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February 20, 2007

The Salem Commission on Disability Agenda for February 20, 2007:

1.  Update  on Salem High School: Revised version and compremise of denied varience request.  How does this look at this time?  Going forward?
2.  Mr. John Giardi request of Letter:  Mr. J. Giardi, City Electrician, has asked the Commission to provide a letter of request for the new audible traffic signals to be placed on Bridge St. by St. Peter St.  /This letter is to be sent to the State Highway Department recommending the light system to be identical as the audible system on Marlboro Rd.  Commission members feel that having a standard system makes good sense.

1.  Discussion of Salem State College’s approval for the Talking Information Center  to use a sub carrier from the College Student FM radio station:  The use of this carrier will give the opportunity to thousands of North Shore print handicap citizens and also those persons that are not able to turn the page of a news paper or book, to gain access to an array of daily news, super Market guides, and much much more.  Best of all, it is free of charge.
2.  Idea for Commission seminar:  Something to ponder…. Think about it, 50 million disabled citizens in the United States.  These 50 million people have approx $175 Billion of spending money according to the U.S. Labor Department.  As advocates for the disabled, why not help Salem’s  businesses get  good education  in working to provide good services for the handicap?  This is the Commission’s opportunity to help a city that is known all over the world…..not to mention our own city
3.  Social Security office:  The move to 10 Federal St.  Is it really accessible?

1.  George Armed’s show:  Comment of Handicap parking at the Depot.