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APPROVED Minutes, August 20, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:    Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                   Wednesday, August 20, 2009
LOCATION:                               120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Chairperson Paul Durand, Michael Blier, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
MEMBERS ABSENT:                 Ernest DeMaio
OTHERS PRESENT:                 Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                               Andrea Bray

Chairperson Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1.  43 Church Street (Lyceum):  Discussion of proposed door signage and exterior lighting

Daniel states that the owner of the Lyceum wishes to make two additions to the previously approved design.

Durand states that he likes the lights and he is fine with the letters and Sides agrees.

Sides:          Motion to approve the design elements as submitted, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 4-0.

2.  133 Washington Street (Puleo’s Ice Cream):  Discussion of proposed exterior lighting

Daniel states that the Board previously approved the sign and outdoor dining and the owner would like to add exterior lighting which will not have any exposed conduit.

Business owner Chuck Puleo states that the fixtures will be white.

Kennedy states that they need to position the lighting to avoid the alarm siren.

Durand states that it doesn’t matter if the lights line up at corner points in the glass and he would prefer that they are equally spaced.

Puleo states that they might be able to move the siren.

Sides states that the fixtures should be in the band, not hanging below the band.

Kennedy suggests using black fixtures and the other member agree that black would be fine.

Puleo states that he has no preference for the color.

Daniel reviews the conditions from the Board, which include:
  • The owner will move the alarm siren to align with the column if feasible;
  • The fixtures will be spaced evenly across the white band;
  • The fixtures will be centered vertically on the band; and
  • The fixtures will be black.
Blier:          Motion to approve the design with the above noted conditions, seconded by Sides.  Passes 4-0.

3.  28 Norman Street (Georgia’s Pizza):  Discussion of proposed signage

Daniel introduces Andon Bena (owner) and Jeff Gregorio (sign designer) and states that they are seeking approval for a free-standing pole sign and a wall sign.  He adds that the logo and lettering of Georgia’s Pizza are carried through on his menus and marketing materials.

Sides asks how the pole banner will house the sign.

Gregorio states that the poll will have a bracket and the sign will hang from the bracket.  He adds that the banner is 22” wide.  He states that he might paint the pole.

Kennedy states that the pole should be painted black.

Sides states that the letters are too crowded and needs more space around the perimeter.

Kennedy states that he should make the printed section smaller and it will be more readable.

Sides asks about the other side of the sign band with the Salem Photo sign.

Gregorio states that the Salem Photo store is no longer there and he can flip the sign to show only the white back if desired.

Kennedy asks if the sign is backlit.  He adds that the Salem Photo sign will show through if the sign is backlit.

Daniel reviews the conditions from the Board, which include:
  • The pole and bracket will be black;
  • The sign contents will be shrunk to allow for a larger perimeter;
  • “Georgia’s” will be brought down; and
  • The name on the wall sign will be smaller.
Kennedy:        Motion to approve the sign with the above noted conditions, seconded by Sides.  Passes 4-0.

Daniel states that Gregorio must submit a new design for the signs.

Approval of Minutes:  July 22, 2009 Meeting

Blier:          Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Sides.  Passes 4-0.

Blier:          Motion to adjourn, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 5:45 pm.