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2009 Nov minutes
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors


Minutes from meeting of Nov. 18, 2009

Meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Donahue, at 6:33 p.m.

Roll call
Present: Pat Donahue (chair, PD), Elaine Heredeen (treasurer; EH), Dolores Nangle (DN), Domingo Alvarez (DA), James Willis (JW), Alice Williams (AW), Joan Lovely (City Council liaison to the COA).

Absent: Donna Clifford, Jane Sarnowski, Pam Greaves

EH: Makes a motion to dispense with a reading of the minutes from the monthly meeting of Oct. 21, 2009, and to accept them; seconded by DN; unanimously approved.

·       The December board meeting will include nominations of officers by the Nominating Subcommittee and a social time. Board members should also review, for discussion, the COA Bylaws, Standards of Independence and Behavior, Conflict of Interests Advisory from the State Ethic Commission documents outlining board members’ responsibilities, and Roberts Rules of Order.
·       Welcomes Alice Williams as a new COA board member.
·       EH and I met to discuss the Conflict of Interests Advisory from the State Ethic Commission and didn’t find anything that would affect the Council on Aging.
·       Asks COA Director Doug Bollen (DB) to present his monthly report.

DB: (Displays two large architects’ renderings of the new facility proposed for construction at the corner of Boston and Bridge streets.)

JW: What stage are we at in terms of usage of the building and parking spaces by the Council on Aging?

JL: There is nothing on that matter yet. The City’s Planning Department gave me a copy of a Powerpoint presentation of a feasibility study for the reuse of the 5 Broad Street building. (Will distribute a digital copy for dissemination to board members.)

PD: The feasibility study, presented at an earlier public hearing hosted by the Planning Department, was very detailed. I thought it was interesting to see what neighbors of 5 Broad Street were thinking.

·       (Distributed folder of documents to board members.) We’re giving board members a lot of information, including the annual report for the entire (Park, Recreation & Community Services) department. We’re required to turn them in to the City Clerk’s office every year.
·       A retirement party was given for Ellen Kennedy, retiring after 10 years of service to the COA, most recently as nutrition program coordinator. Kennedy was presented with a plaque.
·       Pam Greaves was confirmed by the City Council as a new member of the COA board, but did not come to this meeting because she was under the impression that her term would start at the beginning of the calendar year. She will, however, attend the December COA meeting.
·       The snow-shoveling program for senior citizens has been revived, for the winter, by Sandy George.
·       Seventeen people have completed the Senior Citizen Volunteer Property Tax Workoff Program for 2009, and two are currently serving the city in a volunteer capacity. There is a limit of 25 participants per year, but is there a way to expand the program?

JL: I’m not sure what the City’s limit on expanding the program would be.

DB: Donations of $3,000 have been received for implementation of Project Lifesaver in Salem. The program equips people with an electronically traceable bracelet if they are considered prone to wander and become disoriented. We are looking into starting a donation account to administer the program on an ongoing basis. The cost, per individual, is $190 for initial signup, and $30 per month thereafter.

PD: That seems pricey. Is there a certain number of participants yet?

·       No. People still need to be trained and individuals’ eligibility determined. COA Assistant Director Bill Woolley will be applying for a Community Development Block Grant to financially support the participation of people in need. The Salem Police Department and the COA’s social services staff will be involved in administering the program.
·       Two COA passenger vans may have to be taken off the road by next spring, due to deteriorating conditions. A new van is expected from North Shore Elder Services in February. Bill Woolley will lobby the NSES advisory board, next week, for purchase of a second van. The COA is also trying to secure $70,000 pledged through the office of U.S. Cong. John F. Tierney, for the purchase of vans. There is a possibility of ending up with four new vans.
·       The COA’s state Formula Grant was not cut during recent budget cuts by Gov. Deval Patrick.
·       North Shore Elder Services recently cut the COA’s meals program budget by $6,400, but transportation funding was not scaled back.
·       John Boris has said he would like to start attending some COA board meetings. He is the COA’s liaison to North Shore Elder Services.
·       The City’s Planning Department will be hosting a meeting on the City of Salem’s five-year Consolidated Plan and one year Acton Plan on Friday, November 20 at 10:30am.
·       The City Planning Department’s next meeting on reuse of the 5 Broad Street property will be Wednesday, Dec 9, 6:00 pm, at the 120 Washington St

PD: Is that a public meeting? I didn’t see a date and time in the newspaper.

·       Yes, the meeting will be public.
·       The City will host customer service training sessions next week. All employees of the COA, with the exception of one or two, will be able to attend.
·       The Ward 2 Social Club hosted a nice luncheon for senior citizens of Salem on Sunday, Nov. 1. A thank-you note from me, along with pictures, were published in the Salem Gazette.
·       Recent programs (past and future) include: 12 packages of donated items for servicemen and women were distributed to Operation Troop Support in Danvers and to the grandson of a senior citizen (Rita Downing); the Brookhouse Home held a luncheon for senior citizens at the Senior Center and approximately 25 people attended; Salem High School will be serving 100 senior citizens through its culinary arts program; the annual Carmen Thompson Variety Show will be Thursday, Dec. 3, 5-8 p.m., with emcees John and Charlie Walsh; a trip to the Christmas Tree Shop in Lynnfield will be Tuesday, Dec. 8; a candlelight remembrance program will be Thursday, Dec. 10.
·       Statistics for transportation: 1,230 rides provided in Oct. 2008; 1,318 in Oct. 2009.
·       Statistics for social services: 283 people 60 years of age and older were served 409 times in Oct. 2009; 19 people under the age of 60 were served 33 times in Oct. 2009.
·       Statistics for home-delivered meals: 2,455 provided in Oct. 2008; 1,923 provided in Oct. 2009, continuing a trend of decreases.
·       Statistics for congregate meals: 316 served in Oct. 2008; 320 served in Oct. 2009. We have a new food vendor that provides better meals.

DN: The food is better and smells better.

DB: The Moose Lodge will serve turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day at its Family Center. In 2008, 55 meals were served; 87 have already signed up for this year. The Moose delivered 62 meals to seniors’ homes last year; 110 have requested meals this year.

JL: Dismisses herself to attend another City meeting.

PD: It is nice to see Domingo Alvarez and James Willis back. (Opens meeting for public comment.)

Dr. Miltiades Vorgeas, 33 Pickman Road: Asks COA board members to read documents previously submitted to the City Council in regard to the suitability of the Boston and Bridge street site for a new COA facility. The new building will not be a senior center with all the necessary ramps and rails, and the newspapers should pick up on that. Boston and Bridge street is the worst location for traffic gridlock I have ever seen in my life. It is not a good location, in terms of health.

PD: We would be happy to read the documents.

DB: (Passes out documents from Dr. Vorgeas to COA board members.)

PD: Thanks to other visitors for attending.

Teasie Riley-Goggin, 9 Wisteria St.: You are doing a wonderful job with the COA board, Pat.

PD: Acknowledges comment.

EH: Makes motion to adjourn meeting.

DN: Seconds motion to adjourn meeting.

Passed unanimously.

PD: Adjourns meeting at 7:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Woolley, having taken minutes at the request of COA board. Paraphrases used, when not indicated by quotation marks.