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MAY 3, 2012


        A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and Planning Board was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relative to Flood Hazard Overlay District definitions, Special Permit procedure and use regulations.
Notice of this meeting was posted on April 26, 2012 at 6:31 P.M. and advertised in the Salem News on April 19th & April 26th, 2012.

Councillors Carr and O’Keefe were recorded as absent.

President Joan B. Lovely presided.

President Lovely introduced the members of the Planning Board and Planning Department.

Lynn Duncan City Planner, Danielle McKnight clerk of the Planning Board.

Planning Board Members Lewis Bielman, Mark George, Timothy Kavanaugh, George McCabe, John Moustakis, Timothy Ready, Helen Sides and Charles Puleo Chairman.

Lynn Duncan then gave an overview of the Flood Hazard Overlay District. This is being done all over the state. It allows residents to get insurance and it updates the language and new maps in the planning department for viewing. The requirement was updated due to repetitiveness. She handed out copies of the proposed ordinance and the strike through copy. There are a lot of changes in reference to wetlands and coastal areas. She stated that once the public hearing is closed by the City Council the Planning board has a meeting and they will make a recommendation to the City Council.

Councillor Siegel stated there are some people that currently don’t need flood insurance that now will be required to have it. Do we notify them?

Lynn Duncan stated no their Insurance Company will notify them.

Councillor McCarthy asked we don’t notify residents but do we notify the Insurance companies?

Lynn Duncan no the State notifies the Insurance companies.

Councillor McCarthy asked does the City Clerk have a copy of the map?

Lynn Duncan state no it’s a series of maps.

Councillor Ryan stated that the Insurance companies will notify through and with mortgage companies.

Councillor Lovely asked how many property owners will be affected?

Danielle McKnight stated she didn’t know.

Councillor Turiel asked if we have tried to do an analysis side by side with what is we currently have?

Lynn Duncan stated no this would be very difficult. There is no way to do an overlay on the map. Residents will have to talk with their insurance company. Coastal residents should check with their insurance companies especially.

Councillor Furey asked if sister cities are doing this?

Lynn Duncan stated yes they must adopt the new ordinance and maps.

Councillor Lovely asked when does this need to be done by?

Lynn Duncan stated it must be complete by July.
Once it goes into affect we notify the Dept. of Conservation.

Charles Puleo Chairman asked if other states are affected?

Lynn Duncan stated yes, it’s a Federal through FEMA

Councillor McCarthy asked if the planning board is going to look at the content and the strike through copy? I know we need to adopt the maps.

Lynn Duncan stated that Danielle McKnight has been working closely with the Conservation Commission for the correct wording and it meets FEMA requirements. The only thing that didn’t was the Special Permit by Planning Board.

Councillor McCarthy asked if what we are looking at is approved by the State are you saying that the recommendation by the State was to delete the Special Permit requirement? Does Mr. Puleo Chairman of the Planning Board agree with this?

Charles Puleo stated we very seldom handle the special permit, it is the Conservation Commission who deals with it. And most of the time the Conservation Commission gets it first and makes the recommendations.

Councillor Prevey asked the Planner if this is the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission does this limit or change what conservation Commission does?

Lynn Duncan responded no, but this was confusing when it came to advertising for projects it’s really conservation commission.

Councillor Prevey asked it doesn’t put restrictions?

Councillor Sosnowski stated that section 8.1.2 second page #3 Base Flood Elevation Date seems to strict

Lynn Duncan stated this is the State Environmental Conservation’s wording. This is the base.

Councillor Sosnowski asked if someone has ½ acre and wants to build a single family why can’t they build?

Lynn Duncan stated that she will get an answer. This is a balancing act to not allow big developers to get away with getting around it. She will talk to DCR for the rational.

Councillor Sargent stated there is a big difference between a single family lot and 5 acres.

Councillor McCarthy this doesn’t say that it’s taking the jurisdiction from the Planning Board, what is Base Flood Elevation Data?

Lynn Duncan asked Danille McKnight if they have a definition.

Danielle stated no

Councillor Lovely asked what is A Zone?

Danielle McKnight stated they are in the flood plane.

Chaiman Puleo stated it’s coastal zones

Councillor Sosnowski that he felt the Storm Water Management should be in the purview of the Planning Board.

Lynn Duncan stated yes it is that’s the Special Permit 8.1.4 and she will get information for Councillor Sosnowski

There was no one in the audience to appear in favor.

Appearing in opposition:

Teasie Riley Goggin – 9 Wisteria St. Salem – stated that the advertisement say’s that the Planning Board is loosing jurisdiction to the Conservation Commission. Don’t know if you want to give up that power.

Councillor McCarthy moved that the hearing be closed. It was so voted.

Councillor McCarthy moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Board for their recommendation. It was so voted.

On the motion of Councillor McCarthy the hearing adjourned at 6:45 P.M.

ATTEST:                                 CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                        CITY CLERK