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April 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Scheduled Meeting of the Cemetery Commission was held Wednesday, April 15, 2009, at 6:30 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of this meeting was posted on March 25, 2009.

Richard Rennard presided.

Present during the meeting were Chairman David Gonet, Board members Ruth Kapnis, Elaine Milo, Phillip Burke and Joanne Mizioch, Director of Public Services Richard N. Rennard, Jr., Cemetery Superintendant Ronald A. Malionek, and Dept. of Open Space Assistant Mary E. Fitzpatrick.

  • Greenhouse – status report.  Electric will be added to the Greenhouse in the Summer of 2009.

  • Sales:  The Board requested that a letter will be sent to the Trust Fund Commission (Rob Lutts) requesting the balances of all Trust accounts, including Perpetual Care Principal and Interest.  It was further discussed that the Meldon Fund can in fact be used for beautification projects within the cemetery.  

  • Charter Street Burying Ground, Gravestone Conservation Project - FanninLehner Preservation Consultants – Project is scheduled to begin in a few weeks.  The Board requested before and after photos.

  • Board Member Ruth Kapnis’ term re-appointed by the Mayor.  The Board thanked Ruth for her dedicated service.    

  • Fountains in each pond.  Renewed with Aquatic Control.  The possibility of adding an addition fountain to the larger pond was discussed.  Ron Malionek will obtain an estimate.    

  • Brick walkway project for Bates Elementary School.  Closer to start.  The bricks are going to be engraved with donors’ names.  

  • Repairs to the roof of the Cemetery Office and Chapel.  We have received and estimate of $885.  The Board authorized payment for these repairs using monies from the Dickson Fund, as the Chapel is involved.

  • Grave digging-contract.  The Board discussed and motion was passed to have an outside contractor available for burial services on an as needed basis.  

  • Next meeting to be scheduled as needed.  Discussed scheduling the next meeting at Greenlawn Cemetery to view the Memorial Day plantings.