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Approved Minutes, April 24, 2008
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Kevin Cornacchio, Michael Blier, Keith Glidden, David Pabich
Members Absent: Joseph Furnari, Any Hamilton, David Summer
Others Present: Carey Duques, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Cornacchio calls the meeting to order.

1.  Approval of Minutes – April 10, 2008 Meeting

Voting members are Cornacchio, Glidden, and Pabich.

Cornacchio suggests an amendment.

Pabich: Motion to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 3-0.

2.  Continuation of a Notice of Intent – DEP #64-474 - City of Salem, 5 Broad Street, Salem, MA

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the reconstructive maintenance of the existing City of Salem boat ramp located at the Kernwood Marina.  Work will include demolition of the existing concrete ramp and reconstruction of a 30-foot wide ramp, including a row of 6, foot wide piles that will hold floating boarding docks.  The proposed work will occur in the following resource areas; land under the ocean, coastal beach, coastal bank and land subject to coastal storm flowage at Kernwood Marina.

Cornacchio states that there was a site visit today at 4:30 PM.
Blier was absent from the last meeting but signs an affidavit confirming that he listened to and read the meeting minutes.  By signing this affidavit he is able to vote on the item.

Engineer David Anderson completes an overview of the project.  He explains that there will be a slight widening of the ramp and pile-held floating docks will be installed on one side.  He states that there will be a cofferdam and floating silt curtain around the work area, and then that area will be de-watered. He adds that he as stipulated additional measurements that the contractor will follow during the project, and the contractor will meet with the Conservation Commission prior to the start of the job.

Blier asks Pabich for some clarification on his concerns as noted on the recording.

Pabich states the contractor must clarify his method of de-watering and other obligations in the contract.  He explains that he has a concern about whether the prop wash area will silt over, but acknowledges that it may not create a problem

Glidden asks if there is a scouring situation.

Anderson says there may be some scouring in some areas.

Cornacchio states that it is a well-considered plan.  He adds that he wishes to have spill absorbents placed in the site.

Duques says that the Standard 8 document should contain a requirement for the use of spill absorbents as well as other staging criteria.

Anderson requests that the language in Standard 8 be specific enough yet not impose some unrealistic guidelines.  He adds that he mistakenly included that vehicle fueling will only be done off site.  He requests to strike that from the document.

Duques suggests that the document allow fueling within a specific location on site.

Pabich suggests they require the contractor to advise the commission of the fueling procedure.

Cornacchio opens to the public.  There are no questions or comments.

Pabich: Motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 4-0.

Glidden:        Motion to issue an Order of Conditions, seconded by Pabich.  Passes 4-0.

The members agree to require adherence to the Standard 8 document as proposed and to meet with the contractor for further clarifications on how he will meet all of the obligations for in this document.

Old/New Business

3.  Request for an Extension to existing Order of Conditions, DEP #64-396 – National Grid (KeySpan Facility) beach capping, Wait and Pierce Streets.

Cornacchio introduces Ken Lento of EECS and Jason Naiden of National Grid.

Ken Lento with EECS states that he is looking for a one-year extension, and they will do more monitoring next month.  He adds that a roadway has been installed and the area has been replanted.  He says that all of the beach work is done, and the boom is no longer there.

Pabich: Motion to grant a one-year extension, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 4-0.

4.  Request for a Certificate of Compliance for DEP #64-395 – Douglas and Jean Karam, 25 Winter Island Road – Construction of a single family home

Duques states that she was on the site and it was completed according to the commission’s request.

Glidden asks what is happening underneath there.

Duques states that it is eroding in the area where the ledge stops.  She adds that the Karam’s want to work with the city to improve that area, but they wish to close out this project before they begin the next.  She says they will file a new Notice of Intent and they have left the hay bales there in case of an April storm and to protect the area of future work.

Duques says they will use Hayes Engineering.  Much discussion ensues about the method for treating the erosion.

Pabich suggests they re-grade the eroded area to create a gradual transition between the coastal bank and the lawn.

Glidden suggests waiting to see how the erosion issue will be addressed before issuing a Certificate of Compliance.  Alternately, he suggests issuing the Certificate of Compliance and using the Enforcement Order as a means of remediation.

Pabich says that this was just an eroding path and it is the property of the city.  He suggests stabilizing it with vegetation rather than armor.

The members agree that they will not issue a Certificate of Compliance and they will ask the Karam’s to file an NOI with the city to correct the erosion issue.

5.  Notice of Project Change, DEP #64-467, 3 Everett Avenue, in-kind replacement of existing stairs

Duques states that this project was filed by Scott Patrowicz.  She presents photos of the site.

Cornacchio states no vote is required on this.  The Commission members agree that there is no problem with this change.

6.  Update on construction taking place at Bridge Street, East and West Ramp, and North Street.  Soil boring to be obtained during late April/early May.

Duques states that the Commission approved a negative determination for installing the traffic lights, and the soil boring will be obtained soon.

The members agree that no measures need to be taken by the Commission at this time.

7.  Other Issues  

Duques states that National Grid will be finishing their Transmission Line Refurbishing project.  She adds that their work is exempt.

Duques states that the 15 Peabody Street Park project will have a public meeting on Monday.  Cornacchio states that the park might be named the Walter Power Memorial Park.

Pabich states that a letter should be written to the contractor about the soil piles on the Salem-Beverly Bridge, and they should be fined.  He adds that it should be faxed, mailed, and hand-delivered.  Duques clarifies that the fine will be $200/day beginning at the receipt of the letter.

Glidden states that the ferryboat launch parking lot looks like a disaster area, and that the gate was open and there are torn-up areas, and there are no garbage receptacles.  He says this is an area they should pay attention to.  Cornacchio suggests putting Big Belly solar-powered trash cans there.

Pabich: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:15 PM.