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Draft Minutes 3/27/2013
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday March 27, 2013 at 5:30pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides,
Paul Durand, Ernest DeMaio
Members Absent:         Michael Blier
Others Present:                         Natalie Lovett
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • Essex Street Pedestrian Mall: Discussion and vote on revisions to Washington/Essex Street fountain improvements.
The submission under review before the DRB includes plans, samples, and photos. Judy Tung from Landworks Studios was present.
Lovett noted that the SRA had given approval for the fountain design changes contingent on any recommendations from the DRB.

Tung commented that the changes under review include reducing the size of the fountain basin by 12”. Base material will be precast concrete with an inscribed text from the town pump.

DeMaio questioned what the text blocks will be made of, the reason for the diagonals inside the grate and how they relate to the text.

Tung commented that the 1” to 3” text blocks would be made of aluminum to add weight. Text fragments shall vary in size. Existing text shall be a larger version.
Tung noted that the reasons for the diagonals is the relationship between text and water, it expresses the idea of another layer. The diagonal responds to the concept of water.

Sides noted her appreciation for the disconnection from the orthogonal layout. Sides commented that the words should have their own rhythm, which contrasts from everything else.

Kennedy commented that the text inside the basin should not be too different from the outside text. Kennedy noted that the interior text is trying a bit to hard; the text should be restrained more.

Jaquith: Motion to approve based on changes to the text.

  • Interior basin text will be pulled out a layer.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0.

  • 168 Essex Street (Village Tavern): Discussion of proposed portable signage and umbrellas.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a letter and photos.
Andrew Ingemi was present from Village Tavern.

Ingemi noted the two locations where proposed signage shall be.

Exhibit A will be placed between the stone pillars right in front of the fountain. The A frame sign would point towards the restaurant providing visibility from the street.

Exhibit B will be located behind the dumpster next to the garage. This location does not meet the ordinances rule of being with-in 10’ of an entry door.

Durand noted that the DRB does not have authority to change the ordinance. Recommendations can only be provided. Durand commented that the City Council would need to be contacted in regards to this matter.  

Sides commented that other store and property owners in the mall should work with the landlord and devise a more visible solution to providing advertisement to pedestrians. Tenants have complained in the past, however not enough motion has been achieved to make a change. Working with the landlord and planning department could provide a better solution to this problem. Sides commented that the current arts project located on the garage wall with lighting would be a nice touch of identity.

Lovett commented that the current trademarks would need to be removed.

Jaquith noted that the pedestrian mall needs a permanent sign to better represent its current businesses. The business locations are very difficult to attract visitors. Jaquith questioned whether the board would review the umbrellas and awnings.

Ingemi commented that the awnings and umbrellas are not supposed to have a logo. If the committee is against them, Ingemi questioned whether the SRA or DRB could grant a 60-day grace period to get them replaced.

Lovett commented that the she didn’t believe the DRB and SRA have the authority to grant a grace period.

Durand questioned whether the awnings and umbrellas could have text with no logos or advertisement. This would then eliminate the need for an A frame sign. Durand commented that the current outdoor heaters draw attention to the restaurant. Outdoor activity is a better visibility solution rather than the proposed signage.

Jaquith commented that red and white awnings and umbrellas with village tavern logo would be a nice touch. These items need to be remade. Jaquith questioned how many outdoor tables there will be.

Ingemi commented that there would be 10 tables.

Kennedy commented that mall business owners need to collectively solve this issue of more visibility. Kennedy noted that the current orange A Frame looks more like a construction sign and doesn’t read like a restaurant. Kennedy questioned what the maximum square footage is for signage and whether red and white are the village tavern colors. Kennedy noted that awnings and umbrellas should either be red and white striped or solid red with white text. This would create some consistency providing a distinguished look and feel to the restaurant and a stronger presence.

Ingemi stated that the Village Tavern colors are red and white.  

Jaquith: Motion to approve based on recommendations made by the DRB.

  • Ordinance cannot be adjusted to meet the desired locations for the proposed A Frame signage.
  • Any A Frame signage needs to be 10’ away from an entry door.
  • No logo’s or advertisement
  • No orange A Frame signage needs to be white or red to match awning colors.
  • C location for proposed signage is approved.
  • Red and white stripe or solid red with white text and no logo on all awnings and umbrellas.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 4-0.

  • 2 North Street (FiveHands Curiosity Shoppe): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission under review before the DRB includes drawings, photos, and cut sheets.
Christopher Cinquemani was present from FiveHands Curiosity Shoppe.

Cinquemani commented that the signage would be two pieces with a break connected by rings and a standard bracket. The proposed 3’x4’sign will hang in front of brick wall at a height of 13’. Cinquemani noted an additional 5’ or smaller window sign with gold letters and less of a black edge around the numbers. This sign will be located in the last window.

Sides commented that the current storefront and window sign meets city requirements. Sides noted that the gold letters need a black border for a stronger visibility.

Lovett commented that the urban renewal area could hang 8’ high. The proposed height meets these standards.

Kennedy questioned where the black border and gold color is coming from. Kennedy commented that a black border will help with visibility but text should be 10” tall and needs to be a bit thinner. Kennedy noted that the black could bleed in a bit so they become sections of gold. Kennedy commented that a thinner black outline would provide a stronger visual distance. A white that has a bit of color such as yellow or grey in it should be used. Stark white would not work as well against black. A 1” to 1 ¼” thickness and a black edge would provide a little bit of weight. Kennedy commented that a synthetic board would work, either mdf or plastic.

Cinquemani commented that materials would be aluminum or synthetic.

DeMaio noted that the 114 side has a fairly narrow sidewalk. Proportionally the 36” wide sign is too large and a height of 30” would be more distinguished. Architecture of the wall needs to be acknowledged. Signage needs to be drawn to scale. The protruding cornice appears a bit unusual next to the signage; everything needs to relate to one another. The cornice should not rub against the sign. DeMaio likes the ornate bracket with a decorative molding on the top.

Durand applauds the ornate bracket with the molding above and lettering below.

        Kennedy can review.

Kennedy: Motion to approve based on recommendations made by the DRB.

  • Off white color background with black lettering on blade sign.
  • Text shall be a bit smaller and Kennedy should review the hanging signage location.
  • Ornate bracket
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0

  • 51 Lafayette Street (Derby Lofts): Discussion of proposed awnings.
The submission under review before the DRB includes drawings, photos, and a letter. David Yennaco from Morgan Awning Co. was present.

Jaquith commented that a building inspector and city council need to be made aware of the proposed changes because the awning extends further out than allowed.

DeMaio noted that the awning restriction requires an 8’ height above ground level.
DeMaio questioned the doors height and if sides of the awnings will remain open.

Yennaco commented that the door will be 7’7” high and that awnings will be constructed as they are now, color will be the only change. There is no proposed awning to be located on the corner of the building.

DeMaio questioned why an awning with a long plane rather than a scoop was not considered. The corner appears so massive and dark. DeMaio commented that if the corner were a simple straight plane like the other awnings the mass would be decreased making the street experience more hospitable. DeMaio noted that three big awnings going around corner with a flat plane that comes down would have a stronger appearance and relate to the surrounding awnings better. DeMaio commented that the only round awning should be located at the entry.

Jaquith commented that he prefers a self-supporting awning rather than a post.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following conditions as presented:

  • Awning at entry is self-supporting scoop style
  • Straight plane awning except for entry
  • Awnings to be located at building corners, should match other awnings
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following condition:
  • Submit entry text for font, size, and color approval.
Sides - seconds

  • 83 Washington Street (Melita Fiore Cakes): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission includes drawings, photos, and a letter. Melita Fiore was present.

Lovett questioned whether an image was considered rather than a name. Sign proposal is very one-dimensional.

Kennedy commented that joining the two frames back to back provides a dimension.

Sides noted that the proposed typeface, dots, and type is more elegant. Frame is a bit distracting. Sides commented that Patisserie is an important message but Fiore is more attractive. Sides commented that one sign could say who you are and a separate hanging sign could say Patisserie. Sides questioned whether anything was proposed for the glass.

DeMaio commented that the size of the text is so small that it’s not apparent from 50’ away. Blade sign is ok as long as it relates. The meaning needs to be re-evaluated.  

Kennedy commented that the text needs a bit of texture and a gold leaf. Kennedy commented that he would help develop the signage in time for the next SRA meeting. Melita Fiore then Patisserie in smaller typeface where dots are may read a bit more clearly. Kennedy questioned whether a window decal that has Patisserie written on it would work better than reading it on the signage.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following conditions as presented:

  • Recommendations made by Kennedy
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0

  • 60 Washington Street (Salem Screamery): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission includes drawings, photos, and a cut sheet.
Jim Hopkins was present from Salem Screamery.

Hopkins commented that the existing Ben and Jerry’s shall be replaced with a family friendly ice cream shop. Signage shall have the same size, color scheme, and format of existing sign. Hopkins stated the only change would be the 37” tall vanilla ice cream blade sign.

DeMaio commented that the street sign should be centered under existing windows.

Durand: Motion to approve
Seconded by: sides, Passes 5-0


Approval of the minutes from the February 27, 2013 regular meeting.

Durand: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0.


Durand:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 5-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:00 pm.