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Approved Minutes, February 14, 2008
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, February 14, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Kevin Cornacchio, Michael Blier, Keith Glidden, Amy Hamilton, David Pabich, David Summer
Members Absent: Joseph Furnari
Others Present: Carey Duques, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Cornacchio calls the meeting to order.

1.  Approval of Minutes – January 24, 2008 Meeting

Glidden:        Motion to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2008 meeting, seconded by Pabich.  Passes 6-0.

2.  Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – DEP #64-473 - City of Salem, 12 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA 01970

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed project which includes capping and closing the abandoned landfill as well as constructing and operating a new transfer station at 12 Swampscott Road.  Work proposed is located within a 200-foot Riverfront Area and 100 feet of an inland bank at 12 Swampscott Road.  The Notice of Intent is being filed by the City of Salem and North Side Carting Inc.

Alan Hanscom of the Beta Group, representing North Side Carting Inc., distributes information packets and describes the plans.  He states that the original incinerator was built around 1963.  The incinerator was shut down in 1968 and the site was converted to a transfer station in 1975.  The transfer station was closed in 2002 due to the violation of an administrative consent order.

Hanscom states they wish to demolish the incinerator building and stack, cap the closed landfill, construct a new transfer station, re-pave part of the site, and relocate leaf and yard waste drop-off/recycling area.  He describes the plans stating that erosion control protections could be built into the construction documents.  He states that the capping is highly regulated so this will be in compliance with the DEP.  He adds that he will bring drawings of the capping to the next public hearing.  He says that retaining walls will be placed to retain the waste on the site with an embankment with 12 inches of vegetative growth.  Regarding the 200-foot culvert, he says they wish to shorten it to about 140 feet, which might increase the overland flow which will go into catch basins and pass through a water quality treatment.

Hanscom points to the additional paved surface area on the plan.  He describes the new transfer station capacity of 400 tons per day, and states that three environmental studies are being prepared now.

Pabich asks about the waste across the river stating that he would like it to be pulled out of the water course entirely.

Hanscom states that the culvert is 4-foot in diameter at the outlet but they will need to examine this, doing hydrologic calculations.

Pabich asks about the class of the existing pipe.  He expresses concern about the possibility of a failing pipe.

Hanscom states that it looks to be a reinforced concrete pipe, which should have a 100-year lifespan, but they intend to inspect this pipe to determine its condition.

Cornacchio asks if there has been any new proposals for the DEP.

Hanscom states that there is nothing new but they will keep the commission informed on their progress with the DEP.

Regarding Storm Water Management, Hanscom states that there will be storm septor-type water quality systems, fed by all of the catch basins, then directed to the Forest River.  He adds that the drainage calculations are in the end of the information book.

Pabich states that due to the scope and magnitude of this project, the Commission would require the plans to be stamped.  He adds that he wishes a description of the guardrails.

Hanscom states that he will describe the guardrails.  He adds that there will be no electrical or lighting needs on the site.

Hanscom describes the capping process and states that he will bring a section to the next meeting.

Cornacchio asks about dust control stating that he prefers they use only water and Hanscom agrees to this.

Cornacchio states that they prefer the use of Filtrex Socks instead of hay bales and Hanscom agrees to this.

Pabich asks about a guardrail along the top of the slope along the river and Hanscom agrees to place a guardrail there.

Hamilton asks if they will abandon the monitoring wells.  Hanscom states that they will not abandon them and the DEP requires maintenance of monitoring wells for a minimum of 30 years.

Cornacchio reads the following letters into the record:  from Mayor Kim Driscoll, from State Representative John Keenan, from A1 Auto Brokers.  All of the letters support the project.

Cornacchio opens to the public.

Dennis Colbert of 37 Clark Street asks about the property lines and Hanscom points them out on the plan and states that there is some landfill on the abutter’s property.  Robert George of Northside Carting states that John Keenan arranged for the city to cap the landfill on the abutter’s property and he is in the process of tracking down the agreement the landowners have regarding the portion of the transfer station that exists on the abutters property.

Pabich states that the abutters must be a co-applicant on the NOI and they must be part of the application unless there is a legal easement on record.

Hanscom states that there is a legal easement.

Chuck Puleo of 5 Freeman Road asks about the runoff causing back-up on Highland Avenue.

Hanscom states that this will have no impact on Highland Avenue.

Glidden requests that the applicants list the parts of the plans which will not change.

Hanscom agrees to this and adds that he will provide characteristics of the soil.

Pabich requests they describe the method they will use to restore the riverbank.

Cornacchio requests they schedule a site visit.

The members agree to schedule a site visit on February 23, at 8:00 AM.

Pabich:         Motion to continue this until February 28, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 6-0.

Old/New Business

3.  Request for an Extension to existing Order of Conditions – DEP #64-383 – 1-3 East Collins Street, Ward 2 Social Club

Patrick Hagen, member of the Ward 2 Social Club, states that the drain and catch basin are in and they need to extend the Order.

Duques states that the catch basin is working.  She adds that wetland area markers have been installed and debris has been moved except for one tire.

Blier asks where the pipe into the basement goes.

Hagen states that there is no pipe leading into that building.

Duques states that the dumpster has been moved away from the catch basin and closer to the building.

Hagen states that they will install the plantings when the weather breaks.

Cornacchio opens to the public.  There are no questions or comments.

Pabich:         Motion to grant a three-year extension to the Order of Conditions, seconded by Summer.  Passes 6-0.

4.  Notice of Project Change – DEP #64-447 – 60-64 Grove Street – Former Salem Oil and Grease

Duques states that the modifications to this project include removal of walls and roof of Cooperage Room located on southern end of the finishing building located along the North River.

Duques states that the applicant will need to check with the building inspector about getting a building permit.

Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering states that erosion controls have been installed and hydro-seeding is completed, three underground storage tanks have been removed and the forth tank was never located after searching for it.  He adds that there is a possibility that the tank was removed much earlier.  He says that the sulfurization tanks will be removed along with a portion of the structure.

Cornacchio asks if the tanks are below grade.

Hubbard states that they are on slabs which are below grade.

Duques confirms that the building goes right up to the canal.  She asks if they will work from the land and pull the material up from the river.  She asks if there will be any nets to catch material that may fall into the river.

Griffin states that a net will be placed there temporarily to catch any debris from falling into the river.

Duques asks about the plan to remove the demo.

Hubbard states that it will be carted off site in trucks.

Pabich asks if there will be any need for steam cleaning oil from the floor to ensure oil does not run off into the river.  He requests a letter from the LSP to assure there is no need for steam cleaning.  He asks the state of the erosion control around the SESD.

Hubbard states that it is good.

Pabich states that any debris that falls into the river must be retrieved.

Duques requests they give 48-hours notice before proceeding with the tank removal.

Glidden:        Motion to grant a project change, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 6-0.

5.  Notice of Project Change – Neptune LNG Project

Duques states that the modifications to this project include minor shifts in buoy/mooring locations in federal waters (not under the Commission’s jurisdiction) as well as moving up the construction start date to July 2008.  

Commission acknowledges Notice of Project Change and does not require filing of an amendment.

6.  Update on Administrative Consent Order for 15 Robinson Road

Duques states that the DEP sent a copy of the executed Consent Order between the property owner and the DEP.  They will be incorporating the use of a weir, required to construct a storm water system no later than one year from the date of the execution of the document.

Blier:          Motion to adjourn, seconded by Hamilton. Passes 6-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:05 PM.