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DSC Minutes - 6/25/14
Salem Designer Selection Committee
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Sarah Stanton, Michael Lutrzykowski, Tom Devine
Members Absent: None

Devine opened the meeting at 2:00 p.m.

Review of proposals, Bertram Field Fieldhouse Feasibility Study (RFP P-46)

Proposals in response to RFP-46 from Gray Architects, Inc., Arrowstreet, and Beacon Architectural Associates

Meeting started at 2:00 p.m.

Lutrzykowski stated for the record that he has worked with all three firms that submitted proposals.

Devine noted the challenge in reviewing the cost estimating and conceptual design experience of each firm, since the proposals don’t provide much information for these specific review criteria. He wondered if it is implied that when an architect designs a building that the project starts with conceptual design and involves cost estimation.

Stanton stated that Gray’s proposal seems to be lacking information. Devine agreed, but remarked in the past that Gray Architects had been very reputable in past projects with the City. Lutrzykowski noted that Gray’s firm has completed work for St. John’s Prep High School in Danvers and Bishop Fenwick High School athletic fields, but the proposal does not provide much information on those projects.

Lutrzykowski stated that Larry Spang a Principal in the Arrowstreet firm is on the Salem Historical Commission Board. It was agreed he would check with City Solicitor Beth Rennard to see if that is a conflict of interest. Ms.Stanton stated that Arrowstreet does not provide enough information to show that their experience facilitating public participation. Devine wondered again if this is implied in some of their projects.

Lutrzykowski remarked that the Beacon proposal includes Chris Huntress, the landscape architect who designed and oversaw the recent track and field upgrades. It was stated that in the prior phase of the project, appropriate permits at the beginning of project were not filed, and requirements for accessibility improvements may not have been met. Stanton said she wants to be sure they know who Beacon proposes to lead the project. Is this Beacon’s or Huntress’s proposal?

Lavoie asked about the scope of the feasibility study and Lutrzykowski explained.

The Committee came to the consensus that more information and clarity to the proposals submitted was required, it was determined that interviews were required. Lutrzykowski suggested very brief interviews—20 minutes each—architects shall not use PowerPoint presentations. Devine and Stanton agreed.

The Committee agreed to invite all three firms for interviews on Wednesday, July 2nd.

The meeting is adjourned at 2:36 p.m., World Clock time.

Respectfully submitted,
Tom Devine
Staff Planner/ Conservation Agent