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Minutes 5/12/15, Approved

MAY 12, 2015
A regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) was held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Chair Helen Sides, Vice Chair Kevin Cornacchio, Leslie Tuttle, Mickey Northcutt and Bart Hoskins.  Also present was Jane Guy of the City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development.

Arriving later in the meeting was Joanne McCrea.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

House of the 7 Gables Hawthorne Birthplace Roof Replacement – Request for additional funding

A disclosure from Helen Sides was read into the record.

A letter from Kara McLaughlin of the House of the Seven Gables was read, requesting an increase in the award for the Hawthorne Birthplace roof replacement from $19,850 to $29,850.

An email from Tim Shea was read in support of the increase.

Mr. Cornacchio stated that he was in favor of the increase.

Mr. Hoskins stated that the options are to not do it all, do it now or do it at some time when we can bundle it with other recommendations going to the City Council.

Ms. Sides stated that she was concerned about putting it out as a separate recommendation.

Mr. Northcutt stated that because the City has so many publically owned historic resources, he tends to prefer to support public projects.  He stated that he probably would have voted against it initially.  He wondered if there are other options for them to raise the $10,000.

Ms. Tuttle stated that the property is a significant piece of Salem history.  She stated that some of these have only survived because people in the community have been supporting them and if they were not supported by the community, the City would probably have to take them on.  The thought process was that if we can provide a little money, they can throw in a lot more,

Mr. Northcutt stated that he appreciated that and understood that if these non-profits were unable to take these buildings on, the city might have had to step in.

Mr. Hoskins stated that it protects the city from having to stare at something that is crumbling down.  

Ms. McCrea joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Hoskins stated that after taking a tour of the Gables, he has a better appreciation of the significance.  He stated that the Gables is scraping by and is plugging holes where they can.  He stated that he is willing to fund things that arrest deterioration and keep these from getting worse.

Ms. Tuttle made a motion to increase the recommended funding award for the Hawthorne Birthplace roof replacement from $19,850 to $29,850 with the additional $10,000 from the FY16 budgeted reserve.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Discussion on FY15 funding process – feedback on documents and process

Ms. Guy stated, while it was fresh in everyone’s mind, that she wanted to get feedback on the process undertaken for review of applications and if the CPC had any recommendations for changes.  She also asked if the application forms needed any editing.  She noted that she will be changing the digital submission requirement for the narratives to be in Word and the pictures in .jpeg, rather than .PDFs.  

Ms. Sides suggested generating less paperwork by not printing out review forms.

Proposed FY16 timeline

Ms. Guy distributed a proposed FY16 timeline.  She stated that she would like to start the process a little earlier to give more time for meeting with the boards during the public participation process and to give more time for applicants between the Step 1 and Step 2 applications.

Other Business

Review of any Step 1 Determination of Eligibility Applications Received

  • Salem Public Library Window Frames and Sills
Mr. Cornacchio made a motion to find the proposed project eligible, to be submitted through a CPA funding application under Historic Resources: Preservation.  Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Mack Park Bathroom Replacement
Ms. Guy stated that she inquired to Stuart Saginor about the eligibility of bathrooms and read an email response.

Ms. Tuttle stated that she was concern about the structure being modular.

Ms. Tuttle made a motion to find the proposed project eligible to be submitted through a CPA funding application under Recreational Land: Rehabilitation/Restoration.  Mr. Northcutt seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Mack Park Upgrades to stone wall
Ms. Tuttle stated that Mack Park dates back to 1870, but that she did not know if the wall is historic.  If it is considered historic, the application could be under Historic Resources.

Mr. Northcutt agreed that Historic Resources was more appropriate.

Ms. Sides stated that she felt it was more maintenance if applied under Recreational Land.

Mr. Cornacchio stated that he felt it was a stretch to say it would make the asset functional for intended use.

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to find the proposed project not-eligible under Recreational Land.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Northcutt stated that the application can be resubmitted if they can prove it is an historic resource.

  • Fort Lee Improvements & Restoration
Ms. McCrea made a motion to find the proposed project eligible to be submitted through a CPA funding application under Historic Resources: Preservation.  Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Salem Willows – Renovation to Pavilions
Mr. Northcutt stated that he also feels that this project is not eligible under Recreational Land and that it was really maintenance..

Ms. Sides was in agreement, noting that it could also be resubmitted if shown to be historic,

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to find the proposed project not -eligible under Recreational Land.  Ms. Tuttle seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Forest River Park – Renovation of bathrooms
Mr. Northcutt stated that it seems that this is a classic multi-use building, which is not allowed under the regulations.

Ms. Tuttle agreed that it appears to be against Stuart’s email on what is allowed, noting that she was not saying that the work is not needed.

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to find the proposed project not -eligible under Recreational Land.  Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion.  Ms. Sides,  Mr. Cornacchio, Ms. Tuttle, Mr.  Northcutt and Mr. Hoskins, voted in favor.  Ms. McCrea voted in opposition.  The motion so carried.

  • Memorial Park Pillars Restoration
Mr. Cornacchio stated that he feel the project falls under same as the stone wall at Mack Park

Ms. Tuttle stated that repointing seems like maintenance.

Mr. Cornacchio noted that the fence is chain link and is not historic.

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to find the proposed project not eligible under Recreational Land: Rehabilitation/Restoration.  Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Approval of Minutes

Ms. Tuttle made a motion to approve the minutes of April 14, 2015.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Project Updates/City Council

Ms. Guy distributed a copy of the Round 2 Report on Funding Recommendations for the Salem City Council.  She noted that the cover letter includes an update of the Round 1 projects.

She stated that the FY16 budget and the Round 2 recommendations will be taken up at the City Council meeting on May 14th.

Purchase Request

Ms. Guy requested authorization to purchase a 4 drawer filing cabinet for the CPA files which are currently in boxes on her office floor.  She anticipates the cost will be around $300, but not to exceed $500.

Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the purchase of a filing cabinet.  Ms. Tuttle seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Budget Update

Ms. Guy distributed a copy of the year-to-date budget report for April.

Next Meeting Date

Ms. Guy stated that the next regular meeting date is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2015, but at this time there are no agenda items.

There being no further business, Mr. Cornacchio made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy