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2010 Dec
Salem Council on Aging
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Parks and Recreation Dept., 5 Broad St.
Members Present:        Chairwoman Pat Donahue, Dolores Nangle, Pamela Greaves,  Elaine Heredeen, Alice Williams, Donna Clifford
Others Present: Doug Bollen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, Teasie Riley-Goggin, Sandy George,  Various members of Friends of COA , Andy LaPointe, Denis Coleman, and Pat LaBertie, staff member Sandy George
Members Absent: Domingo Alvarez, Joan Lovely, Jane Sarnowski
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chairwoman Donahue calls the meeting to order at 6:40PM, following the Annual Meeting.


Minutes from the November 17, 2010 meeting are reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes is made by Elaine, seconded by Dolores and all are in favor.

PD says she could not present the letter mentioned at the last meeting to the Friends as their meeting was cancelled; she would still like to resolve who is on NS Elders Board as in its bylaws the COA must elect someone annually.  If this has/is changed, she wants to know so they can strike that.  The bylaws should reflect what actually happens (which is that the Mayor appoints Board members). Pat would like one of them to come to meetings occasionally.  Also she would like to remind Bollen to strike James Willis’ name from the letter; it was deleted from the Board.  

Doug Bollen reports.  

He will do a double report at the next meeting to keep this one brief.  He thanks all the staff at Parks and Rec.  as well as members of the Friends group who are present.  COA Staff member Sandy George is commended for all her work at the COA and for her work managing Winter Island in the absence of a formal manager being hired thus far.  

He mentions that there could be upcoming cuts to the state budget which may affect local aid and the Department.  Pat LaBertie  of the Friends group outlines what was discussed at the last meeting – that anyone looking for donation from the Friends will have to go before the COA first; people had been coming directly to the Friends so this will be a new procedure for transferring funds.   The Friends group is meant to help the COA; other groups sometimes ask for money so they changed the bylaws to say that Friends will only donate money to the COA; they must be approved by the COA if other groups want funding.  

Pat Donahue was at the last meeting and reported to the COA that that is how it will be done.  She asks if she or Doug would present the letter; as long as the request is done through Doug, then he delegates it, that’s fine.  One of the Friends members also thanks Pat for being so active on COA.  The letter to approve the files of Life program  will be addressed next month at the Friends meeting.  Pat will present the official letter at the next meeting.  

Pam Greaves thanks Doug for his involvement too.  Andy LaPointe of the Friends member confirms that COA has knowledge of the CBDG block grant for Project Lifesaver that has been approved. He states the COA and the Commission on Disabilities will save lives together; the Friends approved $1500 so there is $4500 total available for those who can’t afford the program

All of the above and below are to be discussed at the next meeting.





8.  NEXT BOARD MEETING will be on Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A motion to adjourn is made by Pat, seconded by Donna, and passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 6:55PM.  

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Council on Aging