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Minutes, March 22, 2007

Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, March 22, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Conservation Commission was held on Thursday, March, 22, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor Room 311 at 120 Washington Street.

Those present were:  Kevin Cornacchio, Joseph Furnari, David Summer, Keith Glidden, Amy Hamilton and Michael Blier.  Also present was Carey Duques, Conservation Agent, and Julie Quinn, Clerk.

Tabled Minutes—March 8, 2007
The minutes of the Salem Conservation Commission meeting held on March 8, 2007 were not submitted to the Conservation Commission prior to the meeting.  Joseph Furnari moved to table the minutes until the next meeting, seconded by Keith Glidden, approved (6-0).

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent— DEP #64-442— David Kraatz, Uncle Bob’s Self Storage, 6467 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221.  
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud the legal notice.  

Jonathan Markey from Meridian Associates appeared to represent the applicant.  He explained that he has taken this project over from Ken.  He submitted revised plans and calculations that included a slight rate increase at 10-year and 100-year events but a reduction in volume of water.  He noted that they could not mitigate the increased rate and that the new calculations include the existing system.  He continued that the current system is silted up and will be cleaned.  He concluded that the wetlands downstream should be able to handle the increased rate.  He noted that the proposed plan has perforated pipes and 2 catch basins.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that the Conservation Commission had conducted a site visit on February 24th.  He then asked if there was any advantage to keeping the pipes solid.

Mr. Markey noted that it would not have an impact, but is better to keep it perforated.  He then noted that all catch basins would have a deep sump.  He continued that the pipes will be self scouring, which will help keep the pipes from silting up.  He added that each pipe would be surrounded by ¾ inch of stone and backfilled with a filter fabric on top of the pipes and that the pipes would be at a depth of 3 feet.

Carey Duques asked about the outlet, if the contractor will remove sediment by hand and dispose of off site and how much area would be affected.

Mr. Markey replied that he was not sure how wide of an area they would clear, but that the sediments would be removed by hand and disposed of off site.

Keith Glidden asked if there is a maintenance plan for the existing system.

Mr. Markey replied that he was not sure, but that a maintenance plan would be put into place from this point forward.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that he wants to see more “No Dumping” signs – 1 further up toward Highland Avenue near the basin then 2 or 3 in the back facing toward the storage building.

Amy Hamilton observed from the site visit that there is a dumpster on-site in the buffer zone that needs to be moved.

Kevin Cornacchio agreed that that dumpster needs to be moved.  He also noted that trash and debris needs to be pulled out in and around the brook.

Keith Glidden noted that the maintenance plan should include inspection of the outflow pipe and snow storage and removal.

David Summer also noted that snow was piled up on or near the resource area, and that area should not be used for snow storage.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the meeting up to the public.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Keith Glidden to close the hearing, seconded by Amy Hamilton, and approved (6-0).

There being no further discussion on the matter, Joseph Furnari made a motion to issue an Order of Conditions for DEP #64-442 with the following Special Conditions:
1.      Remove built up sediment by hand and along bank full width.
2.      Implement proposed Operation and Maintenance Plan.
3.      Add 2-3 more No Dumping signs along southeast side of site.
4.      Move the dumpster outside of the buffer zone to the resource area.
5.      Relocate the snow removal area outside of the buffer zone to the resource area.
6.      Add outflow pipe cleaning to Operation and Maintenance Plan.

David Pabich seconded, approved (6-0).

Request for an Extension Permit- DEP #64-364 Aquatic Management Program at Tedesco Pond
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud the project description from the agenda.  

Dominic Morgando appeared before the Conservation Commission.  He filed the original NOI in 2004 and noted that the project had been going well – he described the pond herbicide and sonar treatments that have been conducted.  He noted that in the summer of 2006 they had only had to do spot treatments once for algae.  He noted that the Association had conducted studies at 3 outflow pipes in an effort to identify the nutrients getting into the pond.  He added that the pond was shallow enough that they had not needed to oxygenate.

He stated that he is requesting a 3-year extension to allow the Association to continue with the program, which is now in a spot treatment and maintenance mode.  

Kevin Cornacchio noted that the site looks better now than it had in 2004.  He asked if any reptiles had been seen.

Mr. Morgando replied that he had not seen any reptiles, but that there may be some turtles.

Carey Duques asked if the outflow pipes from the Staples Plaza had been tested.

Mr. Morgando noted that one had been sampled and they’d like to sample the rest, it will depending on availability of funding.

Kevin Cornacchio asked if the pond would be stabilized to the point where treatment can stop.

Mr. Morgando replied that he was not sure.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that the Association should contact the City if they find that the catch basins need to be cleaned.

Michael Blier asked if the Association had been following the fertilizer condition of the Order.

Ms. Louden noted that yes, the Association has a landscaper for all of their work and they only use organic fertilizers.

Barbara Warren, 5 Hardey Street, Salem, asked what the Association had been testing for.

Mr. Morgando noted that they had found various bacteria, fecal matter, etc.  He noted that they were trying to figure out where water is coming from where.

There being no further discussion on the matter, Joseph Furnari made a motion to extend the Order of Conditions for DEP #64-364 for three years from today’s date.  David Summer seconded, approved (6-0).

Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—Salem Sound Coast Watch, 210 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970.  
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud the legal notice.  

Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coast Watch appeared before the Conservation Commission.  She described the location of the project on a tributary of the Forest River, near a large salt marsh, backing up to the Salem State College dorms and Baseball Field.  She described the proposed project – to take a small portion of the site just outside of the salt marsh and test Phragmites removal techniques.  She described the three techniques –allowing salt water into the environment, allowing salt water into the environment AND cutting, and using a product called “Burn Out”.  She also noted that there would be one control area.

Ms. Warren described the work this would entail, including excavation of a 2’ X 2’ ditch for the one salt water technique and excavation of a 6 inch ditch, removal of Phragmites (including the head) and removal from the site and described Burn Out as a natural product that will not require a license.

Ms. Warren stated that Jeff Wilson will be doing the excavation work using a small machine which will be on log mats – she offered to share his qualifications once she receives them in the mail.  She also noted that this is an experiment/study being done with Salem State College using a grant and that Salem State College students will also be working on this project.  

Keith Glidden asked that a sign be put up saying, “Invasive Species Removal Site, Contact Salem Sound Coast Watch, partners or Conservation Commission”.

Carey Duques added that she’d give Ms. Warren some wetland markers as well.

David Summer asked how long the excavator will be in the wetlands.

Ms. Warren replied that it would be a few days and that at night Mr. Wilson would probably take the machine with him, but that the Conservation Commission can ask him at the site visit or the next Conservation Commission meeting.  She noted that they do not have a Soil Disposal Plan yet, but that they are seeking a location.  She added that the phrags heads would be thrown in the trash and the stalks would be composted.  She also noted that she would be going to the South Salem Neighborhood Association to speak on April 11th.  

Kevin Cornacchio noted that the college students need to get a copy of the PPE if they are using a killing agent.

Ms. Warren noted that the students will receive training before they start.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the meeting up to the public.

Larry Dennison, 12 Sunset Road, asked how specific Burn Out is – whether it just kills phrags or if it kills everything.  He wanted to know if the area could reestablish itself naturally after the chemical was used.

Ms. Warren replied that Burn Out is not specific, but that they would be very careful in its use – using a syringe to inject.  She noted that after the phrags are gone, they will replant shading plants to keep the phrags from growing back.

Mr. Dennison then asked about phasing of the excavation.

Ms. Warren replied that they will dig the trench to bring in salt water to the center to where the phrags are on site and noted that she’d point out the area on the site visit.

Mr. Dennison then asked about the PVC pipes he’d noticed on the site.

Ms. Warren replied that those are salinity test sites.  She asked if it would be ok for Dr. Young would like to cut frags by hand in March.

The Conservation Commission agreed that would be fine.

The Conservation Commission scheduled a site visit for April 12 at 5 pm.

There being no further discussion on the matter, Joseph Furnari made a motion to continue this item until April 12th, seconded by Keith Glidden, approved (6-0).

Public Hearing—Abbreviated Notice of Intent—DEP #64-443—GEI Consultants, 400 Unicorn Park Dr, Woburn, MA  01801.  
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud the legal notice.  

Saskia Oosting of GEI Consultants appeared before the Conservation Commission.  She described the project as an addition to the existing building to provide space for an additional vaporizer to increase capacity during peak use times.  She noted that the work would include digging for footings and the pad and extending the fence by digging a few post holes.  She also noted that work would not begin for a few years.  She added that the existing structures would remain and any additional piping will be kept above ground.  She described the site as a capped area, stating that they will have to peel back the liner and put new liner under the building.  She noted that there will be a system in place in case of an accidental spill.  She concluded that runoff of the addition will be handled by the existing system.

Carey Duques noted that this is a storm control/flood control bank and that the Applicant needs to prove that this work will not effect the bank.

Ms. Oosting replied that they understand.  She noted that all soil will be taken off site and that they already have an LSP on board at GEI.

The Conservation Commission scheduled a site visit for April 5th at 5 p.m.

There being no further discussion on the matter, Joseph Furnari made a motion to continue this item until April 12th, seconded by David Summer, approved (6-0).

Old /New Business
Request for Certificate of Compliance- DEP #64-357 12 Buena Vista Avenue
Carey Duques noted that she went on a site visit today that the silt fence is still in place.  She stated that she would call and write a letter to let them know it needs to be removed.  She also noted that the orientation of the house is a bit off, but does not have huge effects on the wetlands.

Kevin Cornacchio agreed that the Certificate of Compliance should not be issued until the erosion control measures are cleaned up.

There being no further discussion on the matter, Joseph Furnari made a motion to continue this item until April 12th, seconded by David Summer, approved (6-0).

Update on Violation at 64 Grove Street, former Salem Oil and Grease Site
Carey Duques noted that she’d spoken to Attorney Handley and he said that the erosion control was going to be in place, but when she drove by to check, nothing had been done.

Keith Glidden suggested the Conservation Commission send a letter setting a compliance date and issuing a $200/day fine until the erosion control measures were in place – hay bails, silt fence, catch basins on-site covered and protected.

The Conservation Commission set the sate as March 29th and directed Carey Duques to send a certified letter immediately.

Request for Certificate of Compliance- DEP #64-410 96 Swampscott Road
Carey Duques noted that the silt fence had been pulled and put into a pile.  She continued that she called to let the owner know that the Certificate of Compliance cannot be issued until the silt fence is cleared away and that she would go check next week.

Request for an extension- Tinkers Island NOI Application extension request for June 14, 2007
Kevin Cornacchio read an email from Attorney Robbins into record requesting an extension to June 14th.  She noted that weather had delayed their ability to prepare the submission.  She also noted that Mr. Silva needs to get architectural plans, a building permit, and determining other required permits.  She stated that he is not doing further construction, but asked for the Conservation Commission’s approval for the Applicant to go on-site to clear trash and debris.  

Keith Glidden noted that the Conservation Commission should not entertain an NOI that is subject to variances – noting that the Conservation Commission is not the place to start.

Carey Duques noted that the Applicant, through his attorney, had requested information for all Tinkers Island NOIs, correspondence, violations and minutes of any Conservation Commission meeting discussing Tinkers Island for the past 20 years.  She asked Kevin Cornacchio if he knew of any.

Kevin Cornacchio stated no, that he did not recall any discussion of Tinkers Island since he had joined the Conservation Commission in 1997.

Carey Duques noted that she and Frank Taormina had looked through the list and did not find any DEP numbers.

Winter Island Clean up
Kevin Cornacchio noted that the Conservation Commission should contact Dick Rennard of the Department of Public Works asking that the back road of Winter Island be cleaned up.  He noted that the City had dumped debris there and they should not do that.

Carey Duques noted that she would send an email and/or letter.

Sand Barrels
Kevin Cornacchio noted his concern over the location of sand barrels around catch basins.  He noted that the sand is being dumped into the basins, rendering them ineffective.  He noted that the City should look into other methods for disbursing sand.

Carey Duques noted that she would talk to Rick Rennard about ideas.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that this would make his job easier too since DPW is responsible for cleaning out the catch basins.

There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening a motion was made by Keith Glidden to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joseph Furnari and approved (6-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Lynn Quinn, Clerk
Salem Conservation Commission
Conservation Commission032207