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        A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and Planning Board was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing a proposed zoning amendment to consider rezoning land at 209 Highland Avenue from B-2 to R-3.  Notice of this meeting was posted on November 26, 2002 at 1:08 P.M. and advertised in the Salem Evening News on December 5 and December 19, 2002.

        Councillor Flynn was absent.

        President Leonard F. O’Leary presided.

        President O’Leary called upon City Planner Joseph Walsh to introduce the members of the Planning Board.

        President O’Leary called upon Attorney Joseph Correnti, representing the petitioner from Corcoran Company.
Attorney Correnti explained that the property is located behind Hillcrest Chevrolet on Highland Avenue.  It is a five-acre piece of undeveloped land.  The intent would be to extend the R-3 zoning, which covers all of First Street, and make the area R-3.  Corcoran Property currently has 120 Units of Multi-family housing, which is Phase I.  This would be Phase II with 108 units.  This would allow the parcel to be developed as residential, as is the rest of First Street.

Attorney Correnti further stated at the suggestion of Councillor Lovely, we have met with the residents of First Street.  The building would be placed on First Street, at the top of the hill, and parking would be in the rear.

Councillor O’Keefe mentioned the new storm drain Ordinance that the City Council would adopt in 2003.

Councillor Lovely explained the process that they have been following regarding this project, and the meetings that have been held with the neighbors and abutters.

Councillor Harvey asked if this would be producing more tax revenue for the community, as opposed to a business.  Attorney Correnti responded that additional excise tax revenue, as well as increased density, would generate more revenue.

Mr. Joseph Walsh, City Planner, stated that that City feels this is an appropriate use for this parcel.

There was no one appearing in opposition.  The hearing was closed.  Councillor Harvey moved that the hearing be adjourned at 6:55 P.M.  It was so voted.

ATTEST:                                 DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW,
                                                CITY CLERK