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APPROVED Minutes, April 15, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:    Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                   Wednesday, April 15, 2009
LOCATION:                               120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Michael Blier, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Ernest DeMaio, Helen Sides, Paul Durand (for first part of meeting)
OTHERS PRESENT:                 Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                               Andrea Bray

Chairperson Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1.  87 Washington Street (Green Land Café):  Discussion of proposed outdoor café permit

Daniel introduces Paul Bolden and states that the SRA was supportive of the proposal but expressed concern about the clearance space for the tables in front.  He adds that the stanchion has a 14-inch wide base that encroaches on the 4-feet of open space.

Bolden states that he is open to any suggestions from the Board, because he does not want to encroach on the pedestrian traffic flow.

DeMaio suggests that if alcohol were restricted to other areas of the restaurant then the stanchions along Washington might not be needed.  He adds that the space is so narrow that the stanchions exclude people with disabilities from sitting there.  He suggests having the seats only for patrons that are not having alcohol so that stanchions will not be used.

Bolden states that he is open to that.

Daniel summarizes that the options are to reduce the plan to only 2 tables, or eliminate the alcohol service for the tables in front.

Durand states that he would like to see people out in front of the building in that area of town, even though he is not in favor of blocking the sidewalk.  He suggests approving the plan with three tables and alcohol service as a temporary solution to see if it works, reserving the right to change it.

Bolden states that he is amicable to trying this plan.

Kennedy suggests leaving Bolden with the option of reducing the number of tables or eliminating the alcohol service if it appears that this plan doesn’t work.  He adds that he is happy to try it with three tables.  He says that he likes the plan in the back and he likes the tables and the stanchions, and he isn’t crazy about the chairs.  He states that the table next to the bulkhead might pose a problem, and he might need to turn the chairs.

If, after a reasonable trial period, the three tables in front prove to be an obstruction, either one table will be eliminated or the stanchion will be removed and no alcohol will be served.

Sides:          Motion to approve the proposal according to the trial period outlined for the front of the building, with three tables and stanchions, seconded by Jaquith.  Passes 6-0.

2.  2 Lynde Street (Lynde Street Café):  Discussion of proposed signage, lighting, windows, and paint

Peter Ruzi shows a sample of the color for the sign.

Daniel states that they would change the existing window, and shows a sample of the trim color.

Sides clarifies that there will be three equal, fixed windows with no mullions.

Ruzi states that the window height will be 60 inches.

Daniel states that the bracket and light is similar to that used at the Green Land Café, and the gooseneck lighting in the initial plan will be eliminated.

DeMaio asks if the blade sign and building sign are flat, and Ruzi states that both signs will have raised letters.  DeMaio states that the wall sign is not drawn to scale and it will actually be much bigger than it is shown in the picture.  He says that the letters are very large for that storefront.  He says that he is happy that both signs are three dimensional.  He summarizes that the letters and the appearance of the sign are too big, and he likes the blade sign.  He states that he doesn’t want to see the power line for the light, and it must go through the bracket with no conduit exposed.

Durand agrees and states that the height for the wall sign should be 18 inches.

Kennedy agrees that 18 inches would be a good height and the letters should be adjusted proportionally.  He says that he doesn’t like the font or the witches on the sign but he will not object.  He adds that he would like to see the corners notched on the wall sign to relate to the blade sign.  He says that the “2” has too much activity around it and he would like to see that simplified to provide more emphasis on the name.

Durand steps out.

Daniel states that the “2” is shown as black in one picture and white in another picture.

After some discussion about the “2”, the members agree that it should be black and the surrounding circle should not have a white outline.

Kennedy states that he normally likes the mullions but he likes the simple look of the new windows.

Blier states that the color of the top band should match the letter color, and prefers to keep the old windows but he will not object the new ones.

Jaquith agrees with having the 18-inch height on the wall sign and the notched corners.

Sides states that the wall sign needs more length and Jaquith agrees.

Daniel reviews the conditions, which include:
-       The wall sign will be a maximum of 18 inches high and will be longer with notched corners,      
        and the letters will shrink proportionally.
-       The “2” will be black and the surrounding circle will not have a white outline.
-       The power line to the bracket lighting will be concealed.
-       The bracket fasteners will be painted to match the bracket.
-       The color of the band will match the color in the letters on the sign.
-       A shop drawing of the window will be reviewed and approved prior to the SRA meeting.

Sides states that she wishes to see an image of the window, because if it is too horizontal it will look like a trailer.  She adds that it might be necessary to have 4 windows instead of 3 so that the windows will be vertical rectangles.

Daniel suggests having a drawing as part of the resubmission.

Sides states that window manufacturer will have a shop drawing and she would like to see it.  She clarifies that the windows should be vertical rectangles, not horizontal.

Daniel adds this suggestion for vertical windows to the list of conditions.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve this design, upon review of the revised drawings, with the following conditions:

-       The wall sign will be a maximum of 18 inches high and will be longer with notched corners,      
        and the letters will shrink proportionally.
-       The “2” will be black and the surrounding circle will not have a white outline.
-       The power line to the bracket lighting will be concealed.
-       The bracket fasteners will be painted to match the bracket.
-       The color of the band will match the color in the letters on the sign.
-       The windows shall be vertical rectangles.

seconded by Sides.  Passes 5-0.

3.  133 Washington Street (Puleo’s Ice Cream):  Discussion of proposed signage and outdoor café permit

Daniel states that the proposal exceeds the permitted area, and a new design will be presented tonight.

Puleo says the sign designer did not complete the revision. He adds that he wishes to have outside seating only.

Sides confirms that there will be no signage on the band, only on the windows.

Blier confirms that the background to the sign is clear.

DeMaio states that he needs to see the signs on the glass, and would like an elevation.  He states that he is not fond of the chairs and he doesn’t mind the tables.

Puleo states that the chairs will be padded.

DeMaio says that this plan needs to be developed more before he can make a decision.  He adds that he has no objection to the arrangement of the tables.

Kennedy suggests a better place for the trash receptacle so it will be under cover.

Daniel says that the City-managed trash receptacle would be the Big Belly model.

Jaquith adds that he would be better off to manage his own trash.

Sides states that the trash receptacle should be visible to the people inside so they will know when it is time to be emptied.

Kennedy states that he likes the window decals but it feels a bit disjointed.  He suggests moving the bottom line up and making it smaller so it will relate to the circle.  He adds that they should remove the “Ice Cream” from the other window.  He says that he doesn’t like the chairs.

Paula Graziani, who owns the business adjacent to this one, states that she is here to see this proposal because she wishes to propose tables out front.

Blier asks if they can get a drawing and an elevation, and Daniel says they can.

Sides suggests that the City have consistency with the tables and chairs.

Daniel states that the City has left this up to each business.

Jaquith:        Motion for the Board to review the revised submission for chairs and window decals and the trash receptacle, and provide input in time for the SRA meeting, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 5-0.

-       The sign proposal will be modified to comply with sign area requirements. The   
        revision will be reviewed and approved by the DRB prior to the SRA meeting.
-       A trash receptacle will be placed inside the alcove to the building.
-       A different chair will be reviewed and approved by the DRB prior to the SRA     

Approval of Minutes – March 25, 2009 Meeting

DeMaio suggests an amendment for the minutes, and Daniel makes the change.

Blier:          Motion to approve the minutes as amended for the February 25, 2009 meeting,     
                seconded by Sides.  Passes 5-0.

Kennedy:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by DeMaio.  Passes 5-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:30 PM.