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APPROVED Minutes, July 22, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:    Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                   Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 2009
LOCATION:                               120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Chairperson Paul Durand, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
OTHERS PRESENT:                 Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                               Andrea Bray

Chairperson Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1.  15 Peabody Street Park:  Discussion of proposed revised park design

Michael Blier recuses himself from this issue.

Michael Blier presents the new proposal, stating that asbestos was discovered on the site triggering DEP involvement.  He explains that the EPA provided the funds for the remediation, and during the remediation process, they discovered two huge concrete slabs which are considered immovable because of their immense size.  He says that this discovery has forced him to completely redesign the landscape because all of the trees, and the planting area had to be moved to areas where the soil could be excavated.  He explains that all play equipment, tables, and benches have been purchased and the new design needs to include those things.

Blier reviews the originally approved plan pointing out the huge concrete plinth where the trees were to be planted, and another floor 18-inches below the ground where the open planting beds were to be placed.  He iterates that all of this needed to be moved.

Blier describes the new design with tress close to Peabody Street, the rubber play area in the middle of the lot, and picnic tables on the edge near the South River.  He states that the riverside planting area was reduced, but they have increased the mounding areas throughout the site.  He adds that glass pavers will cover the entire picnic area.

Blier displays sketches depicting the space and photographs of the tables, benches, up-lights for the trees, the fence, and the play equipment.

Durand states that Blier did a very nice job and he likes the layout because it pulls you into the park well.  He adds that Blier addresses the waterfront in a good way, and that he has no objections with this plan.

Jaquith states that he likes this new concept and the green space interplays well with the low walls.  He expresses concern about the pointy green corners stating that they will not last.

Blier points to the water bubbler now located at the Peabody Street corner and states that it is an ADA compliant bubbler.  He explains that the bike rack has been moved to the waterside.  He states that this original design came by way of community meetings, and the immediacy of this situation has prohibited him from going through community meetings, but he has maintained the spirit of the original design.

Durand asks if there is a solution to the sharp corners on the pointy walkway.

Jaquith states that he could change the material in the point so the point will continue to be a design element.

Blier states that he could use glass pavers on the points.

Natalie Lovett with the Planning Department states that the contractor will be back on site on July 30, 2009, so time is of the essence.

Daniel states that the SRA is also considering this item tonight.

DeMaio says that he appreciates how Blier can think on his feet and reinvent this project, and this new design is a tribute to the work that he as done.  He agrees with Jaquith about the pointy corners.  He states that he might like to have more green in the green zone.

Blier states that the paths followed the openings in the walls, and the material for the paths will be stone dust.

DeMaio expresses concern about having lost the connection to Peabody Street, stating that in some sense the Harborwalk side and the Peabody Street side could have a better connection.

Blier states that the Peabody Street side is a place for people to sit on the grass and have a private conversation.  He adds that there is a 7-foot wide pathway along the hedge for people to pass through.  He agrees to further examine the connection between the two ends of the park.

Sides states that she loves the paths and all of the shade in the green space.  Parents love to sit in the shade while having children running on paths.

Kennedy states that the right entry on Peabody Street, with the 7-foot path, feels like a main entry and he suggests moving the paved area and bench to the right so it will be closer to the right entry and call even more attention to the further path.  He confirms that, other than this issue, he likes the plan very much.

Durand opens to the public.

Barbara Warren, Director of Salem Sound Coast Watch, states that the plan is excellent, and asks about the lot to the west of the park.

Blier states that the abutting lot belongs to Beverly Cooperative Bank and there is a sea grass border along that edge.

Warren asks if there is any shade on the water’s edge where the seating is.

Blier states that there are some trees, which will grow much taller over time, and there is a canopy.

Warren states that she loves the idea of having the play area in the center of the grass.  She asks if they will still use the no-mow grass.

Blier says they will use no-mow grass in the green area, and it will need mowing only one to two times per year.

As there are no further comments from the public, Durand asks for a motion.

Sides:  Motion to approve this design as submitted, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 5-0.

Blier steps out.

2.  196 Essex Street (Fuel, Café Valverde):  Discussion of proposed vent

Daniel introduces Nelson and Aleni Valverde, stating that they plan to open a coffee shop with a roaster, which requires a vent.

The members review the plans for the vent.

DeMaio states that the proposed vent is above a door that is an egress so they might have trouble putting the vent above that door.  He asks if they have approached the condominium association.

Valverde states that is their next step.

DeMaio states that he would be uncomfortable approving this without first having the association’s consent on this.

Durand states that this is a small vent, similar to a dryer vent and this area is very concealed.  He agrees with DeMaio that the bigger issue is the condo association.  He suggests that Valverde obtain the other approvals first and then return to the DRB.

Kennedy suggests that the vent be a black or brown tone matching the other fixtures.

Jaquith confirms that the Board need not take any action tonight.

Kennedy:        Motion to continue this hearing until the next meeting, seconded by DeMaio.  Passes 5-0.

Blier steps back in.

3.  90 Lafayette Street (Aleris Dental Center):  Discussion of proposed signage

Kennedy is not in attendance for this item.

Daniel introduces Andrew Sokolov with Aleris Dental Center and states that the letters will be plastic, 6-inches tall (for “Aleris”) and 12-inches tall (for “Dental Center”).

Sokolov presents sample letters in the sample colors, stating that the signage will fit nicely into the street design, as it blends into the surrounding color scheme.  He adds that his sign will take the left portion of the sign band and will be illuminated by existing lighting.

DeMaio asks about the font.

Sokolov states that the font for “Aleris” is Microstyle, Bold and for “Dental Center” it is Helvetica”.

DeMaio states that the scale of the letters to the sign band is okay but generally 12-inch letters are too large and he would prefer to have the letters scaled down to 5-inch and 10-inch letters.

Sokolov states that these are pre-manufactured letters and they come in 10-inch or 12-inch sizes for the larger letters, but the smaller ones come in a 6-inch size, but not in a 5-inch size.

DeMaio recommends that he use the 10-inch letters for the “Dental Center” portion of the sign, and the others agree.

Sides states that she would prefer a break in the sign band.

Durand agrees and adds that even if it were a graphic or a border, there needs to be some separation between the two sides.

Jaquith agrees with DeMaio on using the 10-inch letters.  He suggests pushing the letters to the left (left justified) and Sokolov agrees.

Blier suggest using a painted frame within the white box.

Sokolov states that the letters will be glued to the sign band.

Durand asks if the tenants on the upper floor will be using the sign band as well, and Daniel states that only the two ground floor tenants will be allowed to use the sign band.  Durand states that he would like to see a border around the letters to define the space.

Sokolov states that, when a new tenant is in, he is willing to return to the DRB to propose a similar theme for the two signs.

Sides states that dividing the sign band and left-justifying the letters will provide enough of a division.

Jaquith adds that all of his letters should be moved to the left.

Daniel reviews the conditions for this sign, which are:
  • “Dental Center” shall be in 10-inch letters with Helvetica font
“Aleris” shall be in 6-inch letters with Microstyle, Bold font
The letters shall be left-justified
All of the letters shall be moved closer to the left edge, approximately 12” from the edge
In the future some graphic shall be used to divide the sign band, and the applicant may need to contribute financially to adding
that graphic.

Jaquith ask if anything will be done to the glass.

Sokolov states that he might place posters there.

Daniel confirms that anything in the window is considered signage and would require approval from the Board, and they cannot obscure more than 25% of the window.

Jaquith:        Motion to approve with the above recommendations, seconded by Sides.  Passes 5-0.

4.  43 Church Street (Lyceum):  Discussion of proposed signage, exterior painting, new door, and window film

Daniel introduces George Harrington Sr. and Jr. and states that this proposal includes a new sign, a new door, painting and a film on the windows.

George Harrington Jr. states that they are excited to feature the historic character of the building.  He describes the blade sign as a wood-carved food dome shaped sign, approximately 42 inches long and 20 inches high, 2-inches thick with a lip at the base.  He says that the font is “Blair,” and the sign will be painted to resemble a patina metallic (pewter-like finish).   He confirms that it will be a flat sign.

Durand suggests placing the bracket off-center from the door, and the members agree to have it over the menu.

George Harrington Sr. states that he would prefer to have the sign centered over the door.

The members discuss the mounting of the bracket.

George Jr. suggests mounting the bracket upside-down to clear the keystone and still have the sign centered over the door, and the members agree that this will work well.

The members look over the design of the new door.

George Sr. states that the current doorway is unattractive because it is two separate doors, and it is cold.

George Jr. shows an alternate design for the door and the members prefer the alternative design to the original.

Sides suggests raising the lower panel up.

Jaquith states that it would look better if the lower panel is bigger.

George Sr. states that raising the lower panel would hide the panic bar.

Jaquith states that the code requires a minimum height for the panic bar.

Kennedy cautions them about the lockset which might interfere with the panic bar.

Jaquith suggests having only a push plate on the inside.

George Jr. asks if they can have the flexibility to have the lock rail and the panel higher and still have the panic bar showing through the glass.

Durand states that they would want the panic bar to be hidden but it is not for the board to object.

The members review the colors.

George Jr. states that the door will be mahogany, and the film on the windows will be kept low and appear frosted.

DeMaio states that he is big on visibility and encourages visibility and he recommends not using the film on the windows, and if they do use it they should not obscure more than 25% of the window.  He adds that he prefers that they use a window treatment to cover the lower part of the windows.  He explains that the darker paint color doesn’t work well on this building because it disconnects the first floor from the second floor and it disconnects the window trim, and you loose some of the historic character of the building.  He suggests using a lighter trim color that can pick up the lighter elements, such as the keystones.

George Jr. states that he is trying to bring those windows to life.

DeMaio states that the masonry openings are currently highlighted with the lighter color trim and that will be lost if they use the dark color.

George Sr. states that he believes that the 25% rule is too restrictive.

Jaquith states that he has no problem with new design as it is presented.

Kennedy states that he has used a textured pattern on windows that is somewhat transparent.  He cites “Balthazar” as an example.

George Jr. states that the team’s effort is to keep it simple with frosted glass in one simple band.

Sides states that a seated person would not be able to see out with the frosted band.

Much discussion ensues regarding the frosted band.

Durand suggest wrapping this up with conditions.

The Board reviews the conditions, which include:
  • The alternative sign design and door design shall be used;
  • The sign bracket shall be reversed;
  • The bottom rail of the door shall be a minimum of 7.5 inches wide; and
  • The exterior paint on the window trim and frames shall be the existing color
Jaquith:        Motion to approve with the above recommendations, seconded by Blier.  Passes 5-1.  DeMaio votes in opposition, stating that he does not want to set precedent for covering more then 25% of the windows.

5.  244 Essex Street (For Kids Only Afterschool):  Discussion of proposed signage

Daniel introduces Aaron Margolis and Luis Valvodinos with Gienapp Associates.

Aaron Margolis states that they are presenting a simple blade sign, which will hang on an existing bracket.  He explains that the letters will be carved and painted, and a film will be applied to the windows.  He shows samples of the film and the colors for the sign. He adds that there is no proposed lighting for the sign.

Sides states that she doesn’t like the children on the sign, because it looks too busy and photographic rather than carved.  She suggests having a silhouette or an interpretation of the kids at the window.

Kennedy states that if the kids were not on the sign and they were only on the windows it would be a better balance.

Luis Valvodinos states that the kids are part of the Logo.

Much discussion ensues about the sign and the members agree that they do not like the sign.

Sides says that she doesn’t like the strong black line at the bottom of the window decal, and it would be OK if the flowers partially obscure the kids.  She states that she would prefer that the decal be mounted at the base of the window.

Much more discussion ensues and the members agree to continue this hearing so the applicant can come up with a new design.

Durand: Motion to continue this issue until the next meeting, seconded by Jaquith.  Passes 6-0.

Approval of Minutes – June 24, 2009 Meeting

Voting members are Blier, DeMaio, Durand, Jaquith, and Sides.

Sides:          Motion to approve the minutes from the June 24, 2009 meeting as presented, seconded by Blier.  Passes 5-0.

Jaquith:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 6-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:20 PM.