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Minutes, March 23, 2006
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, March 23, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Conservation Commission was held on Thursday, March 29, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street.

Those present were:  Kevin Cornacchio, Joe Furnari, Kevin Carr, David Pabich, and Michael Blier. Also present was Frank Taormina, Conservation Administrator and Eileen Sacco, Clerk

Members absent: Keith Glidden

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Salem Conservation Commission meeting held on March 9, 2006 were presented for approval.  Kevin Carr moved to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Joe Furnari and approved.

Request to Extend Order of Conditions – DEP File # 64-349 – Lino and Joanne Melo – 20 Parlee Street, Salem.

Mr. Melo addressed the Commission and requested a three year extension for his Order of Conditions.  He explained the work that remains to be done on the site and noted that he needs to finish the work in the yard so that he can complete the wall.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Joe Furnari to grant a three year extension to the Order of Conditions for DEP File #64-349, seconded by David Pabich and approved.

Public Hearing – Abbreviated Notice of Resource Delineation- Leo Higgins – Purpose of Hearing is for a Determination of Wetland Boundary Line off Story Street

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from John Dick of Hancock Environmental requesting that the matter be continued to April 13, 2006.  Kevin Carr moved to continue the public hearing to April 13, 2006, seconded by David Pabich and approved (5-0).

Continuation of Public Hearing - DEP # 64-385- AAA Tree Services - 120 Swampscott Road - The Purpose of this Hearing is to discuss the Proposed Site Work within the Buffer Zone to an Inland Bank and Bordering Vegetated Wetland

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from Gulf of Maine Research Inc. requesting that the matter be continued to April 13, 2006.  David Pabich suggested that the Commission continue the public hearing to a later date than requested since the applicant has been continually requesting continuations at every meeting and if they are ready to come back sooner they could. Kevin Carr moved to continue the public hearing to May 11, 2006, seconded by Joe Furnari.   

Mr. Carr amended his motion to continue the public hearing to May 11, 2006, seconded by Joe Furnari and approved.

David Pabich moved to continue the public hearing to May 11, 2006, seconded by Joe Furnari and approved (5-0).

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Massachusetts Electric Company (dba National Grid) – Installation of Above Ground Switch Gear and Duct Bank at 89 Lafayette Street

Joe Callahan addressed the Commission and explained that they are requesting to install above ground switchgear and duct bank to replace oil filled transformers located with existing manholes. He noted that the work is being performed within a river front area and buffer zone to a coastal bank at 89 Lafayette Street.

He explained the project and noted that they have a chapter 91 license and DEP had indicated that they will grant an amendment of that and it is the only other permit that is required for the project.

Mr. Callahan explained the plans and noted that all of the work is within the 200 MHW of the South River and the duct bank is within the 100 foot of buffer zone of the coastal bank.  He noted that there would be no stockpiling on material on the site.

Kevin Cornacchio asked if they would be removing the oil equipment on the site.  Mr. Callahan stated that they would be removing the equipment that is currently in the manholes.  He also noted that the equipment would be sent for recycling.

Kevin Cornacchio suggested that the install a geo-grid for the safety of the fire trucks that may have to access the site.  

David Pabich suggested that they install bollards on the site.  Mr. Callahan stated that there is a curb there that will prevent cars from getting to the edge.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that we are waiting for a DEP File # and cannot issue an order of conditions until we receive it.  Mr. Callahan stated that he expects to get the DEP file number sometime next week.

David Pabich suggested that since the Commission has to wait to issue the order a site visit would be in order even though it seems like a straightforward project.  The Commission members will visit the site at their convenience.

Frank Taormina noted that the City has been working with National Grid on the Harborwalk in that area and asked if they were aware of that and if this project will compromise the planned walkway.  Mr. Callahan noted that National Grid is aware of the harborwalk and this will not compromise the planned walkway at all.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Joe Furnari to continue the public hearing to April 13, 2006, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (5-0).

Old/New Business Continued:

Hutchinson Property

Mr. Mongello addressed the Commission and expressed concern that Mr. Hutchinson is doing work on his property that is not legal.  Frank Taormina explained to Mr. Mongello that he has contact DEP and it is in their hands now as Mr. Hutchinson has been doing the work since his variances were appealed.  

Frank Taormina explained that Mr. Hutchinson has a contract with the contractor for the Swampscott High School project and he is accepting material from the project and he is not permitted to do that.  He noted that it is a zoning use issue and the Building Inspector and the City Solicitor are involved in this as well.  He explained that the Building Inspector issued an Enforcement Order and Mr. Hutchinson continues to do this in violation of this order.  He noted that the location is in an upland area away from the resource area but it is a zoning issue and it needs to be addressed.  He further noted that the only work that should be done on the site is the work that was authorized by DEP for the solid waste management.  He also noted that Mr. Hutchinson needs to submit a revised management plan for the site to DEP since the one he submitted was inadequate.  He noted that the wetlands need to be protected and there should be hay bales and a silt fence installed along the stream that runs along Robinson Road.

David Pabich stated that he is concerned about the stockpiled material migrating to the resource area and it needs to be protected.  He suggested that Frank go out to the site and see what is going on and if hay bales are not installed tell them to install them or fines will be issued.

Frank Taormina will address this and keep the Commission and the abutters informed.

31 Ravenna Avenue – Mrs. Pelletier

Frank Taormina informed the Commission that they need to ratify the Enforcement Order that was issued for 31 Ravenna Avenue.  Joe Furnari moved to ratify the enforcement order issued to 31 Ravenna Avenue, seconded by David Pabich.  Kevin Cornacchio called a roll call vote as follows:

Mr. Furnari             yes                     Mr. Pabich              yes
Mr. Carr                yes                     Mr. Blier               yes
Mr. Cornacchio  yes

The motion carried (5-0).

Mrs. Pelletier addressed the Commission and explained that she cut down a large tree that was interfering with her pool and since she rented a saw for the day she cut down some other trees as well.   She explained that she stopped the work when her neighbors complained and called the Planning Department on Monday morning and talked to Frank.  Frank Taormina and Kevin Cornacchio visited the site and took pictures, which they showed to the Commission members.

Frank Taormina noted that there are several options to address this matter but suggested that the Commission visit the site before making a decision.

The Commission will visit the site on Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 5:30 p.m.


There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening a motion was made by Joe Furnari to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved. 5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Conservation Commission