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March 20, 2007


The following is the agenda for the Commission’s meeting set for March 20th 2007 at 4:00pm.  This meeting will take place at SATV 285 Derby St. in the conference room.

Special guests:
Joanne Scott, Salem Board of Health agent.
Debra Lobstitz, information specialist  Mass Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Open discussion on the how to contact those with hearing impairments.

Approval of meeting  minutes for February 20, 2007…

1.  Salem High School update:  Proposal from the Commission, Paul L’Heureux and original proposal for the ramp.

2.  Hess Gas:  Clarification! To pump or not to pump.  Do they really need to assist?


1.  Salem Housing Authority:  A varience request for the Veteran’s project (Rainbow terr.)  Jack has received the request and we need to understand the items…

1.  Site visit: Dave Martell, plans to do a site visit to clarify minor  access issues at 10 Federal St.

2.  Council on Aging:  Would the Commission consider having someone act as the liaison to the Council on Aging?  As we get older, we have more of the potential of being disabled in one way or another.  Salem’s senior population is around 8,048 people.  We need to make sure their needs are met.