devices are a great addition to the blind household.  Don’t know what you have in your pocket as far as money?  Why not ask the Note-Teller 2!