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Approved Minutes 01/26/2012
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, January 26, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairwoman Julia Knisel, Michael Blier, Amy Hamilton, Dan Ricciarelli, Gavin McAuliffe
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chairwoman Julia Knisel calls the meeting to order at 6:07 PM.

Meeting Minutes—January 12, 2012

A motion to approve the minutes is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Pabich, and passes unanimously.

Public Hearing—Request for Determination of Applicability—Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid, 170 Medford Street, Malden, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed installation of a new gas main within riverfront area and buffer zone to a coastal bank on Hubon Street between Bridge Street and the North River.

Here for the applicant is Mike Toohill with Coneco Engineer & Scientists. He describes the setup; they will be in the street in the riparian zone. It is a small 2” plastic pipe for side service off the main in Bridge St. They will do the work in April; Boston Gas Co. will do it themselves in a few days. Plates may be down for a day or two, but trenching will be small.

Erosion control measures would include silt sacks around catch basins; there is only one catch basin down at the end. Pabich suggests either that, or a policy of no soils stored onsite at all, especially as erosion control may be difficult. Chip bales can be used on pavement since erosion controls can’t be staked. That can be conditioned. A chip bale is a burlap sack with wood chips in it, which conforms to the pavement shape. They can come in tubes or sacks. Bales are lighter than tubes.

Pabich comments that one end of the street runs downhill and there is a vertical face of a building entry, seawall, and driveway and a lawn area that may experience ponding. Thus, a policy of no open soils onsite would be preferable to erosion control. A few controls at the end of the street could be used if they would be appropriate too, and these would not cause problems for the property owner at the end of the street.

Devine suggests a negative 2 and 3 determination with conditions. Pabich says they should condition erosion controls to be placed as necessary at the end of the street.


There should be sufficient erosion controls on hand, to be used as necessary. An environmental engineer could also be conditioned to inspect it. Any soils should also be covered. The trench will be closed each night--only one day’s worth will be opened at a time. Any open stockpiles should be offsite, out of the resource area.

Chair Knisel opens to the public but there is no one in the audience, and thus, no comments. A motion to close the public hearing is made by Pabich, seconded by McAuliffe, and passes unanimously

A motion to issue a Negative Determination (2 and 3) with conditions is made by Pabich, seconded by McAuliffe, and passes unanimously.

Old/New Business

Commissioners received an email about Environmental Notification Form (ENF) for Salem’s Urban Renewal Plan update.  Devine notes that the plan does not involve any actual construction activity, but the ENF is required by statute. Devine can provide more information if needed.
Devine asks if reappointed commissioners have taken their oak. Ricciarelli has but Pabich hasn’t yet.

A parting gift for former commissioner McCauley is discussed.

The Splaine Park grant came through, in no small part due to Dan Ricciarelli’s efforts.

A motion to adjourn is made by Pabich, seconded by McAuliffe, and passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 6:30PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on February 9, 2012.