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Approved Minutes, Octoboer 24, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Paul Durand, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy,
Helen Sides, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio
Members Absent:         
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • East India Square (Peabody Essex Museum): Discussion of proposed emergency generator.
The submission under review includes an emergency generator proposal, PowerPoint presentation, drawings, and photos. Tim Shaw was present on behalf of the Peabody Essex Museum.

Shaw commented that the existing emergency generator will be removed and replaced with a new generator to be located in the Charter Street parking lot to the east of the museum. Shaw noted that the generator would have a 34’ outside green enclosure screened with three kinds of bamboo, ground cover, and low shrubs.

Durand questioned whether the new enclosure would be sound attenuating. Shaw commented that it would be and that the new system would be exercised once a week for about 20 minutes during mid-day.

Jaquith questioned whether the 6 parking spaces would be eliminated or relocated. Shaw noted that the current 6 spaces would be eliminated and are currently Peabody Essex Museum employee spaces. This change should not have a large impact.

Sides commented that the proposed stack should be a darker color, instead of stainless steel. Darker tones tend to disappear better than shinier, light colors.

Blier questioned whether the existing opening would be closed off. Shaw noted that the existing opening would be left open but covered with bamboo screening and small plantings. There is to be no alterations to the wall.

DeMaio commented that the stainless steel stack would be better visually if the stack was painted a darker color.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following condition:

  • The stack shall be painted a darker color or made of a material that is dark.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 6-0.

  • 270 Essex Street (Game Zone): Discussion of window decal signage.
The submission under review includes a letter, cut sheet, and photos of the proposed decal signage. Neil Crockett was present from Game Zone.

Kennedy commented that he has checked in with Neil a number of times regarding the previously approved blade sign. The sign now has dimensionality, and the bracket is identical to Bella Hair Studio’s. Kennedy noted that current graffiti below the window would be professionally removed and cleaned.

The owner had installed the window decals without knowing they needed approval.

Kennedy: Motion to approve.

Seconded by: Sides, Passes 6-0.

  • 223 Washington Street (Vintage Wood): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a letter, cut sheet, and photos of the proposed signage. Kathleen Holland was present from Vintage Wood.

Daniel commented that the proposed wood sign should have painted black letters on a white panel board with a black rule border. The proposed sign is be 48” x 72”. Daniel noted that window letter decals would be made of vinyl and have the store hours and name.

Blier questioned whether the sign would have a specified font type. Hollend noted that the typeface should be basic block letters or stencils.

Kennedy questioned whether the type would be stacked or two lines of type. Kennedy commented that the current cut sheet does not express proportion and scale. Six inch letters are very large and get larger when they become curved out. Fonts vary in depth and height. More information is required.

Sides commented that a scaled drawing is required to judge height, crowding, size, and spacing. Material should be specified.

Durand noted that professional presentation and cut sheet is required for approval. The 4” and 6” letters are currently too large. The sign is simple and the professional mock up should be able to be handled very quickly. It is almost there.

Durand: Motion to approve with the condition that Glenn Kennedy review and approve a revised submittal.

Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 6-0.

  • 99 and 103 Washington Street and 230 Essex Street
(Town House Square Condominium):
Discussion of proposed exterior paint color.

The submission under review before the DRB includes a letter and photos of the proposed exterior paint color. David Pabich was present on behalf of Town House Square Condominiums.

Pabich commented that light green existing panel colors would be repainted to a light tan color titled “sail color”. Same color white is to be repainted.

Sides: Motion to approve.

Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 6-0.

  • 25 Lynde Street: Discussion of exterior siding and paint color.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a letter and photos of the proposed exterior siding and paint color. Nickolas Esposito was present from 25 Lynde Street.

Esposito commented that existing siding was replaced because of rotten clapboards and trim boards. The façade has already been painted and repaired because the contractor was not aware of the need to have SRA approval.

Jaquith: Motion to approve colors and repair work as presented.

Seconded by: Sides, Passes 6-0.

  • Essex Street Pedestrian Mall: Discussion of proposed improvements to Essex Street pedestrian mall.
Michael Blier recused himself from the Board.

The Board reviewed a submission that includes a PowerPoint presentation, plans, and photos of the proposed improvements to the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall.

Utile, represented by Elizabeth Christoforetti and Meera Deann, and Landworks Studio, represented by Michael Blier and Charlotte Barrows, comprise the consultant team working on the pedestrian mall project.

Daniel provided background. In the spring of 2012, the SRA approved several elements as part of an incremental improvement project. Over the summer, the City removed three landscaping beds and filled them in with brick to match the exiting pattern. Other approved elements include the elimination of the kiosk that also houses utilities, removal of the concrete circular planter, and the replacement of canopy trees. These elements were not implemented over the summer due to a lack of budget and a lack of time given the desire not to have construction going on during peak tourist season.

Alternative treatment of the fountain at Town House Square and cobblestones was also discussed in the spring. The proposal at that time was to remove the fountain and have a different treatment that would acknowledge the significance of the site as the original town source with some water element. However, there was not a set plan in the spring.

Over the course of the summer, the design team was looking at design alternatives. Through that process and based in part on feedback from the spring meetings, the fountain is no longer being proposed to be replaced. Instead it will be refurbished with a different treatment to the basin. The cobblestones are being proposed to be reduced in scope but still maintained.

On October 16, 2012, the SRA approved the proposed plan to complete the removals project, address the cobblestone zones, and refurbish the fountain. The plans before the DRB tonight have additional detail and incorporate feedback at the SRA meeting.

Jaquith asked about the letters the DRB received from the Delta Group and others in Philadelphia.

Daniel explained that three letters were received from people involved with the design from the 1970s—Tom Schraudenbach of the Delta Group, John Collins, Jr., son of the lead landscape architect, and Joe Winter, the sculptor of the bronzes on the Town House Square fountain. They had been contacted by Andrew Carr, a Salem resident. As a result of Andrew’s efforts, Daniel was able to talk directly with Schraudenbach to see if he still had plans. Tim Baird, a Landworks principal who had worked on the original pedestrian mall project, had contacted the Delta Group earlier in the year with the same request but had not received any response.

Daniel noted that Schraudenbach was in Salem a few hours before the meeting (on his way to Maine). He dropped off some of the preliminary drawings he was able to find but did not have any of the contract documents. Daniel walked with Schraudenbach down the pedestrian mall talking about the design team’s thought processes at the time, how the community has evolved, and current ideas about the Town House Square fountain.

Jaquith said he might have documents from his first years on the DRB. He knew Collins from that time. Jaquith noted that he is not particularly enamored with the second fountain in East India Square.

Daniel explained that Schraudenbach noted that at the time the East India Square was designed, Mondev was building the shopping mall, the garage was being built, and the Peabody Museum was expanding. The plaza was meant to become a spot where intersections of people from these places would happen. The design team was responding to what was happening at that time. Schraudenbach noted that the fountain had been altered significantly since it was installed and acknowledged that to restore it would be to essentially start over. He noted that people don’t tend to do this type of fountain with a basin anymore. He added that communities evolve and he wished us well as we try to figure out how that space might be reimagined to meet the needs of the community.

Jaquith noted that it’s an opportunity to become a better space.

Daniel commented that the East India Square isn’t on the agenda tonight.

Jaquith added that John Collins was great to work with and the walkways and the whole system we have are a result of his work.

Daniel then introduced Elizabeth Christoforetti from Utile.

Christoforetti provided background on the conceptual planning work completed during four forums in 2011. She noted that the goal is to keep the pedestrian mall that people love but make it better.

The submission under review before the DRB includes several components. First, eight trees located near the Washington Street entrance would be replaced. The trees are diseased and dying. One tree would be replaced in a new location between the Magic Parlor and Derby Square Bookstore.

Second, the two remaining planters in front of Museum Place Mall would be removed and replaced with brick. New bollards would be added in locations specified.

Third, the kiosk would be removed and the interior utility cabinet moved to around the corner out of the pedestrian mall site line.

Fourth, the cobblestone areas are to be addressed with priority given to the areas in front of Rockafellas and Bernards. The parking “tabs” would be removed and replaced with brick. The main cobble areas would be reset.

Lastly, the fountain by Town House Square would be refurbished and the basin removed.

Blier noted that a goal is have the mall work better for pedestrians and service vehicles. Pedestrian space will be increased and vehicular circulation will be better directed. Materials will match existing flush pavement, brick, and cobblestone materials. Blier commented that site lines into the mall should be increased encouraging more business.

Christoforetti commented that using the cobblestones as a primary pedestrian movement will no longer be necessary. Vehicular zones are identified with cobblestone and pedestrian circulation zones are expressed with brick.

Sides commented that clearing out and creating clear passage is a wonderful concept. Sides expressed her disappointment with the existing fountain. The fountain should be removed to increase the identity of the mall as a street; nothing is significant about the fountain in that spot. It could be shifted to a side.

Daniel clarified for the audience that the pedestrian mall would always be a pedestrian area—not a street like Washington Street. There has not been a decision to change the level of vehicular access, but if there were a change (such as allowing vehicles during certain months of the year), it would still be a zone where the pedestrian was king.

Christoforetti commented that the new design allows for hosting large events. A wide path of travel provides more room for pedestrians while maintaining vehicular designated zones.

Durand noted that if vehicular access were to increase, much more work would be required. He then noted the replaced brick from phase one does not appear seamless, and the existing brick appears to have more sheen.

Blier commented that the same city hall paver has been used. The existing sheen is from age and foot travel. More of the iron brick should be incorporated into the mix. Currently there are not enough dark bricks in the palette. Blier noted that the mix was specified in phase one but not addressed. Brick is easily removable.

Durand questioned whether the bollards are not lined up. Blier commented that existing bollards are not centered and are to remain untouched.

Kennedy noted that he shares Helen’s concern regarding the fountain. There could be some form of the fountain to remain. The proposed design could be done better and smaller. Kennedy commented that Alexandria, VA and Bethesda Lane in Maryland would be great case studies. Blier noted that the city is not dealing with a clean slate, and funding will not allow most of the suggested changes.

DeMaio noted that some light fixtures are being relocated. Light poles should be shielded for residential property located above street level. DeMaio asked if benches, bike racks, and street furniture were included in the plan. All the elements hugging the light pole will eventually take away from the main concept of traffic and pedestrian movement. These items should be acknowledged and addressed. DeMaio commented that a smaller fountain could be a tripping hazard. The proposed ground plane should respond to the fountain and shouldn’t be a patch of area. DeMaio noted that the fountain base could be given its own identity. He also suggested having interpretive signage of the fountain.

Blier commented that mobile tables and chairs are being used as a study. Permanent furniture shall later be addressed. Future funding could later address the ground plane concerns. The existing basin has a height, which would be more of a tripping hazard.

Daniel noted that mailboxes and other pieces by Rita’s would be rotated 90 degrees and should create less of a pedestrian barrier and open up views. Additional outdoor seating may eventually be desired. Furniture could be moved to accommodate conditions at specific times. The existing plaque located on the back of the fountain explains the history of the site.

Betty Bouchard (Trolley Depot) commented that she applauds the increments and phases of work. Bouchard noted her excitement to see the fountain remain. Allowing the public to access the fountain easier and interpret the artwork better visually will enhance the surrounding area.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following conditions:

  • Light fixtures shall be shielded on the building side and aligned correctly.
  • The fountain base shall be examined to see how it might create less of a tripping hazard.
Seconded by: DeMaio, Passes 5-0.

  • 7 Church Street (i Taco): Discussion of proposed portable sign.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a letter, cut sheet, and photos of the portable sign, window decals, and wall signage. Sergio Corona was present from i Taco.

Daniel commented that the portable sign would have two panels located in same location as the Daily Bagel. The signage would be mounted on the existing white plastic holder. Daniel noted that the three-piece wall sign would be located on the existing metal valance. The dimensions are proposed as be 20” high, 6’ long on each side, and 4’ long center in the center. Daniel noted that the window graphic would only take up 20% of window and be centered on a vinyl screen.

Sides questioned whether the image would be permanent on the portable sign. Sides commented that the background skeleton could be much lighter or taken away. The image takes away from the businesses function.

Kennedy questioned what the company brand is. He noted there was no consistency between the “A” frame sign, valance, or window decals. The images do not address business function or brand. The black band with typeface on valance is not represented in any other signage. The language needs to be consistent. The valance should appear visually like the Omen concept with black end pieces continuing out to very edge of storefront.

Kennedy noted that the shape of the center panel on the wall sign should match rule line shape or be eliminated. Currently the box is fighting the form.

Blier commented that the i Taco typeface should match other sign typeface.

Regarding the window decal, Kennedy commented that the white translucent screen should cover the entire window. The screen should be a textured translucent pattern and cover the entire window. The image should not be centered on the window; it should be located at pedestrian eye level.

Durand noted that a translucent screen should continue to fill entire window and look consistent with other branding signage.

Jaquith noted that he would rather see the screen covering the entire window.

Sides commented that the screen could be dropped a bit lower and not take over 2/3 of the window. The image needs not to be centered on the window.

Regarding the A-frame sign, Sides commented that the Don Quixote image should replace the skeleton image.

Kennedy noted that yellow boxes should be consistent in size. Text and pattern located at signage top and bottom of signage should be gray scale. Color should express images of food. Title should just say “Visit us inside the mall”, with a clean arrow.

Jaquith commented that all the backgrounds should be the same size. Banner located underneath images should be consistent. Arrow needs to be cleaner.

Blier commented that the images on left side next to “La Caterina” gets to be congested and should only be located on the other side.

Wall Sign
Durand: Motion to approve with the following conditions.
  • The center panel shall be the shape of the rule line, or it shall remain a rectangle but the rule line shall be removed;
  • The black background shall be extended to the length of the valence with no additional words.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.

Window Decal
Jaquith: Motion to approve with conditions.
  • The background shall be a textured translucent screen with dot screen pattern of 75% translucency;
  • The background shall fill the window; and
  • The Don Quixote image shall remain solid.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.

A Frame Sign
Durand: Motion to continue “A” frame sign proposal.

Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 6-0.

Approval of the minutes from the September 26, 2012 regular meeting.

Jaquith: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.

Jaquith:  Motion to adjourn,

Seconded by Durand. Passes 6-0.

Meeting is adjourned at 8:22 pm.