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Approved Minutes, August 22, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides, Paul Durand, Michael Blier
Members Absent:         Ernest DeMaio
Others Present:                         Natalie Lovett
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • Front Street and Klop Alley (Parking Lots): Discussion of proposed parking lot modification.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a parking lot modification plan.

Bill Ross was present on behalf of New England Civil Engineering. Ross noted that the intent is to remove the existing curbing between Front Street and Klop Alley and to rework the parking space angling. Ross commented that the Lafayette Street entry would be closed; traffic will enter through Klop Alley in two spots then exit in the middle. The proposed scheme will provide an additional eight parking spots with a more efficient route.

Durand inquired whether there will be proposed signage in entry and exit zones. Designated parking and do not enter signs, painted arrows, as well as pay and parking meter locations should be indicated on the drawings. Durand noted that overhead signage would be preferable.

Jaquith questioned whether there would be landscaping. Ross noted there will not be any landscaping due to cost and efficiency.

Blier inquired whether the spaces were 45 degrees, and if double loaded parking spaces meet code requirements. Blier additionally noted that a site photograph would be desirable, commenting that by losing a sidewalk the pedestrian connection may become disrupted.

Durand inquired whether the number of ADA compliant spaces meets Mass AAB, Salem zoning, and ADA. This number should include how many spaces are accessible for van parking. Ross commented that Klop Alley currently has six ADA compliant spaces, with two proposed additional spaces to be added. Durand also noted that dimensions should be included on the drawings indicating travel lane widths; drive aisles, and parking space widths.

Sides: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Number of ADA required accessible parking spaces shall meet Mass AAB, Salem Zoning, and ADA requirements.
  • Plans shall indicate site conditions, location and number of parking meters and pay stations, signage and painted arrows, travel lane width, drive aisle width, parking space width dimensions, and Front Street edge condition.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.

  • 93 Washington Street (City Hall): Discussion of proposed roof replacement and chimney repair.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a roof and chimney replacement proposal, drawings, and photos.

John Hecker and Wendall Kalsow where present on behalf of McGinley Kalsow and Associates. Hecker noted that last year the City Council secured a $2 million bond for a new roof, skylights, and masonry repair on City Hall. Hecker noted that the DRB would only be reviewing a portion of the project today, which includes a new roof, masonry repairs to the chimneys (re-pointed, removed, or rebuilt), new gutters and downspouts, and to repair the existing skylights.

Hecker noted that one visible change would be to remove the rectangular penthouse that was a 20th century addition. It would be more of an expense to repair rather than remove. Hecker additionally noted that the six current skylights are a combination of sheet metal or copper. The intent is to rebuild them with copper and insulated glass. Hecker noted that the existing roof profile and dimensions would not change. Hecker commented that all new copper gutters and downspouts will match existing finishes and will remain in their current locations.

Hecker demonstrated the proposed PVC roofing material manufactured by Sika Sarnafil which provides more longevity and is less expensive. Hecker noted that this material should not be visible to the pedestrian’s eye.

Durand commented that the lighter grey shade would reflect more heat.

Sides commented that she was in favor of the lighter grey shade as well. Sides questioned whether it would have seams. Hecker commented that there should be no seams.

Kennedy noted that chimney heights, colors, and skylights would be the same as the existing. Hecker commented that all the mortar shall match the existing off white color, chimney heights will remain the same, and skylights will be replicated the same as well.

Jaquith: Motion to approve. Seconded by: Sides, Passes 6-0.

  • Liberty Street (Witch Trials Memorial): Discussion of proposed sign.
The submission includes photos and material of the proposed signage.

Patty MacLeod was present on behalf of the Witch Trials Memorial. MacLeod commented that the existing sign has broken legs and provides no form of way finding. MacLeod commented that her intent is to provide a temporary sign hung over the base for the dedication to be held on September 9th. The proposed final sign will conform to other city signs.

Jaquith questioned what was located in the lower portion of the sign. MacLeod commented that it is the original logo.

Blier inquired whether the sign should have a single black post. MacLeod commented yes.

Sides questioned whether the notes from Tom Daniel about coordination have been reviewed. MacLeod noted that the “Salem” text size has been increased, and its location has been moved a bit lower on the sign. MacLeod also commented that a change of font for the “Salem Witch Trials Memorial” text has also been acknowledged. MacLeod commented that Tom Daniel had addressed that the sign must be more compatible with other signage located in the city.

Kennedy commented that the signage should provide a reference to the memorials location in connection with the visitor’s current position. This notation should not detract from the rest of the sign. Kennedy additionally noted that the threshold area is not embracing the rest of the sign. Temporarily it is fine but for the final sign their needs to be a connection.

Sides commented that more space is needed between the Salem award logo, it currently appears squeezed and should be moved down a bit.

Sides: Motion to approve the temporary sign. Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 6-0.

Approval of the minutes from the June 27, 2012 regular meeting.
Jaquith: Motion to approve. Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.

Approval of the minutes from the July 25, 2012 regular meeting.
Sides: Motion to approve. Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 6-0.


Durand:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:00 pm.