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Approved Minutes 3/27/2014
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, March 27, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Vice Chair David Pabich, Gregory St. Louis, Tom Campbell, Dan Ricciarelli, Bart Hoskins
Members Absent: Chair Julia Knisel, Amy Hamilton
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Acting Chair Pabich calls the meeting to order at 6:10 PM.

  • MassDOT Highland Avenue Drainage Repair—Public Hearing—Request for Determination of Applicability—MassDOT Highway Division, 519 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed maintenance and repair of damaged drainage structures within an area subject to the Wetlands Protection Act at two locations on Highland Avenue: the intersection at Barcelona Avenue and the Forest River crossing.
Here for MassDOT is Renatta Welch. She describes both locations. Both have failed drainage systems. The first is a catch basin in a high speed lane, and the drain pipe has collapsed so will be repaired. The second is about 50’ north, with a drain pipe connecting to a manhole in a high speed lane, and the drain pipe has collapsed. This is at a low spot in the roadway so there are already drainage issues. She describes the setup of the area; the headwall will be reset. The outfall will also be lined with riprap to prevent erosion.

At the second location, they will be working high on the embankment above the river crossing. Erosion and sedimentation controls will be used.

Acting Chair Pabich asks about they type of wall at location number two. It is granite blocks that will be reused and supplemented with additional material, if needed.  Acting Chair Pabich comments on erosion in the area; it will be examined to see if it can be anchored. The pipe backups are exacerbating the problem. Chair Pabich recommends general housekeeping for the wall.

Acting Chair Pabich comments that the work in Area 1 will be in the roadway/breakdown lane and Ms. Welch confirms. The guardrail that is driven into the pipe will be addressed. Some fill may be needed at the back. The layout of the area is described further. The outfall is perhaps 2 - 3’ above grade. Some stone will be placed underneath to prevent erosion. Acting Chair Pabich discusses additional methods of shoring it up and protecting the area.

Acting Chair Pabich opens to the public but there are no comments.

A motion to close the public hearing is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by St. Louis, and passes 4-0 (Hoskins has not yet arrived).

A motion to issue a Negative 2 determination is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Campbell, and passes 4-0.

The Commission requests but does not require that the applicant ensure that all machine work is done from the road side, that the bank be stabilized and general housekeeping be done, and that the height of the splash pad be increased. The splash pad should ensure less than a 3’ drop.

2.      27 Pierce Road House Addition—Continuation of Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—DEP #64-563—Charles A. Smith, 4 Galloupes Point Road, Swampscott, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed construction of a house addition and appurtenances at 27 Pierce Road within an area subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act and Salem Wetlands Protection & Conservation Ordinance.

Mr. Scott Patrowicz presents. Attorney Bill DeMento is also present. Changes from the last meeting are being presented. Mr. Patrowicz shows a revised site plan. There are fewer impacts with the new plan; the house setback has been increased, two swales added, the stockpile area moved, and the amount of impervious surface reduced.

Bill Manuel discusses the riverfront issues; he feels that the revised plan has met all of the Commission’s requests at the previous meeting. They were already meeting impact requirements after looking at the alternatives, but this is even better, being even further away from the mean high water line.

St. Louis asks if the whole area needs to be regarded instead of putting in a shallow berm; the idea was to minimize the impact. It is only 6” so not a large earthwork operation; it is just meant to intercept the first flush. St. Louis suggests surrounding with a smaller berm as well and Acting Chair Pabich reviews the elevations. Mr. Patrowicz says that it is meant to be subtle and a berm would be much more noticeable. As of now it is lawn but the plan is to plant with more salt tolerant species of grass so that it has the appearance of a water quality swale. Mr. Patrowicz is aiming to save the crabapple tree at the edge of the work area, but may not be able to. The shrub line remains and they are trying to work around some light poles.

The Commission agrees that the revised plan is much improved.

Acting Chair Pabich opens to the public and Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coast Watch comments that it is on the Forest River and there are phragmites and other invasives, so she requests that they control any disturbance so they do not get established. She also asks that they consider what happens to the stockpile once work is done. The stockpile will be what is excavated; it may be removed immediately but will be in the location indicated if it does need to stay for a little while. Groundwater is fairly high in this area. That is part of the reason they are planning a slab on grade, which is also what is under the existing house.

None of the applicants or Commissioners can recall phragmites in that particular area, but the concern is for it to become newly established. They will be using a silt fence for erosion control but are also considering coir logs or straw wattle; it will depend on what the contractor wants to use. There would be a danger of seeds with hay bales but not straw or bark mulch. Acting Chair Pabich feels that a silt fence would be adequate.

A motion to close the public hearing is made by Campbell seconded by Ricciarelli, and passes 5-0. (Hoskins has arrived during this item)

A motion to issue the order of conditions is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Hoskins, and all are in favor.

Special conditions:
Monitor disturbed area to ensure that invasives do not become established, until it is fully vegetated
No hay bales will be used for erosion control
Existing shrub line to remain

3.      Old/New Business

•       Discussion and vote regarding continued funding for Greenscapes North Shore

Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coast Watch presents. She requests for the City of Salem to continue its membership in Greenscapes. She hands out examples of the Greenscapes Guide, one of the deliverables. New this year was a dog waste pamphlet, which was distributed at the veterinarian offices and city offices. They can be replenished as needed. They also made two Public Service Announcements which are being shown on Salem Cable Access. One of them describes what residents can do to help keep the water clean.

This coming year they have a new stormwater handout. They are also implementing a school program, after hiring an Ocean Literacy Coordinator. She describes the classroom activities. It will be a Jeopardy game and activity stations. One Envirascape  model was purchased and they plan to buy another, to illustrate what happens to rain water. There is also a waste water treatment education station planned.

Acting Chair Pabich comments that his daughter’s classes had seen Beverly’s wastewater treatment plant, and opines that such trips are a good learning tool. Many residents don’t know where their water comes from and where it goes. Ms. Warren comments that SESD wastewater has gotten even more limited in their tour offerings, since they see it as a safety issue. Greenscapes programs in other areas are also described.

SSCW, not Greenscapes, is also going into schools to talk about salt marsh and wetland plants; there is also a field trip component. She describes some of these outings as well as some of SSCW’s other efforts.  One of these is conservation moorings to help re-establish eel grass. They would like to implement them in Salem Harbor. Turbidity or plankton blooms are possible causes of eel grass loss in Salem Harbor. Eel grass has declined by 70% here but is thriving elsewhere. They also want to monitor for changes as the current power plant closes.

A motion to approve $900 for the Greenscapes Program is made by Hoskins, seconded by St. Louis, and passes unanimously.

•       Election of Conservation Commission officers: discussion and vote

This matter is tabled because the Chair is not present.


Commission members may be reimbursed for mileage for travel to/from educational events provided it has been approved beforehand.

George Corso, a possible future applicant for work at 56 Swampscott Rd., has some questions and the Commission advises him to work through the agent and return to the Commission when he submits an application.

•       Meeting minutes—January 23, 2014; February 27, 2014; and March 13, 2014

A motion to approve all three sets of minutes is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Hoskins, and passes unanimously.

A motion to adjourn is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by St. Louis, and passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on May 8, 2014