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J. Approved Minutes, October 26, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday October 26, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Paul Durand, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Members Absent:                 Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Michael Blier
Others Present:                 Tom Devine, Staff Planner
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Chairperson Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 128 Washington Street (Café Kushco): Discussion of proposed exterior improvements and signage
The board reviews a submission that includes images of the proposed signage. Physical sample of lettering was provided. Representatives from Café Kushco confirmed that the lettering would be this size and shape, but not this color.

Paint colors were reviewed. Green on exterior is darker than the green on the interior.

Kennedy questioned the clear height to the bottom of the sign. Tom Devine confirmed that the bottom of the sign must be at 10’-0” above grade. Durand suggested locating the sign on the column to the right of the door.

Kennedy reviewed the fonts presented. The proposed design has five different fonts in one small space, which creates clutter and confusion. Kennedy recommended a reduction in the number of fonts from five to two or three maximum.

Durand questioned the use of all capital letters. Kennedy indicated that using capital letters is a preference, but varying upper and lower case letters might introduce hierarchy into the message.

Durand confirmed that the revised design must be provided one week prior to the SRA meeting on 11/9/11. Seven printed copies must be submitted by 11/2/11 for the SRA meeting.

Kennedy: Motion to approve, with the colors provided and the following conditions:
  • 10’-0” clearance at the blade sign;
  • Blade sign to be relocated on the column to the right of the door;
  • Revise font at bottom of the glazing where “Free Wi-Fi” and “Frozen Yogurt” are written. Font to match one of the other fonts. Font size should be relative font size to “Free Delivery” located just above on the glazing; and
  • Maximum of three font types (not including K of the logo)
Seconded by: Sides. Passes 3-0.
  • 45 Lafayette Street (Global Deeds Foundation/Artropoly): Discussion of proposed signage
Signage will not be reviewed at this meeting as no signage package was submitted.

  • 72 Washington Street (Salem Cycle): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The board reviewed a submission that includes a letter and photo of the sign.

Devine noted that Tom Daniel indicated that there has been an on-going compliance issue with a lighted OPEN sign. Dan Shuman (owner) confirmed that the issue has been resolved.

Shuman noted that he is not proposing to replace the sign with a new design. Goal of submission is to bring existing signage into compliance. A new sign will be printed to replace existing A-Frame in kind. Owner confirmed that color and graphics are consistent with the logo.

Kennedy commented that the fonts are adequate. Sides suggested the removal of the second Salem Cycle at the bottom. In addition, all graphics to be shifted down slightly to be centered on the sign.

Kennedy will review revised design for approval. Shuman to send PDF to Tom Devine, who will forward to Kennedy.

Shuman to provide seven revised copies by 11/2/11 for the November SRA meeting.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:  
  • Remove Salem Cycle at the bottom; and
  • Shift all graphics down slightly to be centered on the sign
Second by: Sides, Passes 3-0.

  • 322 Derby Street (Rouge): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The board reviewed a submission that includes photos of the sign.

Sides provided an overview of the on-going A-frame review.

Devine read comments submitted by Earnest DeMaio. Anne Massey (owner) questioned DeMaio’s comments. The sidewalk is not narrow. The width of the existing sign is required to withstand the wind on Derby Street. Traditional sandwich boards do not work in this location, as the wind is too strong.

Sides commented on the function of the sign. Massey confirmed that they write weekly specials on the board. The purpose of the chalkboard is to bring some whimsy and warmth to the store. The intent of the sign is to be a chalkboard; not meant to be a professional, permanent sign.

Kennedy suggested that there is a solution that is in the middle. He commended Massey on overall signage and branding. The A-Frame sign could be improved if there was cut lettering on the top to tie the branding in (font type and color consistent with logo) with hand written specials below.

Sign is beyond the allowed dimensions. The DRB does not have the authority to weigh in on the requirements of sign sizes. Kennedy and Durand do not have and issue with the size of the A-Frame in this particular location. Tom Devine will follow up with Tom Daniel regarding size.

Devine noted that Massey must submit seven copies by 11/2/11 for the November SRA meeting.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Add “Rouge” logo on the top of the sign (both sides) to mimic other logos; the second line of the logo, “Cosmetics” may be added if it fits
Second by: Sides, Passes 3-0

New Item
Shirley Walker, Derby Lofts, attended the meeting to discuss the Artropoly signage.

Walker questioned if Mikes Museum came before the DRB regarding their signage and the design of the garage door. Walker feels the garage door is not appropriate. Other adjustments to the signage and façade are also not unacceptable.

Walker indicated that on October 15, 2011 there were several incidents in the neighborhood regarding violence. Metal awning installed by Mikes Museum blocks street light from above. As a result, the sidewalk is below not well lit. A couple of issues need to be addressed: standards for the rest of Salem in terms of signage and public safety.

Durand commented that the concept was approved for a revolving art piece. Monthly review of content is up to Tom Daniel who is absent tonight. Enforcement is up to the building inspector.

Walker requested that Mike’s Museum be brought in for a further review.


No minutes to review

        Sides:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Durand. Passes 3-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:01 pm.