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Minutes, February 23, 2006
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, February 23, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Conservation Commission was held on Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street.

Those present were:  Kevin Cornacchio, Joseph Furnari, Keith Glidden, David Pabich and Michael Blier. Also present was Frank Taormina, Conservation Administrator and Eileen Sacco, Clerk

Members absent: Kevin Carr

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Salem Conservation Commission meeting held on February 9, 2006 were presented for approval.  Joe Furnari moved approval of the minutes of February 9, 2006 as presented, seconded by David Pabich and approved  (5-0).

Continuation of Public Hearing - DEP # 64-385- AAA Tree Services - 120 Swampscott Road - The Purpose of this Hearing is to discuss the Proposed Site Work within the Buffer Zone to an Inland Bank and Bordering Vegetated Wetland

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from Gulf of Maine Research Inc. requesting that the matter be continued to March 9, 2006.  Joe Furnari moved to continue the public hearing to March 9, 2006, seconded by David Pabich and approved (5-0).

Public Hearing – Abbreviated Notice of Resource Delineation- Leo Higgins – Purpose of Hearing is for a Determination of Wetland Boundary Line off Story Street

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from John Dick of Hancock Environmental requesting that the matter be continued to March 9, 2006.  Joe Furnari moved to continue the public hearing to March 9, 2006, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (5-0).

Old / New Business

7 Laurier Road – Mark Tremblay

Frank Taormina updated the Commission on the status of 7 Laurier Road, property owned by Mark Tremblay.  He explained that he received correspondence from Mr. Tremblay regarding replication.  He also noted that he talked with Mr. Tremblay who indicated that he understood what is expected of him.

Frank Taormina reported that Mr. Tremblay indicated that he has hired a wetlands specialist and will be submitting a plan to be considered by the Commission in the near future.  He also noted that Mr. Tremblay knows that he has to file an NOI with the Commission for the walkway and deck that was constructed without approval.  He also noted that they will be dealing with the enforcement order first and Frank feels that they have made a good faith effort to cooperate with the Commission so far.

North Side Carting

Kevin Cornacchio requested that a letter be sent to North Side Carting reminding them about the dumpsters stored near the resource area.  He stated that he is concerned about material leeching from the dumpster into the resource area.  Frank Taormina stated that he would address that with them.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – DEP #64-410 – 96 Swampscott Road – Swampscott Road LLC – Limited Site Improvements and the Expansion of Parking Lot Within a Riverfront Area and a Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland

Susan St. Pierre addressed the Commission and explained that they are very excited about this project that is a reuse and improvement of a vacant industrial property.  She noted that the reuse of the building would accommodate several small businesses and provide jobs.  

Ms. St. Pierre explained that their plan will result in significant site improvements and explained the plans.  She noted that the building was constructed in the 1980’s and has been vacant for a couple of years.  She explained that they plan to upgrade the internal roadway and parking area on the site. She noted that there is no room for expansion on the site.

Ms. St. Pierre explained the plans and noted that there are two streams on the site one along the bottom of the slope along Swampscott Road and one along the southerly boundary.  She noted that the resource area delineation is on the plan and noted that the project activity is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission except for a small corner as noted on the plans.

Ms. St. Pierre explained the site improvements and noted that the storm drain line will be plugged and they will be rerouting the storm drainage to a direct infiltration basin and discharge it to the resource area.  She noted that they had hoped to get an Order of Conditions tonight but she understands that the Commission may want to visit the site.

Keith Glidden asked how the resource delineation was done.  Ms. St. Pierre stated that it was done based on wetland species.  

Frank Taormina noted that the majority of the work proposed is outside of the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission and approximately 12,000 s.f. is within the jurisdiction of the Commission.  

David Pabich noted that he is concerned about the site design with limited parking noting that they are introducing a lot of cars and there are regular basins on the site.  Ms. St. Pierre and Mr. Scott Patrowicz explained the drainage plan.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that snow storage should be in an area on the site of an area where the runoff will be treated.  Ms. St. Pierre stated that they will make sure that the snow storage areas are away from the wetland.

Ms. St. Pierre stated that this would be a much nicer and healthier area when they are done.

Ms. St. Pierre noted that they are planting 12 birch trees.  Michael Blier noted that what they are proposing to plant are extremely tolerant trees.

Kevin Cornacchio suggested that the Commission hold a site visit.  The members of the Commission will visit the site individually.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  There was no one present who wished to speak on this matter.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Joe Furnari to continue the public hearing to March 9, 2006, seconded by David Pabich and approved (5-0).

David Pabich left the meeting at this time (6:25 p.m.).

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent DEP #64-411 – 9 Harbor View Terrace – Robert Heiskell – Proposed Addition to a Single Family House within a Buffer Zone to a Coastal Bank

Mr. Heiskell addressed the Commission and explained the plans for the proposed addition to his house located at 9 Harbor View Terrace.  He explained that this work is proposed in connection with the renovations to his kitchen and he plans to bump the front wall out three feet and it is located within the 100-foot buffer zone.  He noted that the waterside of the property is on the other side of the house.

Kevin Cornacchio asked if he is planning a basement for the addition.  Mr. Heiskell explained that they would have a crawl space in the addition. He also noted that they would tie in the gutters to the new addition.

Kevin Cornacchio stated that it seems like a straightforward plan and suggested a site visit.  

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  

Stanley Bakritis and abutter addressed the Commission and asked for clarification of the plan.  Mr. Heiskell explained the site and the location of the proposed addition to Mr. Bakritis.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Joe Furnari to continue the public hearing to March 9, 2006, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (4-0).

Old / New Business Continued:

Frank Taormina announced that he has a new position in the Planning Department as the new Harbor Planner and will be leaving the Commission.  He explained that he would remain staffing the Commission for the interim until the City hires a new Conservation Agent.  Once a new agent is hired, Frank will assist in the transition as well.

Open Space Plan Funding

Frank Taormina informed the Commission that City Planner Lynn Duncan would attend a Conservation Commission meeting to talk about updating the Salem Open Space & Recreation Plan when her schedule allows.

15 Robinson Road

It was noted that there is additional dumping occurring at 15 Robinson Road.  Frank Taormina explained that he, the Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre, and DEP have received numerous phone calls regarding trucks dumping fill up on the property.  Frank mentioned that DEP had issued Mr. Hutchinson a Consent Order w/fines regarding his solid waste management on site and that he is responsible for compiling with the Consent Order. He noted that Mr. Hutchinson is permitted for an auto salvage yard and all the activity on site is not a permitted use.  He mentioned that the only activity on site should be Mr. Hutchinson bring his property into compliance with DEP’s Consent Order.  Following the investigation by Frank, Mr. St. Pierre, and DEP it was determined that there were no wetland violations, no solid waste violations, only zoning violations.  He mentioned that Mr. St. Pierre issued a Cease and Desist Order and that the Building Inspector is dealing with this issue now.

Parallel Street

Cara Coddens of Parallel Street addressed the Commission and complained that she is concerned about her neighbor clearing portions of his property.  She noted that he his cutting trees.

Frank Taormina stated that he has sent the owner letters telling him to stop this action.

Ms. Coddens stated that the property is for sale and she is concerned that the new owners will not realize that this is illegal.

Frank Taormina will follow up on this and invite the owner to the next meeting on March 9, 2006 to discuss this matter and explain the process to him.


There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening a motion was made by Keith Glidden to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joe Furnari and approved. (4-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Conservation Commission