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2011 November Draft minutes
DRAFT Minutes
Salem Council on Aging

Minutes of the Annual and Regular meetings on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 6:30 p.m., at the Senior Center, 5 Broad St., Salem, Massachusetts.

Board of Directors
Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Julie Carver (JC), Alice Williams (AW)
Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Pamela Greaves (PG), Joan Lovley (JL, City Council Liaison)
Also Present:  Doug Bollen (DB), Bill Woolley (BW), Sharon Kearney (Secretary)

PD: Reconvened the Annual Meeting for election of officers. The slate of nominations was: Elaine Heredeen for Vice Chair, Donna Clifford for Secretary and Dolores Nangle for Treasurer.
VOTE: Unanimously approved.
PD: Adjourned the Annual Meeting and called to order the Regular Meeting at 6:32 p.m.

Board of Directors
Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Julie Carver (JC), Alice Williams (AW), Joan Lovley (JL, City Council Liaison)
Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Pamela Greaves (PG),
Also Present:  Doug Bollen (DB), Bill Woolley (BW), Roselyn Brown (Visitor), Sharon Kearney (Secretary)
PD: Makes a motion to waive reading of the minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, October 19, 2011.
EH: Seconds motion.
VOTE:  Unanimously approved.

·       A reminder for the new and current board members to make sure they have a copy and read the Bylaws, the Transportation Policy and the Standards of Independence and Behavior.
·       If you are going to miss a meeting, please notify prior to the meeting. After three missed meetings, we should ask if the person wants to step down.

DB:  Bill Woolley will present a slide show from a ceremony at the Senior Center on Nov. 6, in which the Salem COA was honored by the Hispanic community for its outreach effort on behalf of Spanish-speaking senior citizens.

Jose Mendez, a representative from the Bolivian Dominican Union of Journalists, came up from the Dominican Republic for this event, which was attended by about 70 people, mostly Dominicans. The ceremony was emceed by Fay Ventouris, one of our three Spanish-language interns from Salem State University at the Senior Center this semester. Mayor Kimberley Driscoll also spoke.
Mendez presented the Council on Aging with a portrait of the founding Father of the Dominican Republic, Juan Pablo Duarte. hey also donated a collection of 30 to 35 books to the library.  Nancy Tracy, Library Director, accepted the books on behalf of the library.

·       Notes that building design consultant Elaine Bello recently told him the DEP was going to waive Chapter 91 requirements for a new community life center, which would accommodate the COA, but said nothing was in writing yet so it is unoffical.
·       At the recent Friends of the Salem COA meeting I attended with PD and COA Transportation Coordinator Amy Walsh. We are still waiting for the decision on our application for federal funds to help purchase a new van. The City would be required to pay 20 percent of the total cost, or about $11,000. The Friends voted to approved to pay that sum.  
·       The Friends recently approved covering the entire cost of a new $368 commercial coffee maker. They are also considering requests to cover the cost of a new portable speaker’s podium, new computers for our computer lab, and some programs and activities.  
·       Reads a letter from Mike Fallon of Bayview Avenue, who wanted to express appreciation for COA-provided rides for his father. He donated $500 to the transportation department. Another letter came from Linda Carvalaro, Nurse Manager of The Birthplace at Salem Hospital, thanking the COA quilting group for a donation of eleven baby quilts.   
·       Noted that a contest will be held during the month of December to update the name of the monthly COA newsletter from “Senior Power.” Suggestions will be accepted and, a contest held to pick a winning entry. Suggested the COA Board be the final judges,
·       Statistics

COA Comparative Statistics for October 2010, 2011
New Members
October 2010
October 2011
October 2010
October 2011
October 2010
October 2011
HDM 2,016 Cong-589
HDM 2,260 Cong-595
October 2010
October 2011
Dup – 1,429
Dup- 1,520
Social Services
October 2010
October 2011
60 years and older:
287 serviced 397 times
60 years and older:
234 serviced 444 times
Under 60 years:
13 serviced 20 times

Under 60 years:
18 serviced 34 times

·       The Northeast Radio Company has purchased a repeater and antennae for the top of Salem Hospital so we can go completely digital with our transportation communication. We’re hoping to get it installed this month, as weather allows. If so, we will have beaten the FCC deadline for going completely narrowband by more than a year.  
·       We have two South Koreans women who are English language learners from Salem State University, working with senior citizens on a Thousand Paper Cranes project as a symbolic way to promote world peace.

People ask us if they can come to the Senior Center and do presentations. Some represent for-profits and some represent non-profits. We’ve never had a policy on it who to allow to make presentations.  

BW:  I’m leaning toward allowing them to give people their card or brochure.  But, not to transact any business on site. We need policies so Activity Coordinator Meghan Murtagh can make decisions as to who to allow and what guidelines they have to follow.

·       Thursday, Dec. 1, is the date for the Carmen Thompson Variety Show. Every activity we have here does a presentation. The theme will be the ’40s and ’50s.
·       Budget report: We have a bequest, from Irene Willey, of $169,134.47. It was put into the COA donation account and is not going to be touched. Our budget is in good shape.

·       Notes no committee reports and no new business.
·       Next board meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011.

EH: Makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.

AW: Seconds the motion.

VOTE: Unanimously approved.

Regular meeting adjourns at 7:40 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney.