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L. Approved Minutes, December 28, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday December 28, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Paul Durand, Glenn Kennedy, David Jaquith, Helen Sides
Members Absent:         Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel, Economic Development Manager
Recorder:                               Tom Daniel

Chairperson Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 304 Essex Street (Liberty Tax Service): Discussion of proposed signage
The board reviews a submission, dated December 16, 2011, that includes a sign permit application form, plans and photos of the proposed signage. Linda Poehler attends on behalf of Liberty Tax Service.

Daniel provides background on the previously approved signs and the current proposal.

Poehler explains the 2’x3’ cardboard signs will change with specials of the season.

Daniel explains the requirement that no more than 20% of the window area be obscured.

Sides states she would like to see phone number smaller and it would look better if the number weren’t squeezed into the corner of window. She states it does not look professional and needs to be cleaned up more.

Jaquith agrees with Sides about size of the phone number and suggests it should be about half the current size.

Kennedy agrees with Sides and Jaquith. He explains how the temporary signs could be more readable if there were some open border space around the text. He asks if the phone number will be red.

Poehler responds it will be.

Kennedy states it will make it harder to read if it is red. He would prefer to see it smaller and white. Sides and Jaquith agree.

Kennedy notes that if the phone number were a couple of inches smaller and white, it would stand out more.

Durand states he would like the window to be more composed. The telephone number is justified to the right. He would like to see the “CPA owned” sign centered with phone number centered too. He agrees that the phone number needs to be smaller and white would be more visible.

Jaquith notes that the temporary signs have permanent information. Board members suggest alternatives for how the permanent information could be displayed as decals at the top of the windows.

Poehler states there is sun glare off the window and white would not be visible.

There is discussion about the glare and whether white or red lettering would be more visible.

Jaquith suggests a white background instead of a transparent background. He notes that it is important to reduce the clutter.

Kennedy explains the goal is to make the signage look cohesive. He adds that the phone number should be smaller by 2”. It could be red or white and can stay transparent as presented. For the other signs, he notes that there are six or seven different font treatments and those should be reduced to no more than three.

Poehler asks if they can temporarily use the decal with the phone number and come back next month with a revised proposal.

Jaquith notes that Kennedy’s ideas would make it look more professional.

Poehler indicates they want to be in full compliance and  have removed the light up box signs. They will also be removing the statute of liberty cover on the side door.

Sides: Motion to continue, second by Jaquith. Passes 4-0.

  • 10 Derby Square (J’Adore Romantic Gift Shoppe): Discussion of proposed signage
The board reviews a submission, dated December 16, 2011, that includes a sign permit application form, plans and photos of the proposed signage. Tammy Rosenblatt.

Daniel provides an overview of the proposal and notes the building has a previously approved signage program. The proposal is consistent with that program and has been approved by the condominium association.

Rosenblatt provides a brief overview of the business.

Durand asks for clarification of the location of the portable sign.

Daniel and Rosenblatt indicate the correct location is on the building side of the tree as shown in the cover photo.

Kennedy asks if the entry decal is transparent.

Rosenblatt indicates it is.

Kennedy asks why there is the red box around it.

Rosenblatt states she thought it would make it more visible but she is not committed to it.

Kennedy states he thinks it would be nicer without the red box. It would be more elegant and would let people see the logo better. The image could move down on the glass a bit. He suggests moving the top of the oval down to where the top of the “a” is now.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following condition:
  • The red box on the window door decal shall be removed and the graphic shall be moved down slightly.
Second by Kennedy. Passes 4-0.

  • Preliminary Discussion of Outdoor Café Umbrellas
Daniel asks for input from the board about whether or not to establish requirements and the process to follow for input on those requirements.

Durand states he doesn’t recall approving an umbrella with a logo on it. However, there are some nice ones.

Kennedy also notes that there are some good examples of umbrellas with logos and also some bad ones.

The board discusses different examples locally and in other communities.

Durand states what matters most is having the control over what goes in rather than whether or not the umbrella has a logo. There needs to be strict approval and compliance with the approval.

The other board members agree.

Daniel will send a letter to current permit holders to let them know that their umbrellas need to be approved by the SRA.

  • Approval of 2012 Meeting Schedule
Jaquith: Motion to approve, second by Kennedy. Passes 4-0.

Approval of the minutes from the from the November 16, 2011 regular meeting.

Jaquith: Motion to approve, second by Sides. Passes 3-0.

Kennedy:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 4-0.