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Approved Minutes 04/16/2011
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, April 16, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairman David Pabich, Carole McCauley, Julia Knisel, Amy Hamilton
Members Absent: Dan Ricciarelli, Michael Blier
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chairman David Pabich calls the meeting to order, and announces that it will be recorded, at 6:15PM.

Meeting Minutes—March 24, 2011

Chairman Pabich is not eligible to vote on the minutes, so Hamilton motions to approve, is seconded by McCauley and passes 3- Affirmative with 1-present (Chairman Pabich).
Continuation of Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—Barbara Bowman—DEP #64-509, 8 Dearborn Lane, Salem, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed removal of a concrete seawall and replacement with riprap within a portion of Coastal Beach, Coastal Bank, and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage at 8 Dearborn Lane.

Carole McCauley signs an affidavit indicating that she has reviewed material on this matter so she may vote, as she was not present the last time that issue came up.

The applicant is not present as of 6:17PM. The Chairman says that he should be furnishing new information, and Devine says he spoke with him and the engineer a week ago.

A motion to table is made by Hamilton, seconded by Knisel, and passes 4-0.

At 6:30PM a motion to continue this issue until the May 12 is made by McCauley, seconded by Hamilton and passes unanimously.

Old/New Business

Jim Treadwell, 36 Felt St., asks if he may offer some updates to the Commission. The Commission agrees.

First, Secretary Sullivan of EOEA certified the City’s request for dredging of the South River and Controlled Aquatic Cell; the City must also prepare an Environmental Impact Report. Two points in the certification are relevant: 1. Permitting- Water Quality Certification; an Order of Conditions from the Commission will be considered part of the permitting process. 2. Secretary Sullivan is satisfied that impact on tideland resources can be addressed through permitting. Mr. Treadwell does not know when the EIR will be produced.

Second, in December US HUD approved the loan for the Senior Center on the Gateway site, with many financial conditions on the approval. The Council will consider this issue tonight; HUD says Environmental Review responsibilities are applicable to this project. Mr. Treadwell says an RFP went out in October but the a review hasn’t been conducted yet; in either case the environmental assessment form must address water quality, wetlands protection, and other issues.

Devine asks for Commission funds to attend an MACC wetlands delineation workshop in Maynard in July. Chairman Pabich agrees he should go and Devine says that Commission members are welcome to attend.

McCauley motions to grant him the funds, is seconded by Hamilton, and all approve.

Salem Sound Coast Watch wants to install a data logger under footbridge in the Forest River conservation area by the South Campus of Salem state. Devine thinks it’s exempt from review but wanted to bring it up. The purpose of the data logger is to collect information on the level and temperature of water; they will test separately for salinity when they go to check on the device. Devine notes that he hasn’t heard from the volunteer who proposed doing repair work on this bridge. McCauley says they are installing a dozen data loggers in the area, especially in fish runs and to look at regional climate change trends.

Rich Brennan for Barbara Bowman (Item #2) is still not present at 6:28PM. Chairman Pabich suggests making a motion to continue to May 12 as there are no agenda items for the next April meeting on the 28th otherwise. See above for the motion.

Knisel motions to adjourn the meeting, is seconded by Hamilton and the motion passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 6:30PM

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on May 12, 2011