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City Council Meeting Notice Posted on 05/30/2013

                                                                                        May 30, 2013
Dear Councillor:

        The City Council will meet in the Council Chamber on the dates, times, and for the purposes specified below.  These sub-committee meetings are held to take action for the purpose of making recommendations to the full council.
Special Meetings, Emergency Meetings and Regular Meetings are held to take action on subject matters.

“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A ss. 18-25, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

WEEK OF JUNE 3, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013                    6:30 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES, LICENSES &
                                                        LEGAL AFFAIRS
                                                        RE: Executive Session for Taxi Operator License
                                                        Denial, Paranormal Salem Hearing
                                        INVITED: Howard Taylor, David Crawford, Police Traffic,
                                        Paranormal, Solicitor

The Committee on Government Services co-posted with the Committee of the Whole meeting originally scheduled for June 4, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. has been moved to Monday, June 10, 2013 6:30 P.M.

Thursday, June 6, 2013          6:30 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES, LICENSES &
                                                        LEGAL AFFAIRS CO-POSTED WITH COMMITTEE
                                                        RE: Claims, Rules & Regs. for rooming houses,
                        Appointments & Reappoints upon expiration of terms
INVITED: Solicitor, Mayor

WEEK OF JUNE 10, 2013

Monday June 10, 2013            6:00 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY &
                                                        RE:  Use of Leaf Blowers & how it impacts quality of life
                                                        INVITED:  Building Inspector, Solicitor, Health Agent

                                                        WITH COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
                                                        RE:  Water Meter Issues
                                                        INVITED:  City Engineer, City Solicitor, John Avigian

Wednesday, June 12, 2013                6:00 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
                                                        COPOSTED WITH COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
RE:  FY2014 Budget Meeting
                                                        INVITED:  City Clerk/Elections/City Council, Assessors,
                                                        Collector, Data Processing (GIS/MIS), Parking, Purchasing,
                                                        Treasurer, Finance

Thursday, June 13, 2013         6:00 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
                                                        RE: Matters in Committee

                                        6:30 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES, LICENSES &  
RE: Claims, Licenses

7:00 P.M.         REGULAR MEETING
RE: Any and all business

WEEK OF JUNE 17, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013           6:00 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
                                                        COPOSTED WITH COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
RE:  FY2014 Budget Meeting
                                                        INVITED:  Salem Public Schools, Salem Community
                                                        Charter School

WEEK OF JUNE 24, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013         6:00 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
                                                        RE: Matters in Committee

                                        6:30 P.M.       COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES, LICENSES &  
RE: Claims, Licenses

7:00 P.M.          REGULAR MEETING
RE: Any and all business

ATTEST:                                                         CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                                                CITY CLERK