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Agenda 03/13/2008
Notice of Meeting

You are hereby notified that the Salem Conservation Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday March 13, 2008  at 6:00 pm at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street.

                                                                                               Kevin P. Cornacchio,
                                                                                               Conservation Commission Chairman
Revised Agenda:

Meeting Minutes—February 28

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent— City of Salem, 12 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA 01970.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed project which includes capping and closing the abandoned landfill as well as constructing and operating a new transfer station at 12 Swampscott Road.  Work proposed is located within a 200 foot Riverfront Area and 100 feet of an inland bank at 12 Swampscott Road.  

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent— Dana DiLisio, 100 Swampscott Road, Salem, MA 01970.  The purpose of this hearing is to discus the construction of a paved go-cart track and parking lot expansion within isolated vegetated wetlands, bank resource area, and buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetlands  at 100 Swampscott Road.  Continued to MAY 8, 2008

Old /New Business
·       Shetland Office Park and Pickering Wharf Realty Trust to discuss snow management
·       Discussion of proposal for public access signage
·       Request to purchase Topographic maps to create GIS maps showing intermittent and perennial streams