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Continuation of a Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 6:00 P.M., for the purpose of filling the vacancy of the Councillor At Large seat as a result of the resignation of Councillor Joan B. Lovely, in accordance with Salem City Charter Section 59A.

Notice of this meeting was posted on January 4, 2013 at 10:01 A.M.

       All Councillors were present.

      President  Ryan presided.

The following are candidates for the position of Councillor At Large in alphabetical order.

1. Lucy Corchado – 1 Chase Street, Apt. #2

2. William H. Legault – 2 Orne Street

3. Steven A. Pinto – 55 Columbus Avenue

4. Kenneth A. Sawicki – 40 School Street

5.Christopher O. Sicuranza – 7 Cedar Street

6. Robert J. Wright – 1 Essex St.

Councillors Ryan requested and received unanimous consent to allow all candidates to address the City Council.

  • Lucy Corchado stated she did not make decision to put her name in to be considered lightly. She had the support to persuade her to go forward.
  • William H. Legault – stated that he started his life living on Perkins Street and as a teen he moved to Derby Street where he grew up. He stated he did not submit his name for consideration to fulfill a life long dream. He just thought he should do this.

  • Steven A. Pinto – stated he was born and raised in Salem. No one anticipated what was going to happen last Thursday at the meeting, but as the president said this was democracy in action.
  • Kenneth A. Sawicki – Thanked the Council for this opportunity and was proud to be a part of the process and that he would speak again with a possible solution.
  • Christopher O. Sicuranza – He stated he submitted his letter of interest in honor and with integrity and to have accountability.
  • William Wright – was not present.

Councillor Sosnowski spoke about how we would vote and why.

Councillor Turiel explained about last weeks vote was for who they thought would do the best job.

Councillor Carr – I did make those statements regarding my vote but want to clarify. Election results are what they are. My conscience is clear I make decisions on facts. Lets move forward.

Councillor Sargent – stated based on criteria he felt he voted for the best candidate for the job. He looked at it as an employer would.

Councillor Furey – stated that he served on the Charter Commission and wanted to have the runner up on election be next in line.

        Councillor O’Keefe assumed the Chair.

Councillor Ryan – stated since last Thursday’s meeting a lot has happened. The process was done in 2006 this way. The Charter is silent on how to process works. The last meeting was a battle of wits. We will choose from the current 6 candidates to fill the vacant seat.

        Councillor Ryan resumed the Chair.

Councillor O’Keefe moved that we start the balloting, starting with ballot #301.

City Clerk called the roll for ballot #301.

Ballot #301

The vote was 3 – 2 – 5.

Three votes for Lucy Corchado – voting Councillors O’Keefe, McCarthy and Furey.
Two votes for William Legault – voting Councillors Turiel and Carr.
Five votes for Steven Pinto – voting Councillors Sosnowski, Siegel, Sargent, Prevey and Ryan.

Six votes required candidate not chosen.

Steven A. Pinto requested to speak. No objection.

Mr. Pinto thanked Councillors Sosnowski, Siegel, Prevey, Sargent and Ryan for their 301 votes for him, but at this time for the good of the City he is withdrawing his name for consideration.

Lucy Corchado – stated that she is a woman of her word. That she stated if Mr. Pinto withdrew she would also, so she withdrew her name for consideration.

City Clerk called the roll for ballot #302.

Ballot #302

The vote was 8 – 2.

Eight votes for William Legault.- Voting Councillors Turiel, Sosnowski, Sargent, Prevey, McCarthy, Furey, Carr and Ryan.
Two votes for Christopher Sicuranza – Voting Councillors Siegel and O’Keefe.

Councillor Sargent moved to make the vote unanimous. It was so voted.

President Ryan- declared _William H. Legault_as Councillor At Large to fill the unexpired term.

On the motion of Councillor O’Keefe the meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.

ATTEST:                                         CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                                        CITY CLERK