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Approved Minutes, March 12, 2009
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, March 12, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson David Pabich, Michael Blier, Kevin Cornacchio, Rebecca Christie, Keith Glidden, Carole McCauley
Members Absent: Amy Hamilton
Others Present: Carey Duques, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Pabich calls the meeting to order.

1.  Approval of Minutes – February 12, 2009 Meeting

McCauley:       Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Blier.  Passes 5-0.

Voting members are Blier, Christie, Cornacchio, McCauley, and Pabich.

2.  Public Hearing Request for a Determination of Applicability – Dominion Energy, 5000 Dominion Boulevard, Glen Allen, VA 23060

Pabich reads the legal public hearing notice, which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss borings proposed adjacent to sheet pile wall at Dominion Energy located at 24 Fort Avenue within Salem Harbor.

Cornacchio recuses himself for this item.

Cornacchio asks permission to remain in the room and answer questions and Pabich agrees to allow him to stay.

Nicole Wilkinson, water/waste specialist, states that they will make borings (3 borings) to collect geotechnical data to study the wall and determine how much life there is left in the wall and whether any maintenance is required.  She says that the work will be completed within a two-week window.  She explains that all of the work would be done from a floating barge, and the borings extend to a depth of 49 feet below the mien low water line, and the borings will be done within a casing to minimize any sediment and to contain the work within the casing.  She adds that they will be taking samples every 5 feet.

Pabich asks what the depth of the sea bed is at that point.

Cornacchio states that the depth of the bottom of the basin is 36 feet below the low mien water line, so the borings will be 15-20 feet below that.

Pabich asks what the diameter of the borings will be.

Wilkinson states that the diameter of the borings will be 6 inches.

Cornacchio clarifies that the existing wall is a steel sheet pile wall.

Wilkinson clarifies that the reason for this procedure is to check the wall for maintenance to determine when it will need to be replaced.

Rob DeRosier confirms that there are no buildings near the site and no activity occurs in that area.

Pabich states that it seems pretty straightforward.  He asks what the anticipated level of contamination of the sediments is.

Nicole states that they have Clean Harbors on contract to remove and properly dispose of the material and that the sediment would not be put on site; the sediment would be drummed.

Pabich says that it seems as low impact as they get.

Duques recommends a issuing a -2 Determination, which requires no special conditions.

Glidden:        Motion to issue a -2 Determination of Applicability, seconded by Christie.  Passes 6-0.

Old/New Business

3.  25 Cloverdale Avenue – update on planting change and status of as-built plans

John Dick of Hancock Associates, representing Mr. Ambler, presents the plan stating that the site plan was approved in October 2006 with a planting spec for the fill slope consisting of Blueberries and sprigs, and those plantings won’t work, so he wrote a new spec for the plantings.  He explains that a section of the slope slumped and a contractor dragged the soil back and secured it with riprap.  He states that he is here tonight to ask the Commission to approve the modified the planting protocol and acknowledge that work is progressing as planned.

Pabich clarifies the location of the failure.

Cornacchio confirms that the tire has been removed from the site.

Dick states that the plan was to stone some of the slope and plant some of the slope.

Pabich suggests that the owner ensure that there are no other large pieces of debris in the slope.  He concludes that they used bad fill that failed.

Dick states they will plant 35 conservation grade (3-4 feet tall) shrubs and some vines.  He states that he likes vines because they have a huge root system and they will cover the rock bank.  He says he would like the Commission to confirm that this is moving along as planned, pending an as-built plan.

Pabich states that Duques can write a letter and send it to Mr. Ambler.

4.  Revised cost for designing public way signage

Duques states that this estimate is from Roll Barresi and Associates and the original proposal was $4500 for signage for at least 3 access points, and she asked them to reduce the price and after the third try the price is down to $900.  She says the signs would not be site specific so they can place them anywhere in the City where they determine it would be appropriate.

Cornacchio recommends advising the City Council of these sign designs.

The members discuss the possible locations for these signs.

Duques states that she is looking for approval from the Commission to use the funds to purchase these signs.

Glidden suggests using the City seal on the signs.

Pabich suggests a graphic of the Derby Wharf Lighthouse.

Duques asks if they would like having boating and fishing icons on the signs.

Cornacchio says he thinks they should be simple with the City seal and “Enjoy this public way.”

The members agree to check with the City Council before committing funds to this.

Pabich states that they can conditionally approve this.

Blier states that this new price is a bargain.

Glidden:        Motion to approve the funds pending design approval from the City Council, seconded by Cornacchio.  Passes 6-0.

5.  Updated costs for pictometry images to include th islands with structures on them (Baker’s, Tinker’s, Great Misery, Little Misery, and Children’s)

Duques states that the original price quoted did not include pictometry for the islands, but now they have 5 departments splitting the cost so she is asking for an additional $388.34.

Cornacchio:     Motion to appropriate from the funds of the Conservation Commission $388.34 for the pictometry images for Baker’s, Tinker’s, Great Misery, Little Misery, and Children’s Islands, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 6-0.

6.  Discussion of Council’s request for Commission to attend meeting regarding Tinker’s Island

Duques states that nobody has to attend because this is a different person and is only a legal matter.  

7.  Baker’s Island

Duques states that she should be hearing form the City Council soon about the appeal for the Baker’s Island decision.

The members discuss this appeal.

8.  Checklist of Questions for Applicants

Pabich states that Duques has prepared a checklist for things that the Commission will consider while gathering information.

The members discuss the merits of providing a list of the required information from each applicant.

Cornacchio:     Motion to adjourn, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 6-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:00 PM.