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K. Approved Minutes, November 16, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Paul Durand, Helen Sides, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith,
Members Absent:         Glenn Kennedy, Michael Blier
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel, Economic Development Manager
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Chairperson Paul Durand calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 265 Essex Street: Discussion of proposed window replacement
Proposal has been withdrawn and is being revised.

  • 47 Federal Street (Hemsey Judge, PC): Discussion of proposed signage
Michael Osborne from Hemsey Judge was present. The board reviews a submission that includes a sign permit application form and photos of the proposed sign. Hemsey is a new law firm to the city and are looking to update the signage. The existing sign was deteriorating and has been removed. The information on the sign was out of date. Sign foam was provided at the meeting for review.

Osborne noted that they received notice that there might be an issue with the telephone number on the sign. Daniel confirmed that he left a message indicating that phone numbers are not typically placed on blade signs and are typically located in other areas.

Sides commented that the shape of the sign and overall design are pleasing, but that some of the information on the sign is confusing. Sides suggested that the “Felt Building” type should be changed to upper/lower case and be more tightly spaced. “Hemsey Judge” could be moved down on the side.

Durand suggested that the telephone number be replaced with the date that the building was constructed.

DeMaio asked about the sign border and stressed that it would look best if it was recessed into the sign. Osborne confirmed that the border and letters are to be recessed.

Durand questioned the location of the sign. Being mounted near the fire strobe might not be acceptable to the fire department and will require their approval.

Sides: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The border and letters shall be recessed into the sign;
  • The phone number shall be replaced with date of construction;
  • The date the building was constructed shall be located under “Felt Building”;
  • “Hemsey Judge” shall drop down on the sign slightly; and
  • The sign location is subject to approval by the fire department.
Second by: Durand, Passes 4-0

  • 60 Washington Street (Body & Soul): Discussion of proposed portable sign
Gus Sousa is present on behalf of Body & Soul. The board reviews a submission that includes a letter dated November 7, 2011 with images.

Body & Soul came before the DRB at the beginning of the year to review the A-Frame signs. At this time, one 2 x 3 sign is under review. The Body & Soul representative confirmed that the colors are to coordinate with the brochure/branding colors.

Sides commented that the yellow box feels out of place and is too strongly defined and conflicts with the adjacent image. DeMaio commented that the actual yellow is more subtle and will bleed into the neighboring image as the background. The representative confirmed that it will and will be consistent with the imagery in the brochure.

DeMaio reviewed the text. The phone number seems too large relative to the other text. Durand agreed that it distracts from the rest of the information on the sign. The content might read better if the phone number text size was reduced to half of what it is and should be slightly bigger than “massage and wellness”. DeMaio and Durand commented on the text justification. All text should be center justified under “Body & Soul”. The space under the logo to be left blank.

Daniel confirmed that a revised submission will be required prior to the SRA meeting on 12/14/11. Hard copies will be required by 12/1/11.

DeMaio: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The colors for the logo and background shall match the brochure;
  • The background color shall bleed across the background of the image;
  • The text shall be centered justified; and
  • The scale of the phone number shall be reduced by 30-40%.
Second by: Durand, Passes 4-0

Daniel updated the group on the status of the urban renewal plan. Within the revised document, clarifications have been provided regarding what regulations apply to which buildings. The expectation is that the new plan will be in place by March 2011.

Daniel noted that restaurant umbrellas will be an upcoming topic of discussion. The group will need to develop guidelines prior to next season.
  • October 11, 2011 special meeting:
Sides:  Motion to approve with the following corrections:
  • Correct Durand’s name throughout; and
  • Confirm the use of the word historicist.
Seconded by Durand. Passes 2-0.

  • October 26, 2011 regular meeting:
Sides:  Motion to approve, seconded by Durand. Passes 2-0.

        Jaquith:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Durand. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 6:49 pm.