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Approved Minutes, January 10, 2008
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, January 10, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Kevin Cornacchio, Michael Blier, Amy Hamilton, David Pabich, David Summer
Members Absent: Joseph Furnari, Keith Glidden
Others Present: Carey Duques, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Cornacchio calls the meeting to order.

1.  Meeting Minutes – December 20, 2007 meeting

Hamilton:       Motion to approve of the minutes for the December 20, 2007 meeting, seconded by Blier.  Passes 3-0.  Pabich and Summer did not vote because they were not present.

Old/New Business

2.  Request of Funding Assistance for Greenscapes 2008

Barbara Warren, Executive Director of Greenscapes speaks about the Greenscapes 2008 program stating that it will include recycling.  She explains that the Engineering Department will participate this year as they are working with the water use.  She outlines the progress for this year, citing the following:  (1) the guide was mailed out and received positive feedback, (2) the website is up and updated, (3) workshops have been scheduled for March and April (Last year more than 200 people attended the workshops), and (4) an email newsletter is being sent to over 1200 people.  She states that they offer a private, one-hour consultation for $125, which includes a soil test.

Duques says that the cost for Salem to join is $5200, which include $1500 to participate plus the cost of printing and distribution of the mailer.  She adds that the City Engineering Department will split this cost with them ($2600 due from the Commission).  She states that the Commission has over $40,000 in the account.

Pabich states that he supports the program.  He suggests emailing the newsletter as a PDF.

Warren says that it is very large but she can provide a link.

Pabich: Motion to appropriate $2600 to this program for 2008, seconded by Summer.  Passes 5-0.

3.  Continuation of a Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – EP #64-471 – Carmine and Angelo Mongiello, 120 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA 01970

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed siltation barrier, placement of new boulders and creation of new stream bank within a coastal bank at 120 Swampscott Road.

Engineer Scott Patrowicz presents the new plans.  He reviews the adjustments, which include:  (1) placing a concrete floor as a base for the screen, (2) using high strength mortar, (3) canceling plans to carve out the stream below, (4) mounting an 18 x18 sign stating “Snow Storage Along the Top of the Stream Bed is Prohibited” along Robinson Road.

Pabich suggests offsetting the posts that hold the screen from those that hold the chain link fence.  He then suggests they extend the concrete on the screen area.

Blier asks if a drain behind the concrete will be necessary.

Patrowicz says that he can place crushed stone there.

Pabich states that he doesn’t want this project to be seen as a substitution for the placement of hay bales, given what is happening on the up gradient property.

Patrowicz agrees and says that it would have to be a condition.  He adds that one row of hay bales is adequate.

Pabich disagrees and much discussion ensues.  Pabich states that the screen will do nothing to stop the silt.

Patrowicz offers to put mirafi fabric in front of the screen.

Blier asks if this will be removed after the up gradient problem has been solved.

Patrowicz states that the screen will probably stay in place.

Duques asks if there has been discussion with the abutters about removing the hay bales.

Mongiello states that the hay bales are all rotten.

Chair Cornacchio ask abutter Mike Hutchinson if he can remove the hay bales.

Hutchinson agrees to allow the abutter to remove them and then put them back.

Pabich states that the hay bales must be operational at all times, and that construction should occur during a dry season.

Patrowicz asks if he can show Duques the revised plan addressing the Commission’s concerns and Cornacchio agrees to that.  Those concerns include:
1.      Using a 2” or larger stone size if possible to re-grade the eroded area adjacent to the stream,
2.      Forming a lip in the concrete wall to prevent the screen from flexing,
3.      keeping the hay bales and stilt fence operational at all times, and
4.      maintaining the screens so long as they are in existence.

Cornacchio opens to the public.  There are no questions or comments.

Pabich: Motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Blier.  Passes 4-0.  Summer abstains because he was absent at the previous meeting.

Pabich: Motion to issue an Order of Conditions, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 4-0.  Summer abstains because he was absent at the previous meeting and did not listen to the CD and read the meeting minutes.

4.  Public Hearing – Amendment to the Existing Order of Conditions – DEP #64-417 – Mario Scire, 23 Arrowhead Drive, Saugus, MA 01906.

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed amendment including additional wetland replication to compensate for increased fill, changes to construction of a driveway and grading and footprint of a single-family home at 18 Freeman Road.

Mary Rimmer, Principal, Rimmer Environmental Consulting, LLC, describes the recent requests for this property which include: (1) adding 5 trees, (2) amending the replication area to reflect the filling which occurred along the driveway, and (3)  extending the replication area to include 1.5:1 which goes into a grass swale adjacent to the driveway.

Pabich asks about the original intent of the grass swale.

Rimmer states that it was constructed before she was involved but she believes it was intended to catch some of the runoff from the driveway.

Pabich asks how much of the property needed to be blasted.

Scire points out the area on the map and states that it went about 7-8 feet below grade.

Pabich asks how the soil on the top of the rip-rap will be secured.

Rimmer states that a planting bed will hold it.

Pabich suggests laying filter fabric on the side of the rip-rap before filling the planting area and Rimmer agrees.

Blier states that he is satisfied with the plantings that were selected for the site.  He asks Rimmer if she is satisfied with the replication plans, and she says that she is.

Hamilton asks if a deed restriction could be in placed to prevent the removal of the bushes and Rimmer agrees.

Scire states that he is renting the house for one year.

Duques states that the building inspector cannot issue a Certificate of Occupancy until all permits have been completed.  She adds that, if the house sells, Scire should escrow money until all of the plantings are in place.

Pabich raises the neighbor’s concern with the potential for flooding.

Scire states that with all of the snow melting and the rain, the neighbor is still dry and happy.  He adds that the boulders and stumps will be removed from the paper road when the weather permits.

Cornacchio opens to the public.  There are no questions or comments.

Blier:          Motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 5-0.

Blier:          Motion to issue an amendment to the existing Order of Conditions, seconded by Pabich.  Passes 5-0.

5.  Northeast Mosquito Control and Wetland Management

Duques states that this organization is asking if the Conservation Commission has any comments before they begin their mosquito control program.

Pabich asks if they substance that is a derivative of marigolds.

Duques says she doesn’t know, but are proposing integrated pest management techniques to eliminate the mosquitoes, which includes introducing fish into the water, which eat the mosquitoes.

The members agree that they have no comments or concerns, and they are in favor of an aggressive mosquito control program.

6.  Open Space and Recreation Plan

Duques asks if everyone received the Open Space plan.

The members agree that it is a good document.

Pabich: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 5-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:35 PM.