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Approved Minutes, May 26, 2010
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Special Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday May 26, 2010, at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington St.
Members Present:                        Chairperson Paul Durand, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Members Absent:                         Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Michael Blier
Others Present:                         Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Lindsay Howlett

Board Member Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

  • 43 Church Street (Lyceum): Discussion of proposed outdoor dining area
Debbie Schneider and George Harrington are present to represent the Lyceum.

Daniel states the Lyceum is looking to add tables and chairs behind their restaurant in the adjacent courtyard area. Daniel adds shrubs are shown and are actually on the land owned by Salem Five. Daniel further adds the Lyceum has received permission to plant on that land. Daniel states the proposed plan shows four tables with four chairs, two benches, and a coffee table. Daniel adds instead of stanchions and a chain, the Lyceum is proposing a series of planters and trellises on the east and west ends of the dining area.

Schneider states the Lyceum is planning to have a few umbrellas with no signage on them, planters facing inward with the back side to have a painted finish to match the front. Schneider lists a few plants they are planning on using, trumpet vine, ferns, inpatients, mostly greenery little potato vine, different colors of green and adds that evergreen shrubs on the mound would be low. Schneider adds they will rusticate the planters a little bit which are to be painted a deep green color with a faux finish to blend into the greenery.

Schneider describes the table and chairs as a deep brown, faux wicker and the table as faux wood and steel with lanterns on them. Schneider adds the benches are to be a dark brown. Schneider further adds the stanchions would be black and a chain would run along the pedestrian edge. Schneider states they will probably be adding some small lighting on the rear of the building to illuminate that area a little bit.

Sides states the Board would want to see a photo of the building indicating the location of the light and identification of the fixture type.

Schneider responds the lighting would be similar to the existing light above the back door.

Kennedy states he would love more table seating outside, and adds the plantings along the back will really help. Kennedy asks about the existing parking posts.

Harrington replies they would love to have it removed but it is up to the city and adds the fire hydrant occupies a lot of space as well and the lamp post between the two trees.

Kennedy states he likes the tables and chairs and the umbrella but questions the flower boxes material. Kennedy asks how the polyethylene looks and will it be stable enough on wheels to create the border of the outdoor space.

Durand states the flower boxes are auto watering and will therefore be filled with water which will make them heavier.

Kennedy asks if it is better without the chain behind it or are the boxes enough to create that edge.

Durand responds that he thinks it is enough.

Durand states his only comment is that he wishes there were more tables.

Schneider states it would be nice to continue seating further but states they are concerned about getting too close to Salem Five’s alley.

Durand responds he thinks they could be compressed enough to get one more in the corner and one more by the storage unit, maybe even two more.

Kennedy states they may want to look at the four tables in that space before they add more. Kennedy agrees they could definitely get two two-tops but thinks they should leave the option open for the future.

Sides states she is only concerned about the lighting issue but everything else looks great and hopes they can get a good finish on the polyethylene. Sides states they Board can review the lighting internally later but wants Lyceum to understand there could not be conduit exposed.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The applicant shall be allowed to include two additional tables; and
  • The lighting shall be reviewed and approved prior to the SRA meeting.
seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • Utility Box Public Art Project: Discussion of proposed demonstration project
Steve Feldmann is present to represent the Utility Box Public Art Project.

Daniel states the proposal is one that David Pelletier made a couple of years ago with the Mayor and now Steve Feldmann has become involved to manage the demonstration project.

Daniel states they are in front of the DRB with a conceptual drawing for approval of what the concept of the art is; it is a first cut with no color, but they hope to receive word to go forward. Daniel adds if there were to be a larger program there would need to be a whole protocol put in place.

Durand asks who owns the utility boxes and who operates them?

Daniel responds the City owns them but is not sure what they control.

Feldmann states he thought the big box was electrical controls for the park but does not know what little one is used for. Feldmann adds this project has taken place in many other cities and their guidelines have been no graffiti, no impeded access, and no dark paint.

Durand states anything that is done to the box could not impede the access or functionality of the box. Durand adds we don’t want to be painting and have the fumes cause issues, etc. and so these things need to be investigated.

Sides responds they should check with the electrical department.

Durand adds, from a safety and functional point, someone else needs to advise but from an artistic point he thinks it is a great thing to do.

Kennedy states that conceptually he is all for it but asks what the art is.

Feldmann responds it is from an artist he is friends with/collector of his work. It is fun and surrealistic. Feldmann adds the artist is currently working on a project very much like this down in Connecticut but used to live in Beverly. Feldmann further adds the artist wanted to get involved when he mentioned Salem was interested.

Sides states that she approves.

Durand states that he likes it in concept, likes the ideas and thinks the designs are cool. Durand adds it is hard to give permission to do something to someone else’s thing without their input or approval.

Daniel replies that it should be easy to find that out.

Durand: Motion to approve concept with condition that the appropriate authority grants approval, seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 24 New Derby Street, Unit 5 (Impart Art and Yaz Berry): Discussion of proposed signage
Daniel states there will be a few new artists at Artists’ Row this season and Frank Taormina is present today to introduce the new artists.

Taormina states there will be two new artists sharing one stall and the other stall will consist of a fairly large group of artists working under one name.

Taormina states for this season of the Artists’ Row program they received fifteen applications which was more than the past two years combined. Taormina states it is the seventh season of Artists’ Row and they will now have five artists sharing four spaces.

Brad Backer of Impart Art and Virginia Berry of Yaz Berry are present to discuss two signs attached together and hung from the same post for stall #5 which they will be sharing.

Backer describes Impart Art as a ceramic studio where customer can paint their own pottery and/or mosaics, there will be wheel throwing, a partial gallery etc. Backer states the sign is made of tile and the grid lines are meant to show.

Durand states the sign features nice colors.

Berry describes Yaz Berry as handmade purses, clothing and jewelry, wearables for the most part. Berry adds her signs gridlines will not show.

Sides states the Yaz Berry sign is very nice and catches the viewer’s eye but wonders if the type should be stronger.

Kennedy responds, when it is all on white without the lines it could be a little bolder.

Durand states he likes it in counterpart to the Impart Art sign.

Kennedy states the balance between the negative space and Yaz Berry type could handle a slightly heavier letter.

Berry responds the Yaz Berry type is free hand and making it a slightly heavier line should be no problem.

Sides states she thinks it will hold together horizontally too.

Sides states the Impart Art sign looks a little crowded on the ends and wants to give it a little more space. Sides adds the blue on the ‘A’ in impart obscures that letter and begins to look like an ‘O.’ Sides also adds it may just be that the tail needs to be a little stronger to know it is an ‘A.’

Backer asks the Board how they feel about having all of the text lowercase.

Sides responds the capital ‘I’ balances the‘t’ on the end.

Durand states he likes the caps and does not have a problem with the sign.

Kennedy replies he is always in favor of lowercase but it is Backer’s decision. Kennedy adds the text is tight to the edge and is pulling the words apart. Kennedy states to balance the space between the words and the edge. Kennedy adds in this case Backer may want to keep the cap letters when he pulls the words together so it does not look like one word. Kennedy states he likes the tile but asks if the weight of the sign is going to be an issue.

Durand responds it should be fine because there are carabiners holding the sign and they can hold a couple of thousand pounds.

Durand states to make sure the tile is well adhered to the board as no one wants the tiles dropping off.

Backer responds he was thinking of using exterior glue, a sort of thin set or liquid nails.

Durand adds to make sure it is something that can handle the weather and temperature change.

Backer responds yes and adds the sign will only be hung until November.

Durand asks about the detail at the sign edge.

Backer responds the solid mdf will be routed and painted black.

Kennedy wants to paint the carabiners black for consistency.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The hardware shall be black;
  • The white space on the left and right ends of Impart Art shall be balanced;
  • The weight of the “Yaz Berry” font shall be heavier; and
  • The raspberry’s leaves shall be green.
seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

Note: The Board discusses and decides to return proposal printouts with applicants for use in their subsequent SRA submissions.

  • 24 New Derby Street, Unit 4 (GAS Works): Discussion of proposed signage
Dan Maurno of GAS Works is present.

Maurno states GAS Works is made up of nine artists. Maurno describes the various arts that will be featured—western style leather, painters, photographers, guest sculptures, and theater.

Sides states the sign has great balance.

Durand adds it is a cool sign.

Kennedy states he really likes the sign and the Americana feel. Kennedy adds he would love to see the sign actually cut out so that it was actually the shape of the sign and not an oval and maybe a little larger. Kennedy further adds he does not know if that is something that would be too complex to do. Kennedy adds it was a good choice not to put an edge on the outside. Kennedy states a less round shape is better.

Maurno states that dimensionally it is just short of the width of the lobster shanty but will have the same hardware and same hole. Maurno adds the color in the sign is a deep blue/black.

Kennedy asks what the mounting hardware color will be.

Maurno responds they will make them black.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The hardware shall be black; and
  • The shape of the oval shall be as presented at the meeting.
seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 282 R Derby Street (The Urbane Cyclist): Discussion of proposed signage
Callie Gordon of The Urbane Cyclist is present with Jeff from Design Flow Graphics.

Gordon describes the graphic is the same as the sign. Gordon adds the 3’ wide sign will be 2’ off of the building. Gordon further adds the sign falls within the confines of the sidewalks width and is the same as the other signs present. Gordon states they are the last unit in the building in the space that used to be a book store.

Gordon states their concern is people walking down Derby Street may not have a vantage point to view their sign. Gordon adds the existing awning is to be reinstalled by their landlord which will also obscure the vantage point.

Sides states that she likes the sign.

Durand adds that he does not like the bracket.

Gordon responds they were thinking of doing two spokes vs. three but then thought the third would be an extra security and will look like that of an authentic European sign.

Gordon adds the bracket is entirely up to the board but states they thought it was a universal bicycle sign.

Sides states she thinks the three spokes make the sign look like it is in motion.

Daniel states the City ordinance allows signs to project up to 60” but the SRA guidelines limit projection to 56”.

Durand responds 4” would not make that much difference and would prefer not to go for a variance.

Sides thinks it will look better at 54”.

Kennedy states the sign graphic looks representative of what it is without being exactly what it is. Kennedy adds the type is pushing the boarder and the wheel is overlapping.

Gordon responds there is no overlap but instead everything is streamlined and proportional in the space it lays. Gordon adds the black bracket surrounds only half of the sign.

Sides:  Motion to approve with the following condition:
  • The sign shall not project more than 56”.
seconded by Kennedy. Passes 3-0.

  • 76 Lafayette Street (Howling Wolf Taqueria): Discussion of proposed signage and lighting
Patrick Schultz is present on behalf of the Howling Wolf Taqueria.

Schultz states the Howling Wolf is not in anyway related to Halloween but instead has a lot deeper meaning.

Daniel states the blade sign originally exceeded what was permitted but clarifies that has been adjusted tonight.

Schultz states the Taqueria will be located next to West Coast Video. Schultz adds the sign is 3/16” steel, both sides.

Kennedy and Sides state they had made no connection to Halloween and saw it as very South Western.

Daniel responds he received entirely different feedback from the planning department where it was not associated with Halloween but was perceived as scary.

Daniel states there will be one wall sign and a blade sign to hang in the middle, where the entrance is. Daniel adds in the new supplemental documents there are more measurements.

Daniel states the wall sign is lit with a fixture and the blade sign is lit as well.

Schultz adds he would have liked to illuminate up but sees it could be problematic in terms of the weather. Schultz states the real brick color is shown in the photographs.

Sides states the signs look good.

Durand states that he likes it.

Kennedy states that he likes the signs and revisions on the sizes and lighting of the wall sign but wants to know more about the actual light fixture.

Schultz responds there will be no conduit exposed, same on the blade sign.

Kennedy states it is a tough area for no conduit but the Board will hold them to it.

Schultz responds his intention is to go through the brick.

Daniel states the bracket is angled.

Schultz responds he has not figured out the best way to hang the sign which will weigh about 110 lbs.

Durand states the all metal sign may need attachments anchored with plates that hit the wall instead of a bracket coming out straight from the wall.

Schultz refers the Board to the original proposal which shows posts coming out of wall.

Sides states that she likes the posts better to ensure it will not be moving. Sides adds it is kind of crazy thinking about 110 lbs swinging around.

Durand suggests putting a plate in the middle where the design gets solid to appear more minimal. Durand adds it could be epoxy bolted as it needs to be attached very strong and deeply anchored.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve the signs with the following conditions:
  • No conduit shall be exposed;
  • The light fixtures shall be black;
  • The bracket on the blade sign shall be modified to be a single plate and shall be the same color as the sign.
seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

  • 76 Lafayette Street (Howling Wolf Taqueria): Discussion of proposed exterior vent
Daniel states at the rear of the building the taqueria is proposing an exterior vent.

Kennedy asks if the vent will be the same color as sign.

Schultz replies yes or something to blend into the brick.

Durand asks to clarify the vents location.

Schultz responds it will be located in the parking lot facing Dodge Street.

Kennedy states his only question is recommendation on color.

Durand replies specifying the same color as the sign is fine.

Schultz adds the vent will be approximately 9’ above the ground to be above the ceiling indoors. Schultz adds all of the windows above are non-working and therefore no one above will be bothered by the smells.

Daniel asks how much of the landscaping exists.

Schultz responds the trees are already there. Schultz adds customers cannot see the ductwork from the entrance to this building or from the residential units above or the law offices.

Sides:  Motion to approve proposed exterior vent with the following condition:
  • The vent shall be the same color as the sign.
seconded by Kennedy. Passes 3-0.


Approval of the minutes from the April 13, 2010 special meeting and the April 28, 2010 regular meeting.

Kennedy clarifies a comment of his from the April 13th  special meeting. Kennedy states that on page two, at the second to last paragraph where it states, ‘…ceilings however should not be as high …’

Kennedy clarifies it did not need to be as high, but if they came back with a proposal that showed the ceiling up to second floor, he would be all for it, he likes the height there and he would almost like to see that lobby area to go up one more floor.

Sides:  Motion to approve both the meeting minutes of April 13th and 28th, seconded by Kennedy. Passes 3-0.


Kennedy:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Sides. Passes 3-0.

Meeting is adjourned at 7:20 pm.