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A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and Planning Board was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, March 1, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing proposed zoning amendments for Substance Abuse Centers, and Body Art/Body Piercing Establishments.  Notice of this hearing was posted on February 2, 2001 at 1:12 P.M. and advertised in the Salem Evening News on February 8 and 15, 2001.

        Councillors Hayes and O'Keefe were absent.  President Lovely arrived later.

        Senior Member Leonard F. O'Leary presided.

        President O'Leary turned the hearing over to Councillor Driscoll, who was the sponsor of the Orders, and explained the reasons for introducing the orders.

        Solicitor John Keenan pointed out that the City is currently reviewing the entire Zoning Ordinance.  The issue of Substance Abuse Centers is currently being addressed in our new proposed zoning, so he recommended that the body art establishment issue be discussed.  Solicitor Keenan also suggested that Mrs. Joanne Scott, Health Agent, discuss the body art issue.

        Solicitor Keenan drafted proposed language for the Salem Zoning Ordinance.  The language is consistent with the Board of Health regulations that are currently in place.

            Health Agent Joanne Scott distributed copies of the Board of Health regulations, and advised the Council that if owners want to open in Salem, they must be permitted by the Board of Health, and meet many requirements.

        Councillor LaCava and Flynn both stated that they would not be adverse to a Special Act of the Legislature to limit the number of licenses allowed in the City.

        Planning Board member William Luster suggested that the Council consider the Industrial District Use.  He was concerned that the B-1 district is also entrance corridor.

        Planning Board Chairman Walter Power also stated that B-1 is around the college, and he would discourage that use.

        The president then opened the hearing to members of the audience.

        The following individuals spoke on the issue.

        Mr. Leo Murphy, owner of the Purple Scorpion on Derby Street

        Mr. Thomas Kent, owner of the business formerly at 140 Washington Street

        Mr. Joseph Capobianco, a proposed tenant for 140 Washington Street

        Mr. William Cullen, Planning Board member, asked about limiting the number of licenses issued in the City.

        The hearing on this matter was now closed.

        On the matter of Substance Abuse Treatment Centers,  there was no one appearing in favor, and there was no one appearing in opposition.

        On the motion of Councillor Driscoll, the hearings were closed.

ATTEST:                                                 DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW
                                                                CITY CLERK