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approved Minutes 6/12/2014
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, June 12, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chair Julia Knisel, Gregory St. Louis, Bart Hoskins, Tom Campbell, Dan Ricciarelli
Members Absent: Amy Hamilton
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chair Knisel calls the meeting to order at 6:07 PM.

Salem Waterfront Hotel Expansion—Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—Salem Waterfront Hotel LLC, 57 Wharf Street, Suite 2E, Salem, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed expansion of the Salem Waterfront Hotel, including demolition of an existing structure and construction of a new building and appurtenances at 23 Congress Street and 9 Pickering Way within an area subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act and Salem Wetlands Protection & Conservation Ordinance.

  • Salem Conservation Commission Review Notes by Gregory St. Louis, 6/11/2014
  • Planning Board Peer Review Letter by William Ross, 5/27/2014
Here for the applicant is Attorney George Atkins, 59 Federal St. He introduces Project Manager Tony Sasso. He describes the history of the site. It used to be a coal and fuel storage depot. They would like to add more hotel rooms and feel there will be no impact on the resource area. The Planning Board is also holding hearings on this project concurrently, but he does not feel their changes will impact this Commission; he will return if so.

Susan St. Pierre describes the project. There is a Chapter 91 license being applied for and an ENF has been filed. They would like to demolish an existing dilapidated marina building. The site is 28,000 square feet.

Wetland resource areas include coastal bank (a sheet pile wall), and land subject to coastal storm flowage. The entire site is in the buffer zone and it is in riverfront area, though they are exempt from provisions of the Riverfront Act due to Chapter 91 jurisdiction over the site. They did use 2012 FEMA flood elevations but looked at the new preliminary elevations, which would still be acceptable. The site was also included in and subject to the 2007 update to the Harbor Plan, which included a harborwalk that must be 20’ in width (most are 10’).

There are also offsite improvements not in this Commission’s jurisdiction, which Ms. St. Pierre outlines. They will improve the stormwater situation here. She describes the current and future stormwater drainage systems. This is a redevelopment site for purposes of the stormwater management plans.

They would like to begin construction this fall and finish it within a year; a flotation boom and straw bales are proposed. The original hotel was filed in 1999, and was reviewed in two rounds for the Harbor Plan in 2003 and 2008, when Phase 2 (this one) was discussed.

Engineer for the applicant, Scott Patrowicz elaborates, describing how this footprint matches the 1999 one. He outlines existing conditions. All surfaces are impervious except for a very small amount of vegetation. A small amount of greenery will be added but will not affect drainage calculations. He outlines the 100’ buffer and drainage conditions. Some drain lines are being rebuilt and restored; all in privately owned areas outside of Conservation Commission jurisdiction. There are some flooding issues which have been addressed but are not part of this project. Roof runoff from the current hotel will be separated and not go into the Stormscepter, which will accept drainage from the parking lot. They are cleaning up runoff to the maximum extent practicable.

A Green Roof was discussed with the architects but it was not feasible. They will use a non-reflective material. Mr. Patrowicz describes the watershed analysis for the project before the Planning Board, which goes beyond the Conservation Commission jurisdiction, but some areas are within jurisdiction. How those tie into the discharge are described. Post- and pre-development scenarios are described. Ms. St. Pierre discusses grades and accessibility.

St. Louis asks about the portions of the project outside of this Commission’s jurisdiction, however the watershed areas will contribute to drainage. Can comments be made outside those two parcels where work is being performed? Devine is unsure, but feels that the larger watershed is NOT under Commission jurisdiction, even though water flows into the area of work. The Commission has St. Louis’ comments and the Civil Engineering Review.

St. Louis provides comments on the project as listed in his 6/11/2014 review notes.
  • It is not clear whether the Commission is reviewing the drainage system for the entire site. Nonetheless, the applicant will provide additional information on the pipes that extend through the property.
  • All material to be removed will be live loaded.
  • Street sweeping will occur weekly after construction.
  • An illicit discharge statement should be submitted prior to construction.
  • An LSP will be present during excavation.
  • Condition of existing pipes should be verified.
  • Dust fencing will be installed.
  • Condition of the 36” City drain line through the property should be confirmed.
  • The roof drain will discharge not behind the sheet pile wall, but will extend through it.
Items needed for the next meeting are fairly clear so Mr. Patrowicz would like to condition them upon approval since they will most likely not change anything, but Chair Knisel feels some calculations could affect the design. St. Louis agrees that a review of the calculations could be useful.

St. Louis notes that if any part of the drainage system is outside the Commission’s jurisdiction, it should be reviewed by the Planning Board. Devine will seek clarification on coordination of the review between the Conservation Commission and Planning Board. St. Louis and Patrowicz agree to meet to discuss the drainage system.

A motion to continue to the June 26th meeting is made by St. Louis, seconded by Ricciarelli, and passes unanimously, 5-0.

Children’s Island Repair and Improvements—Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—YMCA of the North Shore, 245 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed repair of an existing retaining wall at Children’s Island in Salem Harbor within an area subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act and Salem Wetlands Protection & Conservation Ordinance.

Scott Patrowicz, engineer for the applicant, presents. Scott Hitchcock of the YMCA is also present. He reiterates their plans for the pool deck and shade structure, and landing of the barge. They would like to re-land the barge in another area; there is a crumbling seawall in one area so they would like to re-point it, fix the cap and repair the fence. They would like to flank the wall on both sides with riprap. They are not in coastal bank area and do have ledge at the bottom of the proposed riprap. Riprap would be large boulders pinned into the existing ledge.

The process is described. The wall will be stabilized. This project is not tied into the former since the YMCA must keep funding sources separate for different projects. There are no DEP comments for this project.

There used to be a hotel out there 130 years ago so the retaining wall may have been built then. They do not want it to deteriorate further and there is a lot of erosion from the back. This solution is a bit less extreme than a new retaining wall, for cost, aesthetic and logistical reasons. Mr. Patrowicz is not sure a “soft solution” would work here since the wall is locked into the ledge.

Preliminary FIRMs were not discussed with DEP but this will turn into Coastal Bank in the 2014 FIRM. Preliminary FIRMs are currently being used by this Commission but Patrowicz would like it approved under the 2012 maps. He does not feel that the changes will impact the project since there used to be a wall and the slope is failing.

Mr. Patrowicz describes the process of attaching the boulders to the ledge. This will be with rebar like that used at Shetland Park. The existing and proposed slopes are described. It will be set on grade. He is not sure exactly what the area of the wall will be; it may be less than indicated but cannot be more.

Chair Knisel would like to discuss wave energy of the site and alternatives to riprap, since this is a sediment source for the beach area. Dr. Rosen, if present, would most likely dispute that the sediment would be prevented from moving. If that is the case, the YMCA could do beach nourishment. The area can be monitored.

Chair Knisel suggests a site visit since she is concerned about the additional “armoring” proposed. There are historic photos of this area but they are not present. The Chair feels there is not enough information presented to make a decision. Mr. Patrowicz outlines the project again and reiterates his sentiment that the work is adequate. He also describes the high water line.

The existing wall is crumbling and they would like to prevent further deterioration, since it is unlikely the wall has ever been maintained. This is the time for them to do maintenance on the island; next month they will come before the Commission for the foundation of Sailor’s Lodge.

There is no visual showing a front of the beach toward the wall, which the Commission would like to see. Chair Knisel reiterates that they need substantiation of the beach. Historic and current photos will be obtained. Current vegetation is grasses. Dr. Rosen will not be able to answer the Commission’s questions and they would like to continue to the next meeting.

A motion to continue to the June 26th meeting is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by St. Louis, and passes 5-0. Additional photos will be provided then.

Old/New Business
These items are taken first since St. Louis is not yet present.

  • 297 Bridge Street (former Universal Steel)—DEP #64-544: Request for Certificate of Compliance
This is the parking lot at former Universal Steel property, with the parking lot serving as the top layer of the cap of the remediated site. The project was constructed per approved plans and later modifications approved by the Commission. Grass is beginning to grow, but the contractor will still return to place additional loam and seed as needed.

A motion to issue the certificate of compliance is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Campbell, and passes unanimously, 4-0

  • 116-118 Leach Street—DEP #64-342: Request for Certificate of Compliance
This is an order of conditions for a pier that was never built, and has since expired. The owner wants to clear said order from the deed. This is a certificate of compliance for an invalid order of conditions.

A motion to issue the certificate is made by Hoskins, seconded by Campbell, and passes unanimously, 4-0.

  • 20/30/40 Colonial Avenue (Univar)—DEP #64-499: Request for Certificate of Compliance
The building has been demolished and the site has been adequately stabilized.

A motion to issue the full certificate is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Hoskins, and all are in favor: 4-0.


Devine states that Representative Keenan submitted a letter to the Commission is support of the City’s marina at Blaney Street. The letter arrive just after the Commission approved the project.

The Mayor has appointed a new member, Robert Pond, for tonight’s Council meeting. His accomplishments are described. He will complement the Commission’s existing skill set and will most likely start by the fall.

Previously, the Commission approved funding for a “Wild Edibles Walk” in the Forester River Conservation Area. This is as a follow-up to a Keystone Cooperator (a forest management program) training attended in April, which requires community service as a follow up. At this time it is uncertain whether the walk in question will take place here or at Salem Woods. If the latter, the Commission would obviously not be able to pay the foraging expert, so Ms. Kilb will keep Devine updated as to the status of this walk and necessity of payment.

Devine announces that he passed the American Institute of Certified Planners exam and will now be a certified planner.

A motion to adjourn is made by Hoskins, seconded by Ricciarelli, and is approved unanimously, 5-0.

The meeting ends at 8:00PM

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on July 24, 2014