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DRB Minutes, June 27, 2007
June 27, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Design Review Board (DRB) was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 6:00 pm.

Members Ernest DeMaio and David Jaquith were present.  Kirsten Kinzer, CDBG Planner, and Andrea Bray, Clerk, were also present.  

Due to a lack of quorum the meeting has been limited to review of small projects.

DeMaio opens the meeting.

Projects Under Review

1.  157 Washington Street (Passage to India) – Discussion of proposed building alterations

Owner Hugh Kerr describes the plans for expanding Passage to India into the adjacent storefront. He proposes a third entry door to the restaurant, stating that this doorway will be made exactly the same as the other two doorways. Kerr shows paint samples, matching the paint colors on the existing building.

DeMaio and Jaquith recommend approval by the SRA provided that the third door is exactly the same as the two existing entry doors.

2.  157 Washington Street (Passage to India) – Discussion of proposed outdoor café

Kinzer explains that this area in front of the restaurant will be cleared and cleaned to build an outdoor café and the SRA has approved the removal of one large tree provided that two or more trees be added to the adjacent traffic island.

DeMaio states that visibility of the restaurant may be obscured by the addition of trees.

Kerr states that the tree which is being removed is obscuring the view of the building and the new trees will be set further away from the building and it will be about 9 feet tall to not obscure the building.

Kerr shows the proposed tables and planter boxes.

DeMaio expresses concern about whether the trees will thrive on that site and whether the trees will obscure the view of the building.

DeMaio and Jaquith agree to recommend approval by the SRA with the recommendation that the SRA ensure the trees will thrive on that site and they will not obscure the view of the building.  The members recommend the trees with a tall canopy or to be small trees or shrubs.

3.  Downtown Salem – Discussion of proposed bike racks

Frank Taromina explains that the Bike Committee has selected locations in downtown Salem for three different styles of bike racks.  He states that the racks will be painted black and will have a decal which identifies them as bicycle parking.

DeMaio states that it would be nice if the decal has some sort of logo on it that represents Salem.  He adds that some of the selected locations will have little clearance when bikes are locked to the racks and the sidewalk area might get very tight.  .  He suggests finding a space not directly in front of the Red’s Cafe door.  He says that in front of Sovereign Bank he doesn’t know if there is any alternate space there.

David Peletier suggests that the racks be located on the Harrison side of Essex Street because the sidewalk is wide and DeMaio agrees.

DeMaio suggests that the Church Street racks be placed closer to the Movie Cinema.  He suggests placing two racks on the thai restaurant side.  He states that the area near Pamplemousse is too cluttered for large racks.  DeMaio suggests having two or three vintage racks near the Old Police Station in lieu of placing any near Pamplemousse.

Jaquith asks Taromina to come back to the DRB with a design for a decal.

DeMaio states that any bike racks placed at the MBTA station should have the same design as those in the downtown area and that two vintage racks should be installed at location 18 on the Inventory of Bike Racks to be Purchased and Installed map.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval by the SRA with the above noted recommendations and the removal of racks at following proposed locations shown on the Inventory of Bike Racks to be Purchased and Installed map: location 3, 2, 17 and 27 and 43.

4.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 1 (Artists’ Row) – Discussion of proposed signage
Kirsten states that this location is called “SASS:C” (Salem Arts in Salem State College)  and the signs on Artists’ row will go up for the season and then come down.

Frank Taromina who manages the Artists’ Row shops requests that the approved signs be allowed to reappear the following year without a new approval process.

Pamela Perkins displays the sign.

Jaquith states that he has no problem with this sign and he understands the nature of a temporary display.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval by the SRA.

5.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 4 (Artists’ Row) – Discussion of proposed signage

Kinzer states that the text of the sign runs vertically which is in contradiction to the sign code for the SRA.  

Sara Ashodian states that it will not be read by people driving cars because it is in a pedestrian area.

Jaquith states that vertical signs are hard to read unless the words are short.  He says that the word “ART” could be read easily if vertical, but he objects to the placement of the word “EXPERIMENTAL” as a vertical sign.

DeMaio states that this is very straight forward and does not reflect an experimental nature for this experimental are gallery.  He encourages Ashodian to be more creative with this design.

Jaquith agrees with DeMaio suggesting that the sign have more depth.  He states that he has no problem with one word “ART” being vertical but he sees a problem with the potential for kids to try to hang on this sign.

DeMaio agrees with Jaquith and suggest making the sign something more than two-dimensional.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to see another design on July 10.

6.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 5 (Artists’ Row) – Discussion of proposed signage

Taromina states that he has no examples of the text but that front and back of the signs will be identical, and the text is black with an orange outline.

Jaquith states that he likes the sign.

DeMaio questions the size of the text but states that from a distance the skateboard clearly shows what is for sale in the stall.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval by the SRA.

7.  178 Essex Street (Salem Oriental Gallery) – Discussion of proposed signage

Marshal Tripoli displays a sample of the sign and states that it would be made of three-quarter oak and he will bolt it to the building and a painted plug will cover the bolt. The lettering will be routed and painted gold on a  black background enclosed by a routed gold border.    

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval to the SRA.
8.  180 Essex Street (Bewitched in Salem) – Discussion of proposed signage

Tripoli shows a sample of the sign and explains that it is black with raised letters which are painted with flat white paint.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval to the SRA.

9.  93 Washington Street (City Hall) – Discussion of amendment to approved final design plans

Kinzer explains that the lift on the main City Hall stairs is about to fail and that the City is moving forward with the elevator addition approved by the SRA in 2004. The amended design for a vestibule will eliminate the need for a ramp by placing a half-stop elevator at ground level.  She adds that after the SRA approves a design it will go to the Massachusetts Historical Commission for approval.  She states that this is an amendment to an approved design.

Architect John Seger explains the plans.  He states that including glass storefront windows will be safer than the prior proposal for brick addition.
Kinzer states that she would like to send the application to MHC and the plan might need to return to DRB if MHC requests changes to the design.

DeMaio asks if the park bench near the vestibule will be moved.

Seger states that he could shift it back away from the vestibule.

DeMaio suggests a bollard or two to protect the structure from cars.  He expresses concern with composite wood and suggests using aluminum instead.

Jaquith states that he would like to see the elevations.

DeMaio states that the spirit of this addition is very good.  He suggests recommending approval provided they see the final plans.

Jaquith states that he is not ready to approve this until he sees the elevations but an approval of schematic design would be fine.  He asks about the ceiling.

Segar states that they would use gyp board with recessed lights.  He adds that the floor will be quarry tile.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree that they wish to see the project again at the on July 10 Special Meeting.

10.  217-221 Essex Street (The Gathering and Digital Imaging Inc) – Discussion of proposed rear egress door

Archetict John Seger states that the new design addresses a compliance issue.

The members study the plans.

DeMaio states that he must use the brick which is removed for the infill and if they need more brick it must match the existing brick.  He adds that the mortar must match as well.

Seger asks if he must show the DRB the brick before the construction.

DeMaio says that he would like to see it.

Kinzer asks if another meeting would be necessary or if one member could look at the brick.

DeMaio says that a member could look at the brick on-site.

Jaquith states that they could put a white piece on either side of the top of the door.

DeMaio and Jaquith recommend approval with the condition that new brick be reviewed by a DRB member.

11.  118 Washington Street Rear (Peabody Block Building) – Discussion of proposed egress door

Kinzer states that this is off of Lapin Park.  She adds that because it is a minor change but is required for a new tenant to move forward, the SRA has approved this plan pending DRB approval.

Dana Weeder of Winter Street Architects describes the plan.

Jaquith states that this egress may not be necessary and Weeder should check on this before beginning construction.

DeMaio states that he would prefer to have the door color close to the brick color.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to recommend approval.

12.  7 Lynde Street (Griffin Theater) – Discussion of Temporary Façade Alteration

DeMaio explains that the Board is not prepared to discuss this subject tonight because they lack a quorum.

Eric Rodenhiser presents an alternate roof design.

Jaquith states that he is reluctant to approve this design because it is “hokey”.  He suggests having this structure stand apart from the building so the public would need to walk through this structure to get to the building.

Rodenhiser states that it would still be in front of the building and altering the façade.

Kinzer states that it would be helpful if they bring samples of the material.

Jaquith and DeMaio agree to review this design on July 10.

Other Business

DeMaio asks if a current meeting schedule could be posted to the web site.

Kinzer agrees to do this.

DeMaio asks if some of the missing minutes could be approved.

Kinzer states that she will get the drafts of those minutes that have not been review by Hartford to the Board.

DeMaio adjourns the meeting at 9:30 PM.