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M. CPC Minutes - 10/14/14, Approved
October 14, 2014
A meeting of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) was held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 6:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Chair Helen Sides, Vice Chair Kevin Cornacchio, Leslie Tuttle, Tim Shea, John Boris, Ed Moriarty and Joanne McCrea.  Also present was Jane Guy of the City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development.

Bart Hoskins arrived later in the meeting.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Status Update

Ms. Guy distributed provided an update on all ten of the FY14 awarded projects.  She noted that she still needed to order signs and get the three non-city projects under Agreement.  She stated that the template Agreement was finalized last week.

52-60 Dow/105-111 Congress Streets Housing Acquisition –The NSCDC submitted an application for a FHLB loan on 9/10/14.  An environmental assessment, an appraisal and the selection of architects were completed.  Site acquisition is slated for November, 2014.  Through October, 2015, they will submit for or obtain the remaining financing commitments (HOME, MassDevelopment, DHCD, historic credits, etc.), complete the environmental review process and complete design work.  Construction is proposed for July, 2016 completion.
Salem Public Library Roof Replacement –Bids were received on October 10th.  This will likely be the first project with a CPA sign.
Salem Common Fence Restoration - The City has contracted with CBI Consulting to oversee the phase 2 restoration of the Common Fence.  The bid package was issued and bids are due October 30th.  The fence restoration is completed entirely in the contractor’s workshop, so it is anticipated that the work will begin in November and the fence sections will be reinstalled in the spring/early summer of 2015 when the weather is warmer.
Winter Island: Fort Pickering Phased Rehabilitation –  Staff is developing the Scope of Services for Preservation Architectural services to develop the action plan and oversee the work. An RFP will be published shortly.
Old Town Hall Window Restoration – In July, 2014, the City was awarded $20,000 from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF) (approximately $24,000 less than requested).~ A grant agreement between the City and MassDevelopment has been signed.~ The City has entered into a contract with architect Dennis Gray, who will develop bid specifications and oversee the work.~ His office is currently in the process of surveying each window in the building to determine the specific needs for restoration.~ The bid documents will include add/alternates so that we can determine the cost of work beyond the $66,000 (total available CPA & CFF).~
Choate Statue – An RFP has been issued in order to hire a professional to undertake a conservation assessment and cleaning, which will be completed in Spring, 2015.
Winter Island Scenic Trail - The City has applied for Grant funding from the Massachusetts PARC Program. A decision is expected in October.
15 Ward St. Pocket Park -   NSCDC has acquired the site and has undertaken retaining wall work, installed a fence and completed rough grading.  After several community meetings, landscape architect designs are complete, the project is out to bid and bids are due October 22nd.  
Salem Community Gardens Improvement - CPA funding agreement should be executed soon.  The materials will be procured through the City’s Purchasing Department.  Work expected to be completed in Fall, 2014 or Spring 2015.
Driver & Patten Pocket Park Rehabilitation – The City is working with neighborhood representatives.  A neighborhood/public meeting, hosted by the Historic Essex Street Neighborhood Association, was held on October 6th to discuss the proposed work at Driver Park.  A neighborhood/public meeting hosted by the Mack Park Neighborhood Association is being held October 14th..  Plans will be finalized and put out to bid over the Winter, with construction slated for Spring 2015.
Mr. Hoskins joined the meeting at this time.
Mr. Shea asked if there is interest collected on funds.
Ms. Guy stated that she would find out the answer and let the committee know.



Ms. Guy provided an overview of the proposed FY15 Annual Process.

Solicit input from boards
Regular meeting
10/14/15 regular meeting
Public hearing
11/17/14 (advertise 11/3 & 11/10)
Deadline for comments
Review comments received & review draft plan
12/9/14 regular meeting
Public comments on plan
Finalize plan
1/13 regular meeting
Announce step 1 application
Deadline step 1
Review Step 1 applications
2/10/15 regular meeting
Issue step 2 application
FY16 budget recommendation (if % available)
or no meeting
3/10/15 regular meeting
Deadline Step 2
Review Step 2 applications
(& FY16 budget if not done in March)
4/14/15 regular meeting
2nd review meeting if needed
4/16, 4/20, 4/33, 4/27, 4/28, or 4/29
FY16 budget to Finance for City Council submission
4/23 or 5/14 City Council meeting
Prepare project recommendations report for city council
By 5/8
City council submission
5/14/15  or 5/28/14 City Council meeting

Ms. Guy asked how the meetings of the Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Salem Housing Authority, Bike Path Committee and Salem Redevelopment Authority went for the members who attended to solicit board input.  She noted that upcoming meetings include the Planning Board, Park & Recreation Commission and NIAC.

Mr. Hoskins stated that one question that came up at the Conservation Commission was regarding CPA paying for a study for maintenance needs for some of the open space areas owned or managed by the Conservation Commission.

Ms. Guy stated that studies can be funded with CPA provided that they are not part of a department or board’s normal responsibilities.  For instance, CPA could not pay for a Master Plan for the Historical Commission, but could do a study of a particular area to see if it might be a candidate for a historic district.  She stated that the Open Space Plan could not be funded, but a study on needs for parks over the next five years may be permitted.

Mr. Hoskins asked if studies were allowed as a first phase of a specific project.

Ms. Guy replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Cornacchio stated that the Bike Path Committee and the Salem Redevelopment Authority were most interested in the budget, what was collected and what was given out.

Mr. Moriarty stated that the Salem Redevelopment Authority asked that the CPC consider projects that could assist with Gateway Cities areas.

Mr. Boris stated that the Salem Housing Authority discussed possible joint projects with North Shore CDC.

Discussion on update of documents: applications, surveys & public guides

Ms. Guy distributed a draft FY14 Overview Guide.

Ms. Guy stated that she will email copies of the FY15 Tax Guide.

Ms. Guy distributed a draft FY15 Determination of Eligibility Application. She noted that a project being indicated in multiple categories is a positive evaluation criterion, but noted that when awarded, it can be listed in only one category.  She stated that she did not make any changes to the applications regarding this.

Ms. Guy distributed a draft FY15 Funding Application.

Mr. Shea asked if the Committee has the ability to change the existing evaluation criteria, if new ideas are received.

Ms. Guy replied in the affirmative, noting that critera can be reviewed as part of the development of the new Community Preservation Plan.

Ms. McCrea suggested adding an estimated completion date and to number the pages of the application.

Ms. Guy noted that the non-city Agreements require a completion date and regular reporting.

Ms. Guy distributed a draft FY15 Survey for Public Hearing Attendees.

Feedback on FY14 evaluation criteria, application review process & Community Preservation Plan

Ms. Guy asked if any members had any input on how well the FY15 process worked (or didn’t work), and what changes are suggested.  

Ms. Sides stated that mathematically adding up the number of primary and secondary criteria seemed a little arbitrary and did not help the CPC come to a clear answer.  She thought it was a good exercise and got the CPC discussing all the criteria, but that the final number was not very relevant.  She stated that for now, she did not mind that there was redundancy and that maybe someday they could be simplified.

Ms. Tuttle was in agreement and felt the current system should be tried one more time.

Ms. McCrea noted that it prompted good discussion.

Mr. Hoskins stated that a couple decisions centered on maintenance vs restoration and he felt this is an issue that the CPC will evolve with over time.  

Ms. Guy stated that it is really specific to each case.

Ms. Guy stated that the eligibility application has a one page narrative and it is the applicant’s responsibility to read the regulations and make the case that something is not ordinary maintenance.  The CPC then applies the regulations, discusses and makes a determination.  There is nothing that says an applicant for a project deemed ineligible can’t re-submit an application if they have not information that may make the project eligible.  There is also the Community Preservation Plan on line with a definition of maintenance and I am happy to talk with applicants.   She added that certain things are open to interpretation and she can always contact Stuart.

Other Business

Review of Determination of Eligibility Application’s (DOE) Received
There were no applications received.
Budget Report
Ms. Guy provided copies of the year-to-date budget report.  In FY14, it was estimated that $400,000 would be raised in FY14.  We actually raised $489,349.85, therefore the difference will be available when the funds are certified on November 1st.  As of the printing of this report, there is $495,979.67. Remaining FY14 admin funds will also be available November 1st , along with any interest or fees received.  After November 1st , she stated that she will have a better idea of the total available.  In March, we will learn the State’s estimate for FY16.  

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Cornacchio made a motion to approve the minutes of May 13, 2014.  Mr. Boris seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Next Meeting Date

Ms. Guy stated that the next meeting date is scheduled for Monday, November 17, 2014 (public hearing).  She will update the PowerPoint presentation from FY14.

There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Boris seconded the motion; all were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy