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APPROVED Minutes, March 25, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:    Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                   Wednesday, March 25, 2009
LOCATION:                               120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Michael Blier, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Ernest DeMaio, Helen Sides
MEMBERS ABSENT:                 Paul Durand
OTHERS PRESENT:                 Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                               Andrea Bray

Acting Chairperson Jaquith calls the meeting to order.

Daniel introduces Natalie Lovett, CDBG Manager, who is replacing Kirsten Kinzer.  He states that Natalie will be able to facilitate the DRB meetings in his absence.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1.  87 Washington Street (Green Land Café):  Discussion of proposed signage and lighting

Paul Bolden displays a mock-up of the sign, stating that it is the actual size.  He states that they will serve up-scale sandwiches during the day and small plates (tapas) after 5:00.  He says that the sign contains the seascape and it hangs over the Heritage Trail.  He explains that the lighting will be built into the bracket.

Bolden states that the sign on the rear entrance is flat.

DeMaio states that he likes the graphic and he is happy that it will be three-dimensional.  He adds that approval will be contingent on having no visible power lines into the lighting.  He expresses concern about the size of the sign, stating that he can’t imaging each storefront along that elevation having a sign the same size as this one.  He suggests having the sign proportionally 6 inches shorter.  He says most of the blade signs that the Board sees are smaller than this.

Kennedy states that he likes the direction that the sign is taking.  He agrees with DeMaio about the size.  He objects to the green bar on the windows.

Bolden asks if he would like to have a black bar with gold letters.

Kennedy suggests using a gold leaf in a different font that would have more presence (ala Balthazar Restaurant).  He states that he likes that the lighting is attached to the bracket and the wiring is hidden.

Blier agrees with Kennedy about the window lettering.  He suggests that the bracket be mounted in the center of the band.

DeMaio suggests having the bolts painted black to match the brackets.

Jaquith agrees with the other comments.  He states that Bolden would need to return to the Board for approval on the outdoor seating.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve the design with the following conditions:
-       The size will be proportionally 6 inches shorter than presented;
-       The bracket will be mounted in the middle of the band;
-       The bolts that secure the bracket will be black;
-       There shall be no exposed conduit or junction boxes; and
-       The window lettering will be gold with an optional black band both of which will be reviewed prior to the SRA meeting.

The motion is seconded by Sides.  Passes 5-0.

2.  209R Essex Street:  Discussion of proposed entry canopy

Sarah Nelson states that this is a proposed improvement for the tenants because the door is leaking into the building, and the solution to this issue is the proposed entry canopy.  She describes the canopy as dome-shaped, 56 wide, projecting out 4, in burgundy, with the street number on the front.

Sides asks about the width of the canopy and if it protrudes into the notch in the brick.  She states that is seems to be an uncomfortable shape for this space and the other members agree.

Jaquith sketches a design for the canopy, which is a shed with a gable.  He states that the color and letters are fine.

The members agree with Jaquith’s suggestion, and a sketch is prepared for Ms. Nelson.

Jaquith agrees to review the new design prior to the SRA meeting.

Sides:          Motion to recommend approval of the revised proposal subject to review, seconded        
                by DeMaio.  Passes 5-0.

Approval of Minutes – February 25, 2009 Meeting

Voting members are Blier, DeMaio, and Sides.

DeMaio:         Motion to approve the minutes as presented for the February 25, 2009 meeting,   
                        seconded by Sides.  Passes 3-0.

Kennedy:                Motion to adjourn, seconded by Sides.  Passes 5-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 6:50 PM.