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        A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and the Planning Board was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing a proposed zoning amendment to consider rezoning land off Marlborough Road from R-C and R-1 to R-3.  Notice of this hearing was posted on April 11, 2003 at 2:53 P.M., and advertised in the Salem Evening news on May 1, 2003 and May 8, 2003.
Councillors Driscoll and O’Keefe were absent. Councillor DeToma arrived at 6:42 P.M.

President Thomas H. Furey presided.

President Furey called upon Stephanie Mullaney from the Planning Department. Ms. Mullaney explained that the City Planner Joseph Walsh and his Assistant Denise McClure were at another meeting. Ms Mullaney said the City Planner met with the Developer and that the developer needed an extension.

Mr. Power introduced the Planning Board. In attendance were John Moustakis, Charles Puleo, Christine Sullivan, David Weiner, Gene Collins, Paul Durand, Pamela Lombardini, William Cullen, and Walter Power.

Councillor O’Leary stated that an article in the Salem News reported that he met with the Mayor over the rezoning and this statement is false. He requested that the Salem News print a retraction tomorrow.

Attorney Beatrice requested a continuance until June 19th, 2003 and will address at that time any of Councillor O’Leary’s concerns.  Attorney Beatrice told how he submitted a letter yesterday stating he was not prepared for tonight.

Council President Furey remarked that this was the second time the Developer is not prepared. All these residents and the Councillors and Planning Board are here tonight, and that this “Public Hearing is going forward”.

Appearing in opposition to the proposed rezoning were:  

Al Lachapelle, 60 Marlborough Road, zoning should stay R-1.

Debra Conroy, zoning should stay R-1.

Mr. Liversage, 19 Highland Avenue, stated the developer will never be ready.

Kevin Valliere, 19 Barcelona Avenue, agrees the land should stay R-1.

Joe Melin, Verdon Street, should stay R-1.

Mr. Piatrowski, 102 Marlborough Road, stay R-1 don’t want the value of our property to drop.

Jim Tredwell, based on planning this increases density of the area.

Diane Corideo, 10 Ravenna Avenue, we should keep it R-1. Traffic is getting unreasonable now.

Elizabeth Borkowski, 27 Barcelona Avenue, keep it R-1. Traffic is terrible; if you develop the land it will only get worse. Also we don’t want a cut through. And what about the wetlands?

Jerry Irish, demographics have changed. Highland Avenue is a thoroughfare that Marblehead, Swampscott and Peabody use as a cut through. We need proper planning.

Bob Sgroi, 21 Appleby Road, keep it R-1. He expressed concerns for emergency vehicles getting held up in traffic and that it will only get worse.

Mr. Water Power, of the Planning Board stated that the Planning Board has a meeting at 7:00 P.M.  The Planning Board cannot act in 21 days. We need to meet with the City Planner and then respond.

Ralph Vito, 29 Ravenna Avenue, even if we waited one month or more the developer won’t be ready.

Debra Hurlburt, 7 Milk Street stated it is vital to look at master plan; it was made R-C and R-1 for a reason. The impact is enormous. This City has had tremendous growth. A study is needed. Don’t let the developer tell you what’s correct for this City.

Anthony Coridio, zoning should remain the same. Marlborough Road is a very dangerous area. We have reasonable zoning laws. Why should someone change them. Consider the effect and the property values.

Michael Pelletier, 31 Ravenna Avenue, don’t change zoning.

Paulette Langone, 29 Barcelona Avenue, Thank you Councillor O’Leary, he works for his people. I’ve owned my home for 37 years, raised my family and will retire in this house. If you rezone the neighborhood will change and I’m against that change.

Mr. Gonzalez, 9 Highland Avenue, came to Salem from Cambridge to raise his children.  I felt it was safe I don’t want cars running over my kids.

Jean Hernando, Ravenna Avenue, I agree that the zoning should remain the same.

Paul Webber, 39 Highland Avenue, keep it R-1.

Pamela Finan, 159 Marlborough Road, there are no sidewalks. Keep it R-1.  The developer needs to talk to the residents.

Mr. Gauthier, the increase in cars whether it’s 220 cars or 400 cars where are we going to put them?  We have floods in the basement now due to development.

Attorney Beatrice, Client is coming up with another plan and wants to work with the Planner, residents and Council.

At 6:55 P.M. the Planning Board left for the Planning Board meeting. .

Councillor Harvey asked if anyone was in favor of Zoning Change please stand up and speak.  No one spoke.

Mary O’Leary, keep it R-1, as Ward 4 has had it. If something has to go there then make it small. We need to keep open space. We’ve lost everything up there.

Councillor Harvey stated that over the years residents have come out against different developments. This is sending a clear message how people feel about this, and it is time to move on.

Councillor Lovely agreed to keep the zoning the same.  She also stated that no Councillor would vote to support this change.  She recommended that Attorney Beatrice withdraw his petition to re-zone

Councillor Flynn agreed that the parcel should remain as currently zoned.  There is a need for more single-family homes in Salem.

Councillor Sargent suggested a single-family high priced neighborhood.  

Councillor Bencal felt that there was a reason why this area was zoned
R-C &  R-1, and it should stay that way.

Councillor Chuber, We need comprehensive planning.

Councillor DeToma, expressed disappointment for what has been submitted, since it is not a realistic project. This should be withdrawn and must be compatible with the area. There is a need for more dialogue.

Attorney Beatrice then stated that at this time, he was withdrawing the petition, and would forward a letter the following day.  

Councillor Harvey echoed Councillor Sargent’s remarks for a neighborhood with million-dollar homes, and deeding the wetlands to the Conservation Commission so that Salem benefits.

Councillor O’Leary moved that the hearing be closed.  It was so voted by a roll call vote of 9 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent.  Councillors Sargent, O’Leary, Lovely, Harvey, Flynn, DeToma, Chuber, Bencal, and Furey were recorded as voting in the affirmative.  Councillors O’Keefe and Driscoll were absent.

On the motion of Councillor O’Leary the meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M.

ATTEST:                                         DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW
                                                        CITY CLERK