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Approved Minutes 10/22/2014
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Helen Sides, Glenn Kennedy, Ernest DeMaio, Christopher Dynia, David Jaquith, J. Michael Sullivan
Members Absent:         Paul Durand, Chairman
Others Present:                         Andrew Shapiro, Economic Development Planner
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Helen Sides calls the meeting to order.

Old new business
Next meeting day before thanksgiving will be rescheduled.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 10 Derby Square, 4th Floor (Gregg Martin c/o Mazow / McCullough Attorneys at Law): Discussion of proposed replacement of windows.
Documents and Exhibitions:
  • Cover letter
  • Sample window, with separate paint samples
  • Photos of existing conditions
  • Architectural drawings of proposed windows
Sides began by confirming that the applicant was requesting to replace the double hung windows on the top floor of the building.

The applicant’s representative, Gregg Martin, explained that yes, 19 double hung windows (six over six and four over four) would be replaced in a like-kind fashion (replicated to match the existing windows as much as possible).  They will be true divided light.

Martin pointed to a sample window that he brought with him and explained that he has done window replacements in historic or old buildings all across Boston, Newton, Newport, etc. The proposed window has insulated double hung glass (simulated putty glazing) with weather-stripping and black spacers between glass panels.  The frame and other components are made entirely of mahogany.  

Martin then explained that the current windows at 10 Derby Street are in very poor shape and that they are letting in a lot of cool air.  He noted that he does not intend to change anything about how the windows appear.  Around the sashes would be painted green and the actual sashes would be painted blue – this is how the windows currently appear and this will not change with the new windows.

DeMaio questioned how the sight lines of the proposed sash and divided lights would compare to the existing windows. DeMaio noted that if the sash and mullion dimensions are different it would not be uniform floor to floor. It is very important to ensure that the new sight lines are as close as to the existing sight lines in terms of the dimensions of rails and sashes, as possible.

Martin responded by explaining that it was his intention to replicate the exact dimensions of the existing windows, within reason and where he could accomplish that.

Sides noted that she felt that if there was any difference, that it would be subtle, and that she is impressed with the proposed window.

Jaquith pointed out that the muntins seem to be a bit thicker on the new window.

Martin explained that the new muntins would be 7/8” thick, which would be required in order to cover the insulated glass spacer.

Jaquith questioned whether the building’s units are condos / owned, as opposed to leased.

Martin said that they were, and that the applicants own the offices they occupy.

Jaquith said that perhaps a standard for window replacements should be set, so that future proposals don’t differ greatly from any project that would be approved this evening.

Sides noted that perhaps the applicant would have to consult with its condo board.

DeMaio noted that he would ask that approval of the project be contingent upon verifying the dimensions of the current windows, in particular the top and bottom rails, as well as the stiles.  He would also like the new proposed dimensions to be documented as well.  If any of the dimensions were to differ by more than ¼” then the Board should be notified.

Sides again noted her concern of the condo association not having prior knowledge of the proposed window replacement.

DeMaio said that it really is not a concern of the DRB, and that a proposal that is approved by the Boards will most likely also be approved by the condo association.

Sides then explained that others in the building might not want such an expensive window in their respective offices or units.

DeMaio noted that that also was not an issue that the DRB had control over.

DeMaio: Motion to approve window as submitted contingent on field verifying existing stile and top and bottom rail dimensions and report back to Andrew Shapiro the dimensions - new and existing.  If the dimensions are within a ¼” of each other, then the project may proceed.  If not, the applicant must return to the DRB for further discussion.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 6-0.

Old/New Business

Documents and Exhibitions:
  • A flyer advertising a seminar on open meeting law and ethics
Shapiro explained that the flyer before the Board is for a seminar taking place on November 8th at Old Town Hall, to go over open meeting law and ethics code.  He noted that members of all Boards and Commissions are being encouraged to go, in addition to staff that oversee those Boards.

Shapiro also noted that the next DRB meeting, scheduled to occur on November 26th, would be rescheduled.  


Review and approval of the minutes from the September 24, 2014 regular meeting.

Documents and Exhibitions:
  • September 24, 2014 minutes
Sides: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: DeMaio, Passes 6-0.


        Kennedy:  Motion to adjourn,
Seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 6:34 pm.