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BOH Minutes 4-14-2009
Salem Board of Health
Minutes of Meeting
April 14, 2009

Date & Time:  Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 7:00 pm
Meeting Location:  Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Salem
Members Present:  Chairperson Paulette Puleo, Vice Chair Marc Salinas, Martin Fair, Noreen Casey, Larissa Lucas and Gayle Sullivan.  
 Absent: Barbara Poremba
Others Present: Janet Mancini- Acting Health Agent and Councillor Steven Pinto.

Paulette Puleo called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
She introduced new Board of Health member Gayle Sullivan
  • Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the March 10, 2009 meeting were reviewed, no changes indicated.
Marc Salinas made a motion to approve the minutes as distributed, second by Martin Fair. Approved (4-0)

  • Public Health Nurse’s Report
Public health nurses report was read by Janet Mancini as Tracy Giarla was on vacation.

  • New/Old Business
Review and Consideration of Swampscott Board of Health additions to Massachusetts regulations for tanning facilities, 105 CMR 123.003D, parental consent and record keeping for minors.

Martin Fair made a motion to amend the Salem Board of Health Tanning Regulations to be consistent with Swampscott’s Board of Health regulations, seconded by Marc Salinas (record keeping, photos, etc.).

Mark Salinas reiterated (from discussion at previous meeting) his concerns regarding confidentiality of the personal information on the consent form.  Other members stated that the current forms filled out by minors and their parents are not sufficient. Further discussion ensued.

Vote taken- Approved as motioned (5-1).

Form a subcommittee to address permanent make-up/micro pigmentation, guest artist protocols, apprenticeship protocols, and allowing fish tanks in tattoo establishments.

Paulette Puleo suggested that a subcommittee be formed to address regulations regarding permanent make-up/micro pigmentation, guest artist protocols, apprenticeship protocols, and whether to allow fish tanks in tattoo establishments and asked for volunteers. Subcommittee members are Noreen Casey, Gayle Sullivan and Marc Salinas. Information in the Board of Health members’ packets regarding cosmetics and a letter that Paulette Puleo received from a woman interested in doing pigmentation will be given consideration by this committee as well.

Leggs Hill YMCA pool variance request for the use of a slide.
Janet Mancini explained that the pool plans (for the Leggs Hill YMCA) were approved months ago without a slide.   The Marblehead BOH is not involved in this because the YMCA pool is located in Salem. Janet has been in contact with Stephen Hughes from DPH.  If the BOH approves a slide, Steven Hughes of DPH will give approval as well, with the following conditions:
-The YMCA must test the pool water every hour and records results.
- The YMCA maintains 2 staff members on duty at the slide while the slide is in use.
-The YMCA performs an annual bacterial sampling.
Regarding pool testing, some Board members felt every hour was excessive since it’s not open to kids every hour, but used for other purposes such as physical therapy.  Martin Fair added that this is a bit different than slides at water parks as far as how much it is used.        
The depth of the pool is 3 ssa Lucas made a motion to accept the conditions for the variance for the Leggs Hill swimming pool and slide with the above conditions, seconded by Noreen Casey. Approved 7-0.

Medical Waste Regulations – Form a Subcommittee
Paulette Puleo explained that the state mandate for medical waste will be changing. As of July 1, 2010, medical waste regulations will not allow the disposal of sharps in household garbage. Some cities have received grants to get kiosks to place their medical waste in. Paulette wanted to form a subcommittee so that Salem can be in compliance by July 1, 2010.  Janet Mancini mentioned that she attended a seminar last week and the city of Peabody said they have a kiosk but with the budget cuts, they can not afford to empty it. Paulette Puleo requested to form a subcommittee and suggested that Tracy Giarla be a member. Larissa Lucas and Paulette Puleo volunteered.   It was also suggested to possibly have a kiosk at the hospital or at the community health center on Congress Street.

  • Monthly Reports- Administrative Report
Janet Mancini gave the monthly administrative report.  
Graduate Student: Janet informed the Board that a Public Health graduate student will be interning at the BOH starting mid-May, working 10-15 hours per week and will assist in the office and work on some projects.
 Transfer station- Beth Rennard informed Janet, Northside Carting will be submitting their application to the BOH within the next couple of weeks. Paulette Puleo will arrange for a site visit.
Code Enforcement Office:  Jennifer Kehoe is being trained to do Certificate of Fitness (for rental units), since trash complaints are down and she has a bit more time.  There is a $50 charge/per unit.
Restaurant reviews: The BOH will be implementing the option to charge $180.00 for first review of new restaurants.
Salem Farmers Market: Will be starting up again in June on Thursdays from 4-7 pm, continuing through September.
Mandates: The Health Dept is behind on some of its mandates, Janet suggested that Tracy Giarla assist with inspections and the Board agreed.
Update: Ziggys’ donuts will have their dishwasher fixed for June 1.  
Annual BOH Budget: Marc Salinas will be attending the annual BOH meeting with Janet and Mayor Driscoll on April 16, 2009.  
Senior Work Program: One senior citizen will be working in the BOH office on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, 4-6 hours per week, filing and answering the phone.
Emergency Preparedness Programs: Janet contacted the State inquiring about the accessibility of the grant money the BOH received over the past five years as the host community for the Emergency Preparedness Program. The State responded saying they will conduct an audit within the next few weeks to determine the outcome. The State reported being contacted by Mayor Driscoll and Geoff Wilkinson of DPH and informed them that the grant money cannot be used for regionalization, however it can be used toward a health agent’s salary, as long as the agent works on the emergency preparedness program.
Janet Mancini and Dave Greenbaum are doing recertification of ServSafe and other similar programs.
  • Adjournment
Paulette Puleo made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marc Salinas and approved.

The meeting ended at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted.
Stacey Dupuis