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L. CPC MInutes - 5/13/14, Approved
May 13, 2014
A meeting of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) was held on Monday, May 13, 2014 at 6:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Chair Helen Sides, Vice Chair Kevin Cornacchio, Leslie Tuttle, Bart Hoskins, Tim Shea, Mickey Northcutt and Joanne McCrea.  Also present was Jane Guy of the City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development.

Ed Moriarty arrived later in the meeting.

Ms. Guy stated that she needed to correct the estimate for the State’s FY15 match from $92,000 to $100,050 and provided copies of the updated budget.  She asked the Committee to vote on revising their recommendation for the City Council.

Mr. Shea made a motion to recommend the revised FY15 budget to the City Council.  Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion to so carried.

Ms. Guy noted that, as a result, she has some recommended changes to the funding recommendations, which she will discuss later in the meeting.

Public Comment

Ms. Sides opened up the meeting to public comment.

Brett Mentuck of the Salem Community Gardens distributed modifications to their initial application.   She stated that in April they received approval for two 4’ fences and 3 sheds.  Modifications to the CPA application include changing the fencing from 6’ to 4’ and changing from 3 sheds to 2 sheds.  She noted that they will pay for the Mack Park shed from their coffers.  The funding request has changed to $22,000.  She added that they also removed signage from the request.

Ms. Tuttle stated that the she thought the new shed looked darling.

Mr. Moriarty joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Cornacchio asked if there will be locks.

Ms. Mentuck replied in the affirmative and stated that they will be combination locks.

Mr. Northcutt asked if they are expanding the gardens’ footprint.

Ms. Mentuck replied in the negative, stating that they will be the exact footprint.

Ms. Sides noted that Mack Park and Palmer cove will get a 6’ x 8’ shed while Pickman Park will get a 3’ x 6’ shed.

Ms. Guy read a note received from Kara McLaughlin from the House of the Seven Gables, thanking the CPC for its consideration of their application.

Ms. Tuttle made a motion to close public comment.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Review of FY14 Funding Applications Received/Development of Funding Recommendations
- Continued

  • Funding Applications from Salem Community Gardens, Friends of Winter Island and the City of Salem (Fort Pickering)
  • Additional information from 3 applicants
  • Updated application spreadsheet(s)
Ms. Guy provided updated spreadsheets showing the funding awards recommended by the CPC for each project and from which CPA reserve account.  In order to utilize the categorical reserves first, she recommended:
  • Library roof - add $805 to FY15 Historic Resources and subtract $805 from FY14 Budget Reserve
  • Pocket parks - add $805 to FY15 Open Space/Recreation and subtract $805 from FY14 Budget Reserve
  • Congress/Dow Housing -  add $805 to FY15 Affordable Housing
Mr. Shea made a motion to approve the recommended funding changes for the Library Roof and the Pocket Parks.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hoskins made a motion to approve the recommended funding changes for the Congress/Derby Housing project.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.  Mr. Northcutt abstained from voting.

Salem Community Gardens
Disclosure from Ms. Tuttle and Ms. Sides were read into the record.

Ms. Sides stated that it is a great improvement in the height of the fencing and look of the sheds.  She stated that she felt it is a good long term investment for the parks.

Mr. Northcutt stated that he was glad that Park and Recreation approved the improvements.  

Mr. Shea stated that there are issues at Mack Park, and therefore he felt the work is a high priority.

Ms. McCrea, Mr. Northcutt and Ms. Tuttle were in agreement.

Mr. Shea made a motion to rank the application high priority. Mr. Northcutt seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Moriarty stated that he felt 4’ x 4’ CPA signs are too large.

Ms. Sides stated that she is accustomed to this size on job sites.

Mr. Northcutt stated that three 3 signs will be needed for this project.

Mr. Cornacchio suggest 2’ x 3’ for this project.

Mr. Shea made a motion to recommend $22048 plus up to $1000 for three signs up for the Salem Community Gardens project from FY14 Budgeted Reserve under Recreational Land: Rehabilitation/restoration, with the condition that a CPA project sign be installed.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.  Jm 2nd

Winter Island - Fort Pickering - Friends of Winter Island applications

Disclosures from Mr. Moriarty and Ms. Tuttle were read into the record.  Mr. Moriarty left the room.

Ms. Guy stated that CPC members’ questions at the last meeting had to do with what coordination FOWI will have with the City.  She stated that there is a strong recommendation that Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) review specifications for any work proposed at this site because it is an important archaeological site.  Having non-professionals come in and clean shrub could have an effect on erosion of the forts.  The City has done a Master Plan for Winter Island and also has a study for Fort Pickering and Fort Lee.  She noted that the priorities have been identified, but that the City would like to hire a landscape architect.  She stated that FOWI, through John Seger, acknowledges this need.  She stated that they have provided some good information on cost, but noted that the costs range from $30,000 to $120,000 for masonry repair to three structures.

Ms. Sides stated that FOWI has done a great job of bringing the project to the CPC’s attention and recognized their time and research, but felt they are also stumbling on it.   She agreed that a professional is needed, that his done this type of work, and stated that we can’t trust that any mason is qualified to do this type of work and that a layperson can just go in and start yanking away at what has grown into the walls at an archaeological site.  She stated that she applauded their effort, but did not think it is the right way to go about getting the work done.

Ms. Guy noted that being a city site, it will need to go through public bid through the City’s procurement.  It makes sense for the City to oversee it and the first step is to hire someone to do plans and specifications and then have MHC look at it to make sure it meets archaeological requirements.

Ms. Northcutt stated that FOWI does not ultimately have site control.  He stated that the City would at least have to be a joint application.

Ms. Sides stated that it seems like FOWI would be more useful to have fundraising effort to contribute to the project and the city do work.

Ms. McCrea questioned if the city would have to take the low bid.

Ms. Guy replied in the affirmative, but noted that it would be the lowest qualified bid and that the city can set the minimum qualifications needed.

Ms. Guy stated that should the CPC choose not to fund the FOWI application, it does not mean they can’t be included in the project.  The landscape architect can be asked to outline what roll that volunteers can have to participate in the project, such as in a clean-up that includes a plan of what can be removed.

Mr. Cornacchio and Ms. Tuttle were in agreement.

Mr. Shea stated that it sounds like FOWI has been talking with the city and that it would not be a surprise in the way we are heading.

Ms. Guy stated that if the CPC recommends funds for Fort Pickering to prepare plans and specifications and to undertake the first phase of a larger phased project, she believes that FOWI will be thrilled that funds are going into the Winter Island, especially if they are invited to participate in some way.  She stated that she thought there would be great disappointment if no funds are recommended, but that it would not be disappointing having the city taking it on and having funds set aside.  She acknowledged that the timeliness may be as quick as desired, due to the step needed to prepare plans and specifications.

Mr. Hoskins stated that he felt it would be good if CPC could give this a push and vote on funding sufficient for the city to take a bigger bite than just the plans and specifications.  He stated he would hate to have a landscape architect prepare a plan and then it sits and languishes.

Ms. Guy stated that the City is asking for money for both a landscape architect and to take it to the next step and do the first phase, which may be the masonry walls.

Mr. Hoskins suggested that the city include in first phase that there will be at least one volunteer day to do clean up.  That way the FOWI desire to be part of the process is folded in.

Mr. Shea asked, once the plan is completed, the decision to use the $75,000 on certain aspects of the plan will be made by whom.

Ms. Guy stated that the CPC could ask the City to come back and review it with the CPC, or the CPC can leave it up to the results of the plan.  

Mr. Shea stated he was not suggesting that the CPC take on that responsibility, but wanted to understand who makes the decision.

Ms. Guy stated that the plan would come out of the Department of Planning and Community Development through approval by the Mayor, unless the CPC wants to add their review and approval before the next phase proceeds.

Ms. Sides felt if the CPC is recommended the spending, it should be responsible for reviewing it.
Ms. Guy suggested a vote on the FOWI application first before discussing the City application.

Mr. Hoskins stated that if funding the FOWI proposal, they would have to work through the city and go through all the same steps.

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to not recommend the FOWI application for funding.
Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion.  All were in favor, but Mr. Shea who abstained from voting.  The motion so carried.

Mr. Moriarty rejoined the meeting.

Winter Island - Fort Pickering - City of Salem applications

Ms. Guy stated that Kathy Winn provided a letter and stated that this would be a two phase project to begin work, including having a landscape architect develop plans and specifications which would be reviewed by MHC, to make sure nothing would be done to affect the integrity of the earth forts.  She stated that there is a lot more work than the funding request will cover.

Ms. Tuttle stated that Winter Island is definitely in the Winter Island Master Plan and that it is definitely a high priority.  She stated that Winter Island should look like Fort Sewall in Marblehead.  It is a very historic fort in very bad condition.

Mr. Northcutt made a motion to recommend $90,000 for Fort Pickering from FY14 Budgeted Reserve under Historic Resources: Rehabilitation/Restoration, with the condition that a CPA project sign be installed and with the recommendation that the plan include phases that includes coordinating opportunities for volunteers to participate in the less skilled parts of work.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Review of draft CPA sign design

Ms. Guy provided a draft design for CPA signage and asked the CPC members if they liked the “Salem CPA in Action!” title, if there should be more than one size and which color is preferred.  She provided a sample of the specification used for Salem Common and suggested that the CPC use admin funds to pay for a similar specification.  She noted that a QR code has been added to the sign, which would bring a smart phone right to the CPC’s webpage.

Mr. Moriarty stated that he did not like exclamation point.

Ms. Tuttle preferred changing the title to “Salem CPA at Work”.  She questioned having the  Mayor’s name in the Building Salem logo, noting that if the signs are to be reused, the Mayor may not always be the same.

Mr. Northcutt stated that the including the Mayor’s name is pretty standard.

Mr. Moriarty was in agreement.  He stated that he preferred the red.

Mr. Moriarty made a motion to approve two sizes of sings 4’ x 4’ and 18” x 24”, in red stating Salem CPA at Work.  Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion; all were in favor except Ms. McCrea who abstained.   The motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Guy asked the CPC if she could order envelopes.
Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the purchase of envelopes.  Mr. Northcutt seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Review of Determination of Eligibility Application’s (DOE) Received
There were no applications received.
Year-To-Date Budget Report
Ms. Guy provided copies of the year-to-date budget report.

Next Steps
Ms. Guy stated that the next steps include:
  • The FY15 CPA budget will go to the City Council on May 22nd.
  • Preparation of a presentation of the funding recommendations and submission to the City Council.
  • Preparation of funding agreements for North Shore CDC and Salem Community Gardens
  • Sign purchase
Ms. Guy stated that she may need to have a sign specification prepared.

Mr. Cornacchio made a motion to allow the cost to prepare a sign specification to be taken from the admin budget.  Ms. Tuttle seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Approval of Minutes

Ms. Tuttle made a motion to approve the minutes of April 8, 2014.  Mr. Moriarty seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Moriarty made a motion to approve the minutes of April 14th, 2014 as amended.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Next Meeting Date

Ms. Guy stated that the next meeting date is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 2014.

There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Cornacchio seconded the motion; all were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy