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Minutes, November 29, 2007
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, November 29, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Kevin Cornacchio, Michael Blier, Keith Glidden, Amy Hamilton, David Pabich
Members Absent: Joseph Furnari, David Summer
Others Present: Carey Duques, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Cornacchio calls the meeting to order.

1.  Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2007 Meeting

Because Pabich has not yet arrived the members agree to table the minutes until later.

Glidden:        Motion to table the minutes until later, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 4-0

After Pabich arrives the members review the minutes.

Glidden:        Motion to approve the minutes from the November 29, 2007 meeting, seconded by Pabich. Passes 4-0.  Cornacchio abstains because he was not present.

2.  Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Carmine and Angelo Mongiello, 120 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA 01970

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed siltation barrier, placement of new boulders and creation of new stream bank within a coastal bank at 120 Swampscott Road.

Engineer Scott Patrowicz describes the project stating that there is a granite culvert where the water crosses which has been subject to erosion.  He says that they would like to deal with correcting the erosion without stopping the water flow or changing the flow pattern.  He says that he plans to keep the large stones in place and place a piece of granite stone over the top of the box culvert.

Cornacchio asks why the area will be dug out to create a stream.

Patrowicz states that he doesn’t want to and if the commission deems that it isn’t necessary he won’t dig the area out.  He adds that the reason for digging the area out was to create additional stream bank, if the Commission believed the proposal would have an impact on the existing bank.  Patrowicz stated that there will be a small island in the stream separating the existing stream from the newly created bank.  He says that they would like to remove the decayed hay bales.  He says that the fence is on the Mongiello property and it might be removed and boulders will be put in its place.

Attorney Patrick Deiulis states that the Mongiellos have a right of way over that section of Robinson Road.

Patrowicz states that the sediment is coming from uphill and flowing over the top of the boulders.  He clarifies that he wishes to have clean flow but not change the flow.  He states that the silt barrier will be a marafi filter fabric.  He adds that the Mongiellos will remove the silt that builds up on the filter fabric.

Pabich states that if this is blocked the flow will not make its way down Robinson Road it will pool and find its way back to the stream.  He adds that without further information he cannot determine exactly what will happen with the flow.  He says that the Commission must look at this project as a permanent installation.

Patrowicz states that for now this is a concept and they will delve further into this plan if it goes forward.  He says that he submitted this to DEP but has not received any feedback from them.

Glidden states that there should be a condition that any siltation removed from the filter fabric and stream should be relocated to an upland area.

Patrowicz states that it would be better if the upland abutter addressed this issue but they are not so Mr. Mongiello wishes to deal with it.

Duques states that the abutter’s project is moving along.

Ward 3 City Councilor John Pelletier says that the abutters have not even seen this document.

Patrowicz presents a document to Pelletier and abutters for their review.

The members agree to schedule a site visit for Saturday, December 1 at 7:30 AM.

Attorney Deiulis calls attention to the condition of the existing hay bales and asks the Commission if on Saturday they would direct the abutters to clear out the hay bales before they wash into the stream.

Cornacchio opens to the public.

Vincent DiLisio of 115 Swampscott Road speaks in favor of the project.

Fred Hutchinson of 15 Robinson Road states that he wishes to see where they will put the boulders.

City Councilor Pelletier states that the Council will do an assessment of all of the City’s culverts, and because the culvert that goes under Robinson Road was not identified, he asks Duques to send him a reminder of this culvert so he can place it on the City’s work list.

Patrowicz states that this project will reduce the siltation for much of the downstream area.  He adds that all of the boulders and the rectangular stone and the screens which will stop the siltation will be on Mongiello property.

Pabich states that if this moves forward a plan will be required and Patrowicz agrees.

Pabich: Motion to continue this hearing until December 13, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 5-0.

3.  Public Hearing – Request for Determination of Applicability – Vincent and Albert DiLisio, 115 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA  01970

Cornacchio reads the legal public hearing notice which states that the purpose of this hearing is for a determination of work related to the removal and relocation of a golf ball net and poles within the 100 foot buffer to Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 115 Swampscott Road.

Engineer Scott Patrowicz says that this property is across the street from the previously discussed project.  He describes the plan stating that they will remove a part of the net and old poles which are falling down and replace it with new poles and net.  He says that they will not go closer to the wetland.  The operation will take about 4 days to remove the poles and use an auger truck to make new holes and install new pressure treated poles which go six feet deep.

Blier expresses concern with the removal of the trees stating that they have some value.

Patrowicz asks if he can cut down a few trees and let this area go back to seed.

The members agree for him install 6 shrubs 3-4 feet tall and remove the spoils.

Duques suggests a Negative 3 Determination.

Cornacchio opens to the public.  There are no questions or comments.

Pabich: Motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 5-0.

Pabich: Motion to issue a Negative 3 Determination with the above noted conditions, seconded by Glidden.  Passes 5-0.

Old/New Business

Glidden departs at 7:10 PM.

Notice of Project Change – DEP #64-417, 18 Freeman Road

Wetlands Scientist Jennifer Hughes from Rimmer Environmental Consulting, LLC, describes the project as-built, and compares it to the original plan.

Pabich expresses concern with the design as constructed and property owner Mario Scire says that he will make a swale.  Pabich states that he has changed the hydrology of this area and endangered several trees.  Hughes, Scire, Pabich and Blier discuss the trees at length. Pabich states that they must complete a 1.5:1 tree replication plan.

Hughes says the sweet pepper bush was almost invasive on this property prior to the construction so anything that is planted will thrive.

Scire asks when he can apply for the occupancy permit.

Duques states that she can discuss that with him tomorrow.  She suggests filing an amendment to the existing Order of Conditions, so the proposed changes can be reviewed by abutters and will then be recorded on the property deed.

Hughes states that with the decreased size of the house the roof size is now smaller and there is a negligible amount of runoff.

Duques asks if they will have the new material to her by next Thursday.

Pabich states that Scire must have an engineer approve of the pipe which he installed on the property.

5.  Status Update – 14 Buena Vista Avenue – DEP 064-448, Sideridis

Wetlands Scientist Jennifer Hughes describes the plan for vegetation on the site stating that the slope was made steeper than originally planned.  She stated that the seed will germinate in the spring and the matting will hold it in place.

Hughes asks that they acknowledge this minor modification.

Cornacchio states that this is OK.

Request for an Extension – DEP #64-379, 220 Highland Avenue, Tropical Projects

Duques states that Tropical Products purchased this property with this existing Order of Conditions but the order was never recorded.  She adds that they have requested a one-year extension.

Duques states that the approved wetland replication has not been done at the site.  The Order also required cleaning of the catch basins.  She states that upon sending a notification that the Order was going to expire she informed the current owner that the catch basins were to be cleaned.  Duques informed the Commission that Tropical Products responded quickly and had the basins cleaned and showed the Commission the copy of the invoice Tropical Products provided to the Con Com.

Cornacchio states that he wishes to see them before extending this.

Pabich suggests that they grant the extension and see them at the next meeting with a satisfactory plan.  The members agree to this.

Pabich: Motion to grant the one-year extension, seconded by Blier.  Passes 4-0.

Approval of 2008 Meeting Schedule

Pabich: Motion to approve the 2008 schedule, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 4-0.

Blier:          Motion to adjourn, seconded by Hamilton.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:25 PM.