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May 22, 2007

The Salem Commission on Disabilities hereby declares their monthly meeting for May 22nd, 2007 at 4:00pm.  This meeting will be held at the Salem Access Television 285 Derby St. in   the conference room.

Agenda for May 22, 2007:

Old business

A.  Monthly meeting on Salem High School’s renovation:  Jack and Jean met with the building coordinator along with Jason Silva at the Mayor’s office on April 24.  So what happened?

B.  10 Federal St:  Tom St. Pierre, Salem Building Inspector, and his response to the minor accessibility issues.


a.  Market Basket:  Meeting with Mr. Webber, store manager, on handicap parking.  Discussion on how to resolve the flooded area with handi parking.


A.  sponsoring an Access Monitor Course:  Discuss the possibility of having the M.O.D course here in Salem in the near future.  Ideas of locations such as Old Town Hall, Winter Island’s rec hall.  How about a walk thru at the Peabody Museum on the second day for accessibility?  Andrew called Jeff Dugan at M.O.D to discuss the procedure.

B.  Regional Meeting:  M.O.D is Co-sponsoring a meeting in North Andover on May 30.  Main topic is Emergency Prepardness.  Anyone interested going?  Meg Robertson will give a presentation on this topic at our June 19th meeting at SATV.

C.  Dave Martell has invited Mr. Jim Francis, assitive Technology specialist, to our May meeting to discuss ideas on getting information to public on accessible devices for friends or loved ones.  Making life a bit easier could be our middle name?

D.  Handicapped Accessible Playgroud:  Councillor Sosnowski’s efforts to get an accessible playground for the Salem Commons.  Discuss how the Commission can be part of these efforts and obtain a grant to fund this.  Andy will call a person that was successful in materializing the Handicapped Accessible Playground that was constructed in Peabody.  Thank Donna Harris for the contact number.