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DRB, Minutes, May 24, 2006
MAY 24, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Design Review Board (DRB) was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 6:00 pm.

Members Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, Paul Durand, and Glenn Kennedy were present.  Tania Hartford, Staff Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk, were also present.  


1.      318 Derby Street (New Civilitea) – Continued review of proposed lighting.

Mr. Durand recused himself from this matter since his firm has worked with this applicant and he left the room.

Lynn Potoff of Civilitea appeared to present additional information on and to request approval for lighting at 318 Derby Street.  The light will be a black covered light fixture and the conduit from the window to the blade sign will be painted before it is installed.  

Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, and Glenn Kennedy recommended approval of the lighting plan for Civiltea of 318 Derby Street to the SRA.

2.      318 Derby Street (New Civilitea)

Lynn Potoff of Civilitea appeared to present plans for an outdoor café at 318 Derby Street.  Her plan includes four- 28” tables and eight chairs, which will be taken in at night.  The items will be metal.  The owner planned upon black tables and chairs but had encountered problems with the manufacturer on availability of the chairs in black and requested approval for silver. Ms. Potoff stated that there was sufficient clearance along the sidewalk and that the nearby tree was not a problem.

After discussion, the board recommended that the owner investigate obtaining black chairs from another manufacturer.  Tania Hartford suggested that the she call the Edgewater Café as to where they had purchased their furniture.  

Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, and Glenn Kennedy recommended approval of the outdoor seating plan for Civiltea of 318 Derby Street with the following conditions: the furniture be black; the final furniture selection be reviewed and approved by Mr. Blier; and the DRB members would go to the site within two months to ensure that the configuration works, and that the owner would be willing to change the plan if it is found not to work.

Mr. Durand returned to the meeting.

3.      144 Washington Street (Gangi Printing)

Steve Gangi of Gangi Printing at 144 Washington Street appeared to request sign approval.  The signage had previously been approved by the DRB; however, the SRA rejected the plan due to the color selection.
Mr. Durand stated that he liked the new colors.  Mr. Blier commented that the colors matched the building better.

Mr. DeMaio moved that the revised signage for Gangi Printing at 144 Washington Street be approved as presented.   Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion, and it was approved (4-0).

4.      72 Washington Street (Crunchy Granola Baby)

The owners of Crunchy Granola Baby of 72 Washington Street presented plans for signage.  Their hanging sign will be in the same location as the nearby Career Center and Salem Cycle and will use the same type of bracket.  The owners requested approval of window boxes as well, which they said were similar to the Main Street standard.  

After discussion, the DRB members recommended approval of the proposal as follows:  the hanging sign was approved, the door sign will be green lettering on a light background and will be reduced in size and centered with at least three inches on each side, the window boxes will be painted brown and will not have a fin edge.

5.      168 Essex Street (Asahi)

Ms. Hartford reported that the owners of the Asahi restaurant were requesting a sign on Church Street near the vestibule entrance to help customers find them, since they are located on the Essex Street mall.  She reported that this prompted discussion and that Executive Director Lynn Duncan has requested that the matter of storefronts and the mall be studied further.  She thought that a sign with a directory of businesses might be more appropriate.  The Planning department will set up a meeting with the mall owners in order to discuss the matter.

Ms. Hartford reported that there is a banner hanging on the Essex St. side that was not approved and was an eyesore.  The owners were proposing a sign that was larger than allowed.  They are allowed 48 square feet of signage and already have 38 feet of signage with two awnings.  They would be allowed another 12 square feet of signage.  

The owners stated that they had already had a new metal sign made up.  They complained that they have no visibility on Essex Street.  Ms. Hartford suggested that they could remove some of their other signage or could remove the lettering off of the awnings.  She noted that the window lettering was not counted in their signage, although it should have been.  

Mr. Durand noted that the new proposed sign would have to be half of the sign.  Ms. Hartford said that they could ask the mall owners if they could install their new sign inside the vestibule on Church Street.  She noted that the Planning Department was offering to meet with the store and mall owners to discuss a directory sign.  She noted that they could not allow a sign for Asahi on the exterior of the mall on Church Street as all of the other owners would then request the same.  

The proposed metal sign was discussed in detail and members made various suggestions to the owners to reduce the size in order to meet the signage limits.  The owners stated that they would have to see if the signs had been made already.  Ms. Hartford informed them that they should not have ordered the signs before the plan was approved.  She added that the Planning department has a signage program for businesses and that the department tries to help businesses as well.

Ms. Hartford informed the owners of Asahi that if they wished to have an outdoor café, the plan would have to be pre-approved by the SRA. Any alcohol or food served would need the appropriate licenses.  

6.      118 Washington Street (Fresh Taste of Asia)

This matter was withdrawn by the owner and may be presented at a later date.


The minutes from the April 26, 2006 meeting were presented for approval.

Mr. DeMaio moved that the minutes for the April 26, 2006 meeting be approved as presented.  Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).


Ms. Hartford reported that she would contact the Salem Five Bank concerning the former Heritage Cooperative Bank building on Washington Street.  They had painted the doors without approval and the other work that had been approved had not yet been done.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting was adjourned.