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Approved Minutes, April 25, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Michael Blier, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Members Absent:         Chairperson Paul Durand, David Jaquith, Ernest DeMaio
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Helen Sides calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review

  • 186 Essex Street (Witch City Ink): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The submission includes a sign permit application form, letter, and photos of the proposed signage.

Nathan Alexander and Cassandra Warren were present from Witch City Ink. Alexander stated that sign is purposefully simplistic and does not want to change the sign design. Imagery is meant to be neutral and inoffensive. The business name is identified in the permanent signage.

Sides reviewed the process and why A-frame signs are under review.

Kennedy stated that the purpose of the DRB is to advise the SRA. The commentary provided is advisory and the work of the DRB has had an impact across the downtown.

Alexander stated again that he is not looking to replace his signage at this time and does not want to spend the money unnecessarily. If he were going to spend the money, he would rather make it an attraction.

Blier commented that the Board has worked towards bringing order to the hodge podge that is downtown.

Daniel stated that sandwich boards were previously illegal in the City of Salem. City Council decided to adopt this ordinance to bring order to the sandwich boards throughout the downtown. There was a grace period for businesses to comply. The ordinance is now being enforced and a permit is required.

Alexander summarized his understanding of the recommendations of the board. Sides and Kennedy stated that the comments were simple revisions that would make the sign more impactful.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the understanding that if a new sign is created in the future the following conditions should be addressed:

  • Something other than a white frame would enhance the sign;
  • Letter spacing would be adjusted; and
  • Relief along the border.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 2-1.

  • 231 Essex Street (Colonial Hall at Rockafellas): Discussion of proposed awnings and exterior lighting
The submission includes a letter, description, and photos of the proposed awnings.

Kevin Marchino was present. Daniel stated that a new awning is being proposed. In addition, approval is being sought for exterior lighting that was installed last fall. Marchino noted the exterior lighting can be adjusted to be any color.

Sides commented that the lighting is not ideal with the exposed wiring. Wiring needs to be concealed. The owner commented that some of the wiring is from the City’s banners, but not all. Wiring the fixtures from the inside of the building is difficult due to the architectural features and may damage the brick. Kennedy commented that there are ways to handle it that are more aesthetically appealing.

Sides further commented that the lighting does not appear to be lighting the building effectively and is not in favor of the exterior lighting and exposed wiring. Blier suggested that there may be a way to conceal the lighting on the upper level sills. Marchino to come back with a revised plan for further review.

Marchino confirmed that the awning does not block the window and is shown incorrectly in the image.

Blier questioned the selection of the dome awning. Kevin stated that the dome is more in keeping with the style of the building.

Sides stated that the awning front is too tall at 8’. The proportion will look very strange. Moreover the two awning locations require a different treatment due to the architecture of the building.

Marchino said the awning on Essex Street is a marquee and is the entrance used by 90% of the population as the elevator is immediately within. The awning on Washington Street will mark the main entrance to the Hall in the future.

Blier suggested that a sign may be enough on the Essex Street door since the entrance is already recessed. Sides agreed and further suggested that awnings may not be required and an alternate solution might work better. Blier then commented that the awnings will cast both entries in deep shadow and may not have the desired effect.

If the awnings are truly what are desired, more information is to be provided to the DRB.

Kennedy: Motion to continue based on the commentary provided, Seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 247 Essex Street (Gulu Gulu Café): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The submission includes letters, plans, drawings, and photos.

Gulu Gulu was not present. Sides and Kennedy commented that the sign is consistent with the rest of their signage.

Daniel stated that the sign location needs to be reviewed with the owner as its current location is outside of 10’. Kennedy expressed concern over having the sign up against the chain as it might impede the public way. Daniel suggested that the sign could be located where the scooter is shown in the picture. This would be inside the chain area.

Kennedy: Motion to approve, subject to revised sign location, seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 221 Essex Street (Mud Puddle Toys): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The submission includes a sign permit application form and photos of the proposed signage.

Daniel questioned where the A-frame is going to be located. The owner stated that he has yet to determine where it should go. Most of the time it is tucked in the door way. Daniel stated that the sign could be placed next to the bollard as long as there is 5’ of clear space for accessibility. Daniel also noted that balloons cannot be tied to it per the ordinance.

Kennedy and Sides like the sign. Kennedy would like to see a black A-frame to tie in with the rest of the signage.
Kennedy: Motion to approve, seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 25 R Lynde Street (James Barr Carriage House): Discussion of enclosure of previous “green house” area with roof and wood clapboard siding
The submission includes a statement of proposal, scaled color drawing, and photograph of the existing building.

Mike Becker was present and provided additional photos and an architect’s rendering to the DRB. Sides questioned if this space will become interior space. That is the intent. Proposal is to take a few courses of brick off and line up the windows. An additional door may be required for egress. Door is currently not shown. Roof line/configuration is still under consideration. Sides suggested that clapboard siding should extend all of the way up. A small, simple window could be added. If cover is required over the door, it is something independent and different in terms of pitch and architectural features. In addition, a new window is being proposed on the first floor. Lastly, they are looking to replace the side door. If treatment is required over the door, it should match the other door previously discussed.

Sides: Motion to approve with the following conditions:

  • Clapboards extending all of the way to the top;
  • Introduction of a small square or slightly rectangular window with no more than four lites;
  • Inclusion of egress door;
  • All three doors should match; and
  • Final review of revised drawing by Sides.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 3-0.


Approval of the minutes from the March 28, 2012 regular meeting.

Kennedy:  Motion to approve, seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

Other Business

Daniel discussed the request of DeMaio to move the meeting to a later time. Moving the meeting time created difficulty for Durand and Jaquith. Given the lack of consensus, the meeting time will not be changed at this time.

Daniel also reviewed the date and time for the upcoming special meeting for the Pedestrian Mall. Meeting to be held on 5/9/2012 at 5 pm.


        Kennedy:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Sides. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:50 pm.