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2012 January Minutes draft
Salem Council on Aging

Minutes of the regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012, 6:30 p.m., at the Senior Center, 5 Broad St., Salem, Mass.

Board of Directors
Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Julie Carver (JC), Alice Williams (AW), Jerry Ryan (JR, new City Council Liaison to the COA)
Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Pamela Greaves (PG)
Also Present:  Doug Bollen (DB), Bill Woolley (BW), Sharon Kearney (Secretary)
1. Minutes of previous meeting: Vote to waive the reading of and accept the minutes of the previous meeting, held Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011.

PD: Makes a motion to waive reading and accept the minutes of the previous meeting of Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011.

EH: Seconds motion.
VOTE: Unanimously approved.

2. Comments/recommendations of the Chairperson – Welcome to everyone and introduction of City Council Liaison

PD:  Welcome to the new liaison, Jerry Ryan, Councilor of Ward 4. Thank you to Joan Lovely for her prior service in that role.

3.  Report of the Executive Director/ Assistant Director

Update New Community Life Center
DB: We had been working with an interior designer, Elaine Bello. If anyone wants to see the designs for the building, I can bring them to a future meeting.  After speaking with (Mayor’s Chief of Staff) Jason Silva today, I learned the biggest issue holding things up is federal prevailing wages laws, since the funding was supposed to come through the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban development.  Those requirement will raise the cost about 30 percent over the $4.75 million cost first anticipated. Jason said they are still hoping for a spring groundbreaking.

JR:  One of the things being considered is going before the City Council and bonding the project for $5 million. That would not require the city to do the prevailing wage.  

Purchase of repeater and antennae for hospital roof.
BW:  We have a new repeater on the top of the hospital.  A new antennae wasn’t necessary. We are completely digital and completely in compliance ahead of new FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulations requiring a narrowband frequencies to be used by Jan. 1, 2013.  There is a congressman trying to push legislation to get the FCC to extend the deadline for narrowband regulations but, so far, the FCC is refusing to extend the deadlines. Our new FCC license will be valid until 2021.

Rename the Newsletter Contest
DB:  Some entries are:
“Council Secrets”
SCOA Newsletter”
“Salem Sun”
“Witch City Reporter”
“Elder Advantage”
“Broad Street Bulletin.” Then when we move it can be changed to “Bridge Street Bulletin” or “Boston Street Bulletin.”
“Around Town”
“The Spirit of Salem”
“Senior News”

Board members did not recommend any of the current entries and agreed to extend the contest deadline.

Attendance Report: Transportation, Social Services and Nutrition Attendance

2010-2011 November Statistics Attendance Report - Transportation, Social Services & Nutrition attendance reported
November 2010
November 2011
Joined Council on Aging
Social Services - Over 60
338 served
467 times
268 served
555 times
Social Services - Under 60
17 served 30 times
10 served 22 times
Meals (Congregate)
Meals on Wheels
2010-2011 December Statistics Attendance Report - Transportation, Social Services & Nutrition attendance reported
December 2010
December 2011
Joined Council on Aging
Social Services - Over 61
326 served
433 times
199 served
415 times
Social Services - Under 61
18 served 21 times
18 served 32 times
Meals (Congregate)
Meals on Wheels
PD: Is it one van that delivers the meals or more then one?

DB: We have drivers that do it out of there personal cars and they get paid gas money.  There are four of them.  It is a part time job.  They get paid gas money instead of actually getting paid.

JR: Do you think when we move to the new senior center the numbers will go up?

DB:  Yes, Elaine Bello said a new building typically triples attendance.

PD:  I think younger senior citizens are looking forward to having a new place that is more modern and up-to-date.

Announcement of Submission to Mayor and City Council of new Board member
DB:  Loretta Carroll was recommended for mayoral appointment to the COA board. The City Council will welcome her during its meeting of January 26. Ms. Carroll is a participant at the Senior Center and a volunteer for the COA. We are still looking to add another member to the board, which should have nine.

Announcement of new van driver and update on new van situation
DB:  We hired a new van driver, Fred Mangini, of Salem. We are up to full staffing for van drivers. We are supposed to be receiving a new van this month. We have obtained three new vans for the COA over the past three years. The City is responsible for paying 20 percent of the cost and the Friends of the Salem COA group has agreed to pay that portion(approximately $12,000). It’s a very generous donation from the Friends.

BW:  A request for proposals for Service Incentive Grants was sent out by Executive Office of Elder Affairs two weeks ago.  They are limited.  I am applying for $3,000 to get a simultaneous interpretation system so when presentations are given in English an interpreter can interpret into a microphone to audience members wearing headsets. With this equipment there can be a simultaneous interpretation in any language.

PD:  You’ve done a great job on welcome Spanish elders to the Council of Aging. Do you think there is any kind of a need English classes to help them?

BW:  We have already done that with interns from Salem State College. The last person we had was ESL-certified so she could also teach a couple of Albanian people.  Also, some English-only senior citizens have expressed interest in learning Spanish so I may start teaching a couple of classes a week.

Activities: Update on Programs and Special events coming up
·       In December, we hosted the Carmen Thompson Variety Show, our biggest show of the year. About a hundred people attended. We showcase all the activities we have, including tap dancing, ballroom dancing and line dancing. Charlie and Joe Walsh emceed the event, which will be shown on SATV.
·       Sixty five seniors attended the holiday party December 14.
·       We had few holiday concerts at the Senior Center, performed by students from Collins Middle and the Bowditch School.
·       On January 5 we had a New Years Party.
·       We hosted a Blue Cross/Blue Shield presentation, a “Countdown to 65” program, and a home energy and water conservation presentation.
·       We host a trip to the Black Cat Café at Salem High School every month.
·       A comedy night will be held February 13.
·       A fiesta will be held February 16.
·       A trip to the Witch Museum has been scheduled, as well as a presentation by the Salem Fire Department.

DB:  Thanks to the groups that made donations for the COA:
·       The Essex Masonic Lodge donated $1,000 in Market Basket gift cards. They were distributed to seniors who needed them.
·       Robbie George, from North Shore Carting, donated 11 poinsettias in the name of the City Councilors.
·       Moose Lodge for the meals they do every year.
·       Ward Two Social Club for the senior dinner on December 4.
·       Mike Phelan $500 donation from the family at the Willows.

Frank and Nancy Clocher and Carole Isaacson were honored by the RSVP Volunteers of the North Shore for having logged 500 hours of volunteer service during the past year.    

For the Thanksgiving Day road race there were 1,604 registrations. There were more than 60 runners over 60 years of age who participated.  The oldest was 79.

4.  Treasurer’s Report Update on budget and accounts
DB:  The donations account reflects $160,000 from the estate of Irene Willey, who donated proceeds from the sale of her house.  
DB:  A group of volunteers through AARP will offer tax preparation assistance for seniors, starting February 2. Also, Sandy George is maintaining a list of senior citizens who are interested in having snow shoveled at their homes, if the need arises.

5. and 6. Committee and New Business

PD:  None.  

7. Visitor Comments

PD: None.

8. Next Board Meeting

PD: The next COA board meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012.

AW: Cannot attend

JC:  Cannot attend

9. Vote to Adjourn

PD: Makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.

EH: Seconds motion

VOTE: Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourns at 7:35 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney.